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Q188345 Física
Uma instalação hidráulica deve ser construída para transportar 0,015 m3 /s de água (massa específica = 1 000 kg/m3 ) entre dois tanques, distantes 100 m um do outro, através de uma tubulação com 100 mm de diâmetro, conforme a figura abaixo.

Imagem 070.jpg

Nas condições do sistema, o fator de atrito de Darcy correspondente ao escoamento pode ser estimado como 0,02. Considerando-se a aceleração da gravidade como 10 m/s2 , a relação entre o comprimento e o diâmetro da circunferência (p) como 3 e desprezando-se as perdas de carga localizadas, a potência mínima de uma bomba, com eficiência de 75%, necessária para essa instalação é aproximadamente igual a
Q188339 Engenharia Química e Química Industrial
Uma torre absorvedora com 2 metros de altura de leito recheado realiza uma separação correspondente a 5 estágios de equilíbrio. Nessa condição, o HETP desse leito recheado será
Q187588 Química
A menor temperatura na qual um líquido libera vapor em quantidade suficiente para formar uma mistura inflamável é denominada
Q181795 Raciocínio Lógico
Três irmãs brincavam no jardim quando a avó apareceu e perguntou: “Que dia é hoje?"
A mais nova disse: Ontem foi quarta-feira.
A do meio disse: Hoje não é sexta-feira.
A mais velha disse: Amanhã será sábado.

Sabendo-se que uma das crianças mentiu e as outras disseram a verdade, o dia da semana em que esta história ocorreu foi
Q181781 Inglês
                                                        Cleaning up a spill 
                                                       Written by Laura Hill

Water and oil don’t mix. We see this every day; just try washing olive oil off your hands without soap or washing your face in the morning with only water. It just doesn’t work!
When an oil spill occurs in the ocean, like the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, what do scientists do to clean up the toxic mess? There are a number of options for an oil spill cleanup and most efforts use a combination of many techniques. The fact that oil and water don’t mix is a blessing and a curse. If oil mixed with water, it would be difficult to divide the two.
Crude oil is less dense than water; it spreads out to make a very thin layer (about one millimetre thick) that floats on top of the water. This is good because we can tell what is water and what is oil. It is also bad, because it means the oil can spread really quickly and cover a very large area, which becomes difficult to manage. Combined with wind, ocean currents and waves, oil spill cleanup starts to get really tricky.
Chemical dispersants can be used to break up big oil slicks into small oil droplets. They work like soaps by emulsifying the hydrophobic (waterrepelling) oil in the water. These small droplets can degrade in the ecosystem quicker than the big oil slick. But unfortunately, this means that marine life of all sizes ingest these toxic, broken-down particles and chemicals.
If the oil is thick enough, it could be set fire, a process called “in situ burning”. Because the oil is highly flammable and floats on top of the water, it is very easy to set it alight. It’s not environmentallyfriendly though; the combustion of oil releases thick smoke that contains greenhouse gases and other dangerous air pollutants.
Some techniques can contain and recapture spilled oil without changing its chemical composition. Booms float on top of the water and act as barriers to the movement of oil. Once the oil is controlled, it can be gathered using sorbents. “Sorbent” is a fancy word for sponge. These sponges absorb the oil and allow it to be collected by siphoning it off the water.
However, weather and sea conditions can prevent and obstruct the use of booms, sorbents and in situ burning. Imagine trying to perform these operations on the open sea with wind, waves and water currents moving the oil (and your boat!) around on the water.
What about the plants and animals? It’s easy to forget about the organisms in the sea that are under water. Out of sight, out of mind! There is not much we can do to help them. But when oil reaches the shore it impacts sensitive coastal environments including the many fish, bird, amphibian, reptilian, and crustaceanspecies that live there. We have easy access to these areas and there are some things we can do to clean up. For the plants, it is often a matter of setting them on fire, or leaving them to degrade the oil naturally. Sometimes, we can spray the oil with nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) that can encourage the growth of specialized microorganisms. For species that can tolerate our soaps, manpower is needed to wash every affected animal. Yet, if the animal has tried to lick itself clean, it can die from ingesting the toxic oil.
Unfortunately, there can be many negative economic and social impacts, in addition to the environmental impacts of oil spills and, as you’ve just read, the clean up techniques are far from perfect. Prevention is the very best cleanup technique we have. -cleaning-up-a-spill.html, retrieved on Dec 10, 2010
In “They work like soaps by emulsifying the hydrophobic (water-repelling) oil in the water." (lines 21-23), they refers to
Q181780 Inglês
                                                        Cleaning up a spill 
                                                       Written by Laura Hill

