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In the three other schools I’d taught at, I’d been an authoritarian, a good disciplinarian’. It wasn’t only political or educational thinking that changed my attitude at Fitzroy High. It was the kids themselves. I suppose I fell in love with the whole nine hundred of them. In other schools, I’d known kids who were ‘trouble-makers’ or ‘over-achievers’, or ‘irresponsible’ or ‘antisocial’. But somehow the kids at Fitzroy cut right through those categories.
The only correct statement referring to the author’s attitude as a teacher is:
In the three other schools I’d taught at, I’d been an authoritarian, a good disciplinarian’. It wasn’t only political or educational thinking that changed my attitude at Fitzroy High. It was the kids themselves. I suppose I fell in love with the whole nine hundred of them. In other schools, I’d known kids who were ‘trouble-makers’ or ‘over-achievers’, or ‘irresponsible’ or ‘antisocial’. But somehow the kids at Fitzroy cut right through those categories.
It is correct to say that the verb tense used in the underlined verbal phrases “I’d been an authoritarian, schools I’d taught, and I’d known kids” is:
A blond head was a surprise. The administration battled to assimilate these kids into recognizable moulds. In a hundred subtle ways they were defeated.
The pronoun they (third sentence) refers to:
A blond head was a surprise. The administration battled to assimilate these kids into recognizable moulds. In a hundred subtle ways they were defeated.
A metonymy, and two metaphorical expressions related to the concept of war are, respectively,
Julgue o item subsequente, considerando as ideias e as construções linguísticas do texto CG1A1-II.
A omissão da vírgula logo após “emocional”, no último
período do texto, preservaria sua correção gramatical.
Julgue o item subsequente, considerando as ideias, os sentidos e os aspectos linguísticos do texto CG1A1-I.
No trecho “A proposta consiste em ajustar todos os
parâmetros biológicos, metabólicos e hormonais aos mesmos
níveis encontrados em um indivíduo de aproximadamente
30 anos — fase em que todos nós atingimos o apogeu de
nossa performance e idade a partir da qual começamos a
envelhecer” (último período), o travessão foi empregado
para introduzir uma ideia adicional, sendo correta sua
substituição pelo sinal de ponto e vírgula.