Questões de Concurso Comentadas para analista - desenvolvimento de sistemas

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Q43305 Inglês
One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical
reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial
preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be
published and distributed and presentation material organized and
made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by
presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
The reviewers should read the material, attend the
presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many
reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a
substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing
documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example,
a system design review for one module or unit can require 150
labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very
large error in resource and schedule estimation.
Many projects include risk assessment and risk
management as a key part of the planning process and expect the
plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to
quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure
and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.

A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering
fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Large projects demand patient learning to go through it.
Q43304 Inglês
One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical
reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial
preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be
published and distributed and presentation material organized and
made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by
presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
The reviewers should read the material, attend the
presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many
reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a
substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing
documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example,
a system design review for one module or unit can require 150
labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very
large error in resource and schedule estimation.
Many projects include risk assessment and risk
management as a key part of the planning process and expect the
plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to
quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure
and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.

A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering
fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The reviewers must read and rewrite the material while being present in the meetings.
Q913552 Direito Administrativo

Determinado edital de licitação, elaborado com base no Regime Diferenciado de Contratações Públicas (RDC), dispôs que seria observado, na execução indireta de obras de engenharia, o regime de contratação integrada.

Considerando a sistemática prevista na Lei nº 12.462/11, o referido regime de contratação

Q913551 Direito Administrativo

A Administração Pública divulgou edital de licitação, na modalidade de pregão, no qual pretendia adquirir componentes eletrônicos de alta tecnologia, a serem confeccionados consoante as especificidades indicadas no edital. Para evitar a participação de sociedades empresárias que não preenchessem os requisitos exigidos, foi estatuído que a habilitação dos pretendentes iria anteceder à sessão de entrega dos envelopes contendo as propostas.

À luz da sistemática estatuída pela Lei nº 10.520/02, assinale a opção que indica a irregularidade da narrativa acima.

Q43365 Engenharia de Software
Com referência às áreas da engenharia de software, julgue os
itens que seguem.
O Swebok é um documento de referência em engenharia de software, organizado pelo IEEE e pela ACM, contendo um conjunto de conhecimentos dividido em 5 áreas e suas respectivas 6 subáreas.
Q1966308 Programação

Acerca de JWT, julgue o próximo item. 

JWT possibilita transmitir objetos JSON de forma segura porque utiliza algoritmo de criptografia no header. 

313: C
314: E
315: B
316: A
317: E
318: C