Water and oil don’t mix. We see this every day; just try washing olive oil off your hands without soap or washing your face in the morning with only water. It just doesn’t work!
When an oil spill occurs in the ocean, like the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, what do scientists do to clean up the toxic mess? There are a number of options for an oil spill cleanup and most efforts use a combination of many techniques. The fact that oil and water don’t mix is a blessing and a curse. If oil mixed with water, it would be difficult to divide the two.
Crude oil is less dense than water; it spreads out to make a very thin layer (about one millimetre thick) that floats on top of the water. This is good because we can tell what is water and what is oil. It is also bad, because it means the oil can spread really quickly and cover a very large area, which becomes difficult to manage. Combined with wind, ocean currents and waves, oil spill cleanup starts to get really tricky.
Chemical dispersants can be used to break up big oil slicks into small oil droplets. They work like soaps by emulsifying the hydrophobic (waterrepelling) oil in the water. These small droplets can degrade in the ecosystem quicker than the big oil slick. But unfortunately, this means that marine life of all sizes ingest these toxic, broken-down particles and chemicals.
If the oil is thick enough, it could be set fire, a process called “in situ burning”. Because the oil is highly flammable and floats on top of the water, it is very easy to set it alight. It’s not environmentallyfriendly though; the combustion of oil releases thick smoke that contains greenhouse gases and other dangerous air pollutants.
Some techniques can contain and recapture spilled oil without changing its chemical composition. Booms float on top of the water and act as barriers to the movement of oil. Once the oil is controlled, it can be gathered using sorbents. “Sorbent” is a fancy word for sponge. These sponges absorb the oil and allow it to be collected by siphoning it off the water.
However, weather and sea conditions can prevent and obstruct the use of booms, sorbents and in situ burning. Imagine trying to perform these operations on the open sea with wind, waves and water currents moving the oil (and your boat!) around on the water.
What about the plants and animals? It’s easy to forget about the organisms in the sea that are under water. Out of sight, out of mind! There is not much we can do to help them. But when oil reaches the shore it impacts sensitive coastal environments including the many fish, bird, amphibian, reptilian, and crustaceanspecies that live there. We have easy access to these areas and there are some things we can do to clean up. For the plants, it is often a matter of setting them on fire, or leaving them to degrade the oil naturally. Sometimes, we can spray the oil with nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) that can encourage the growth of specialized microorganisms. For species that can tolerate our soaps, manpower is needed to wash every affected animal. Yet, if the animal has tried to lick itself clean, it can die from ingesting the toxic oil.
Unfortunately, there can be many negative economic and social impacts, in addition to the environmental impacts of oil spills and, as you’ve just read, the clean up techniques are far from perfect. Prevention is the very best cleanup technique we have. -cleaning-up-a-spill.html, retrieved on Dec 10, 2010
The only sentence where the boldfaced word DOES NOT express an idea of contrast is
Q181779 Inglês
                                                        Cleaning up a spill 
                                                       Written by Laura Hill

