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Q519202 Inglês
What is malnutrition?

    A malnourished person finds that their body has difficulty doing normal things such as growing and resisting disease. Physical work becomes problematic and even learning abilities can be diminished. For women, pregnancy becomes risky and they cannot be sure of producing nourishing breast milk.

   When a person is not getting enough food or not getting the right sort of food, malnutrition is just around the corner. Even if people get enough to eat, they will become malnourished if the food they eat does not provide the proper amounts of micronutrients – vitamins and minerals – to meet daily nutritional requirements.

   Disease and malnutrition are closely linked. Sometimes disease is the result of malnutrition, sometimes it is a contributing cause. In fact, malnutrition is the largest single contributor to disease in the world, according to the UN's Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN).

Window of opportunity

The first two years of life are a critical “window of opportunity”. In this period it is possible to prevent the largely irreversible damage that follows early childhood undernutrition. WFP's operations routinely focus on the earliest phase of life, i.e. from conception (-9 months) to 24 months of age. We try to ensure under-twos receive the vitamins and minerals they need.

   There are two sides to eliminating malnutrition: sustaining the quality and quantity of food a person eats and ensuring adequate health care and a healthy environment.
Choose the alternative that presents the synonym of the noun “malnourishment".
Q519201 Inglês
What is malnutrition?

    A malnourished person finds that their body has difficulty doing normal things such as growing and resisting disease. Physical work becomes problematic and even learning abilities can be diminished. For women, pregnancy becomes risky and they cannot be sure of producing nourishing breast milk.

   When a person is not getting enough food or not getting the right sort of food, malnutrition is just around the corner. Even if people get enough to eat, they will become malnourished if the food they eat does not provide the proper amounts of micronutrients – vitamins and minerals – to meet daily nutritional requirements.

   Disease and malnutrition are closely linked. Sometimes disease is the result of malnutrition, sometimes it is a contributing cause. In fact, malnutrition is the largest single contributor to disease in the world, according to the UN's Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN).

Window of opportunity

The first two years of life are a critical “window of opportunity”. In this period it is possible to prevent the largely irreversible damage that follows early childhood undernutrition. WFP's operations routinely focus on the earliest phase of life, i.e. from conception (-9 months) to 24 months of age. We try to ensure under-twos receive the vitamins and minerals they need.

   There are two sides to eliminating malnutrition: sustaining the quality and quantity of food a person eats and ensuring adequate health care and a healthy environment.
According to the text, malnutrition can affect
Q353170 Raciocínio Lógico
Considere que, durante uma discussão entre dois servidores de determinado órgão acerca da regularidade da prestação de contas de um convênio, tenham surgido as seguintes colocações:

●C1: Se nós aprovarmos a prestação de contas, mas o tribunal a rejeitar, nós seremos obrigados a instaurar a TCE.

●C2: Se nós rejeitarmos a prestação de contas, mas o tribunal a aprovar, nós seremos obrigados a cancelar a TCE.
Considerando as sentenças acima e que “não aprovar” seja equivalente a “rejeitar”, julgue o próximo item.

Se as proposições C1 e C2 forem verdadeiras, então a proposição “Seremos obrigados a instaurar ou a cancelar a TCE” também será verdadeira.

Q353169 Raciocínio Lógico
Considere que, durante uma discussão entre dois servidores de determinado órgão acerca da regularidade da prestação de contas de um convênio, tenham surgido as seguintes colocações:

●C1: Se nós aprovarmos a prestação de contas, mas o tribunal a rejeitar, nós seremos obrigados a instaurar a TCE.

●C2: Se nós rejeitarmos a prestação de contas, mas o tribunal a aprovar, nós seremos obrigados a cancelar a TCE.

Considerando as sentenças acima e que “não aprovar” seja equivalente a “rejeitar”, julgue os próximos itens.

Se as proposições “O tribunal rejeita a prestação de contas” e “Seremos obrigados a instaurar a TCE” forem verdadeiras, então a proposição C1 será verdadeira, independentemente do valor lógico da proposição “Nós aprovamos a prestação de contas”.

Q353155 Direito Administrativo
Julgue os itens a seguir com relação aos atos administrativos, ao processo administrativo e aos poderes administrativos.

Considere que um servidor tenha sido demitido do serviço público por meio de ato de autoridade incompetente. Nessa situação, o ato administrativo poderá ser invalidado tanto pela administração como pelo Poder Judiciário.
116: E
117: E
118: E
119: C
120: C