Questões de Concurso Para prefeitura de viana - es

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Q1139137 Matemática
Em Viana, os taxímetros marcam, na bandeirada 1, uma quantia inicial de R$ 4,50 e mais R$ 0,10 por cada 100 metros rodados. Ao final de quatro quilômetros percorridos, o valor a ser pago pela corrida será de:
Q1139136 Matemática
Dadas as funções f(x) = x2 – 1 e g(x) = f(x – 2) + 1, o gráfico que melhor representa g(x) é:
Q1139135 Matemática
Se n é a quantidade de divisores naturais de 2 000, logo o valor de n /2 é:
Q1139134 Inglês
“Alice wasn’t very trustworthy. On the contrary, she needed constant supervision. Even though she lived off the money inherited from her father, she had been caught stealing twice from her boss. It had come to light that she also faked some invoices and pocketed the money.” 
The expression “on the contrary” (line 1) can not be replaced by:
Q1139133 Inglês
“Alice wasn’t very trustworthy. On the contrary, she needed constant supervision. Even though she lived off the money inherited from her father, she had been caught stealing twice from her boss. It had come to light that she also faked some invoices and pocketed the money.” 
When we say that Alice “lived off the money inherited from her father”, we meant:
471: C
472: B
473: A
474: A
475: C