Water and oil don’t mix. We see this every day; just try washing olive oil off your hands without soap or washing your face in the morning with only water. It just doesn’t work!
When an oil spill occurs in the ocean, like the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, what do scientists do to clean up the toxic mess? There are a number of options for an oil spill cleanup and most efforts use a combination of many techniques. The fact that oil and water don’t mix is a blessing and a curse. If oil mixed with water, it would be difficult to divide the two.
Crude oil is less dense than water; it spreads out to make a very thin layer (about one millimetre thick) that floats on top of the water. This is good because we can tell what is water and what is oil. It is also bad, because it means the oil can spread really quickly and cover a very large area, which becomes difficult to manage. Combined with wind, ocean currents and waves, oil spill cleanup starts to get really tricky.
Chemical dispersants can be used to break up big oil slicks into small oil droplets. They work like soaps by emulsifying the hydrophobic (waterrepelling) oil in the water. These small droplets can degrade in the ecosystem quicker than the big oil slick. But unfortunately, this means that marine life of all sizes ingest these toxic, broken-down particles and chemicals.
If the oil is thick enough, it could be set fire, a process called “in situ burning”. Because the oil is highly flammable and floats on top of the water, it is very easy to set it alight. It’s not environmentallyfriendly though; the combustion of oil releases thick smoke that contains greenhouse gases and other dangerous air pollutants.
Some techniques can contain and recapture spilled oil without changing its chemical composition. Booms float on top of the water and act as barriers to the movement of oil. Once the oil is controlled, it can be gathered using sorbents. “Sorbent” is a fancy word for sponge. These sponges absorb the oil and allow it to be collected by siphoning it off the water.
However, weather and sea conditions can prevent and obstruct the use of booms, sorbents and in situ burning. Imagine trying to perform these operations on the open sea with wind, waves and water currents moving the oil (and your boat!) around on the water.
What about the plants and animals? It’s easy to forget about the organisms in the sea that are under water. Out of sight, out of mind! There is not much we can do to help them. But when oil reaches the shore it impacts sensitive coastal environments including the many fish, bird, amphibian, reptilian, and crustaceanspecies that live there. We have easy access to these areas and there are some things we can do to clean up. For the plants, it is often a matter of setting them on fire, or leaving them to degrade the oil naturally. Sometimes, we can spray the oil with nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) that can encourage the growth of specialized microorganisms. For species that can tolerate our soaps, manpower is needed to wash every affected animal. Yet, if the animal has tried to lick itself clean, it can die from ingesting the toxic oil.
Unfortunately, there can be many negative economic and social impacts, in addition to the environmental impacts of oil spills and, as you’ve just read, the clean up techniques are far from perfect. Prevention is the very best cleanup technique we have. -cleaning-up-a-spill.html, retrieved on Dec 10, 2010
In terms of meaning it is correct to say that
Q181778 Inglês
                                                        Cleaning up a spill 
                                                       Written by Laura Hill

