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Considere que em cada célula da matriz de ganhos de um jogo hipotético, mostrada na tabela abaixo, o primeiro e o segundo número correspondem, respectivamente, ao ganho do jogador A e ao ganho do jogador B. Nessa situação, é correto afirmar que o par 1, 3 constitui o equilíbrio de Nash.
Se o retorno da loteria for igual a 16, com probabilidade igual a 1/2 , e o lucro for igual a 4, com probabilidade igual a 1/2 , o equivalente certo do agente sobre a loteria será igual a 8.
O coeficiente de aversão absoluta ao risco é igual a 0,1.
A verificação da normalidade dos dados pode ser feita mediante um gráfico de barras. Como a altura de cada barra é determinada pela frequência relativa do intervalo de classe, identifica-se a normalidade dos dados caso esse gráfico apresente aspecto simétrico em torno da média, da moda e da mediana.
A variância da estimativa da média foi inferior a 1.000.
Ao BACEN, integrante da administração pública centralizada, é vedado comprar e vender títulos de emissão do Tesouro Nacional.
In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance, most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Internet: < > (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance, most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Internet: < > (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance, most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Internet: < > (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance, most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Internet: < > (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
In light of increased public awareness, professional bodies such as the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) have undertaken a number of steps to provide guidance in the implementation of effective IT governance. The approach taken by ISACA appears to be largely based upon two concepts. The first concept relates to increasing the awareness of issues and concepts relating to IT governance in the public domain. The second concept involves the provision of guidelines and the identification of best-practice IT governance mechanisms. Interestingly, the effectiveness of these best-practice mechanisms in improving IT governance is largely based upon conceptual arguments. As such, it becomes important to ascertain if these best-practice mechanisms do impact upon the level of IT governance.
As IT escalates in terms of importance and pervasiveness in the operations of firms, it is inexorably tied to specific mechanisms that are prescribed for good corporate governance, most notably, a sound system of internal controls. Accordingly, effective IT governance is a critical underpinning for a system of good corporate governance that minimizes agency losses for a firm.
Internet: < > (adapted).
Based on the text above, judge the following item.
Clarice Lispector. O escrito. In: A descoberta do mundo. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2008.
Considerando as ideias e os aspectos linguísticos do texto acima, julgue o item seguinte.
Clarice Lispector. O escrito. In: A descoberta do mundo. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 2008.
Considerando as ideias e os aspectos linguísticos do texto acima, julgue o item seguinte.
Machado de Assis. Teoria do medalhão. In: Obra completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1994, v. II (com adaptações).
No que se refere à linguagem, à tipologia textual, às ideias e aos aspectos gramaticais do texto ao lado — Teoria do Medalhão, de Machado de Assis —, julgue o item a seguir.
Machado de Assis. Teoria do medalhão. In: Obra completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1994, v. II (com adaptações).
No que se refere à linguagem, à tipologia textual, às ideias e aos aspectos gramaticais do texto ao lado — Teoria do Medalhão, de Machado de Assis —, julgue o item a seguir.
Machado de Assis. Teoria do medalhão. In: Obra completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1994, v. II (com adaptações).
No que se refere à linguagem, à tipologia textual, às ideias e aos aspectos gramaticais do texto ao lado — Teoria do Medalhão, de Machado de Assis —, julgue o item a seguir.
Machado de Assis. Teoria do medalhão. In: Obra completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1994, v. II (com adaptações).
No que se refere à linguagem, à tipologia textual, às ideias e aos aspectos gramaticais do texto ao lado — Teoria do Medalhão, de Machado de Assis —, julgue o item a seguir.
Machado de Assis. Teoria do medalhão. In: Obra completa. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Aguilar, 1994, v. II (com adaptações).
No que se refere à linguagem, à tipologia textual, às ideias e aos aspectos gramaticais do texto ao lado — Teoria do Medalhão, de Machado de Assis —, julgue o item a seguir.
Se uma professora concursada, ao ministrar aula em uma escola pública, for ferida por um tiro disparado por um aluno, a responsabilidade do Estado pelo dano causado à professora será objetiva.
Para que se configure a responsabilidade objetiva do Estado, é necessário que o ato praticado seja ilícito.