Water and oil don’t mix. We see this every day; just try washing olive oil off your hands without soap or washing your face in the morning with only water. It just doesn’t work!
When an oil spill occurs in the ocean, like the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, what do scientists do to clean up the toxic mess? There are a number of options for an oil spill cleanup and most efforts use a combination of many techniques. The fact that oil and water don’t mix is a blessing and a curse. If oil mixed with water, it would be difficult to divide the two.
Crude oil is less dense than water; it spreads out to make a very thin layer (about one millimetre thick) that floats on top of the water. This is good because we can tell what is water and what is oil. It is also bad, because it means the oil can spread really quickly and cover a very large area, which becomes difficult to manage. Combined with wind, ocean currents and waves, oil spill cleanup starts to get really tricky.
Chemical dispersants can be used to break up big oil slicks into small oil droplets. They work like soaps by emulsifying the hydrophobic (waterrepelling) oil in the water. These small droplets can degrade in the ecosystem quicker than the big oil slick. But unfortunately, this means that marine life of all sizes ingest these toxic, broken-down particles and chemicals.
If the oil is thick enough, it could be set fire, a process called “in situ burning”. Because the oil is highly flammable and floats on top of the water, it is very easy to set it alight. It’s not environmentallyfriendly though; the combustion of oil releases thick smoke that contains greenhouse gases and other dangerous air pollutants.
Some techniques can contain and recapture spilled oil without changing its chemical composition. Booms float on top of the water and act as barriers to the movement of oil. Once the oil is controlled, it can be gathered using sorbents. “Sorbent” is a fancy word for sponge. These sponges absorb the oil and allow it to be collected by siphoning it off the water.
However, weather and sea conditions can prevent and obstruct the use of booms, sorbents and in situ burning. Imagine trying to perform these operations on the open sea with wind, waves and water currents moving the oil (and your boat!) around on the water.
What about the plants and animals? It’s easy to forget about the organisms in the sea that are under water. Out of sight, out of mind! There is not much we can do to help them. But when oil reaches the shore it impacts sensitive coastal environments including the many fish, bird, amphibian, reptilian, and crustaceanspecies that live there. We have easy access to these areas and there are some things we can do to clean up. For the plants, it is often a matter of setting them on fire, or leaving them to degrade the oil naturally. Sometimes, we can spray the oil with nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) that can encourage the growth of specialized microorganisms. For species that can tolerate our soaps, manpower is needed to wash every affected animal. Yet, if the animal has tried to lick itself clean, it can die from ingesting the toxic oil.
Unfortunately, there can be many negative economic and social impacts, in addition to the environmental impacts of oil spills and, as you’ve just read, the clean up techniques are far from perfect. Prevention is the very best cleanup technique we have. -cleaning-up-a-spill.html, retrieved on Dec 10, 2010
According to the text, “in situ burning" (line 29) is
Q181777 Inglês
                                                        Cleaning up a spill 
                                                       Written by Laura Hill

Water and oil don’t mix. We see this every day; just try washing olive oil off your hands without soap or washing your face in the morning with only water. It just doesn’t work!
When an oil spill occurs in the ocean, like the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, what do scientists do to clean up the toxic mess? There are a number of options for an oil spill cleanup and most efforts use a combination of many techniques. The fact that oil and water don’t mix is a blessing and a curse. If oil mixed with water, it would be difficult to divide the two.
Crude oil is less dense than water; it spreads out to make a very thin layer (about one millimetre thick) that floats on top of the water. This is good because we can tell what is water and what is oil. It is also bad, because it means the oil can spread really quickly and cover a very large area, which becomes difficult to manage. Combined with wind, ocean currents and waves, oil spill cleanup starts to get really tricky.
Chemical dispersants can be used to break up big oil slicks into small oil droplets. They work like soaps by emulsifying the hydrophobic (waterrepelling) oil in the water. These small droplets can degrade in the ecosystem quicker than the big oil slick. But unfortunately, this means that marine life of all sizes ingest these toxic, broken-down particles and chemicals.
If the oil is thick enough, it could be set fire, a process called “in situ burning”. Because the oil is highly flammable and floats on top of the water, it is very easy to set it alight. It’s not environmentallyfriendly though; the combustion of oil releases thick smoke that contains greenhouse gases and other dangerous air pollutants.
Some techniques can contain and recapture spilled oil without changing its chemical composition. Booms float on top of the water and act as barriers to the movement of oil. Once the oil is controlled, it can be gathered using sorbents. “Sorbent” is a fancy word for sponge. These sponges absorb the oil and allow it to be collected by siphoning it off the water.
However, weather and sea conditions can prevent and obstruct the use of booms, sorbents and in situ burning. Imagine trying to perform these operations on the open sea with wind, waves and water currents moving the oil (and your boat!) around on the water.
What about the plants and animals? It’s easy to forget about the organisms in the sea that are under water. Out of sight, out of mind! There is not much we can do to help them. But when oil reaches the shore it impacts sensitive coastal environments including the many fish, bird, amphibian, reptilian, and crustaceanspecies that live there. We have easy access to these areas and there are some things we can do to clean up. For the plants, it is often a matter of setting them on fire, or leaving them to degrade the oil naturally. Sometimes, we can spray the oil with nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) that can encourage the growth of specialized microorganisms. For species that can tolerate our soaps, manpower is needed to wash every affected animal. Yet, if the animal has tried to lick itself clean, it can die from ingesting the toxic oil.
Unfortunately, there can be many negative economic and social impacts, in addition to the environmental impacts of oil spills and, as you’ve just read, the clean up techniques are far from perfect. Prevention is the very best cleanup technique we have. -cleaning-up-a-spill.html, retrieved on Dec 10, 2010
The main purpose of the text is to
Q181772 Português
MINHA ALMA (A paz que eu não quero)

A minha alma está armada
E apontada para a cara do
Pois paz sem voz
Não é paz é medo

Às vezes eu falo com a vida
Às vezes é ela quem diz
Qual a paz que eu não
Quero conservar
Para tentar ser feliz

As grades do condomínio
São para trazer proteção
Mas também trazem a dúvida

Se é você que está nesta prisão
Me abrace e me dê um beijo
Faça um filho comigo
Mas não me deixe sentar
Na poltrona no dia de domingo
Procurando novas drogas de aluguel
Nesse vídeo coagido pela paz
Que eu não quero seguir admitido

Às vezes eu falo com a vida
Às vezes é ela quem diz

YUKA, Marcelo / O Rappa. CD Lado B Lado A. WEA, 1999.
“Mas não me deixe sentar" (v. 17)
Considerando a passagem transcrita acima, analise as afirmações a seguir.
A colocação do pronome destacado no verso transcrito está adequada à norma padrão da Língua Portuguesa.

A palavra “não", advérbio de negação, exige que o pronome oblíquo esteja em posição proclítica.
A esse respeito, conclui-se que
Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Auditor Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87999 Inglês
In the fragments “to look at what we know and what are the gaps in science," (lines 20-21) and “'They may be lawyers, accountants, your next-door neighbor', he pointed out." (lines 40-41), the expressions look at and pointed out mean, respectively,
Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Auditor Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87929 Inglês
In replacing the word “if" in the sentence “If petroleum gets into the lungs, it can cause quite a bit of damage to the lungs [including] pneumonitis, or inflammation of the lungs." (lines 57-60), the linking element that would significantly change the meaning expressed in the original is
Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Auditor Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87925 Inglês
Based on the meanings in the text,
Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Auditor Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87923 Inglês
According to the text, all the examples below are illnesses directly associated with the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, EXCEPT
Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Auditor Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87922 Inglês
The main purpose of the article is to
Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87921 Português
Em qual dos pares de frases abaixo o a destacado deve apresentar acento grave indicativo da crase?
Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Auditor Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87920 Português
O emprego da palavra/expressão destacada está INCORRETO em:
Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Auditor Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Contador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87919 Português
                    Sob Medida                                          (Chico Buarque)

           Se você crê em Deus
           Erga as mãos para os céus e agradeça
           Quando me cobiçou
           Sem querer acertou na cabeça

No fragmento acima, passando as formas verbais destacadas para a segunda pessoa do singular, a sequência correta é
Ano: 2011 Banca: CESGRANRIO Órgão: Petrobras Provas: CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Administrador Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Químico de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro Civil Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Enfermeiro do Trabalho Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Mecânica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Inspeção | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Elétrica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Terminais e Dutos | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Equipamento Júnior - Eletrônica | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Produção Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Meio Ambiente Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Telecomunicações Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Segurança do Trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro Naval Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Engenheiro de Petróleo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geólogo Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Médico do trabalho | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Publicidade e Propaganda | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Profissional de Comunicação Júnior - Jornalismo | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobras - Geofísico Júnior - Geologia | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Engenheiro de Processamento Júnior | CESGRANRIO - 2011 - Petrobrás - Geofísico Júnior - Física |
Q87918 Português
O verbo destacado NÃO é impessoal em:
101: D
102: A
103: A
104: D
105: B
106: B
107: B
108: D
109: C
110: E
111: A
112: C
113: E
114: D
115: A
116: C
117: D
118: A
119: B
120: E