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Q1735532 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below. 

Technology is supposed to make us more connected. We can stay in touch with our friends all the time on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and, of course, by texting. But are our smartphones actually getting in the way of real socializing? Could technology be making us more alone?

The conjunctions AND (line 02) and BUT (line 03) express respectively, the idea of:
Q1735531 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below. 

Technology is supposed to make us more connected. We can stay in touch with our friends all the time on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and, of course, by texting. But are our smartphones actually getting in the way of real socializing? Could technology be making us more alone?

The highlighted words in the text are respectively.
Q1735530 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.  

“I must remember not to ask that question again!” The modal verb MUST expresses the idea of:
Q1735529 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.  

According to the comics, Hägar is:
Q1735528 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


When you’re in a long line waiting for your turn with a bunch of other cranky people, a good wallet is essential. For everyone’s benefit, you want to be able to find the right card or bills, make your transaction, and get out of there as quickly as possible. Mobile payments, vendor apps, and the decline of cash have lessened the amount of space you need for library cards and twenties, and they’ve lessened the need for bulky, old-school leather cash carriers. There’s never been a better time to trim down your wallet and your carbon footprint in turn by choosing a wallet made from recycled or eco-friendly materials.  
The highlighted words: YOUR (line 01), EVERYONE (line 02), YOU(line 05), and YOUR (line 07) in the text are, respectively:
Q1735527 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


When you’re in a long line waiting for your turn with a bunch of other cranky people, a good wallet is essential. For everyone’s benefit, you want to be able to find the right card or bills, make your transaction, and get out of there as quickly as possible. Mobile payments, vendor apps, and the decline of cash have lessened the amount of space you need for library cards and twenties, and they’ve lessened the need for bulky, old-school leather cash carriers. There’s never been a better time to trim down your wallet and your carbon footprint in turn by choosing a wallet made from recycled or eco-friendly materials.  
The sentence “…for your turn with a bunch of other cranky people.” (lines 01-02), MEANS THAT:
Q1735526 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


When you’re in a long line waiting for your turn with a bunch of other cranky people, a good wallet is essential. For everyone’s benefit, you want to be able to find the right card or bills, make your transaction, and get out of there as quickly as possible. Mobile payments, vendor apps, and the decline of cash have lessened the amount of space you need for library cards and twenties, and they’ve lessened the need for bulky, old-school leather cash carriers. There’s never been a better time to trim down your wallet and your carbon footprint in turn by choosing a wallet made from recycled or eco-friendly materials.  
Analyze the statements according to the text and choose the option where all alternatives are CORRECT.
I. It is time to reduce our carbon production by using environmentally friendly or recyclable materials. II. Internet payment culture, vendor application usage, and non-use of currency money have reduced the card space required in our wallet. III. Despite the encouragement that we should use recyclable and environmentally friendly materials, a good leather wallet is still indispensable. IV. The text encourages us to use green or recyclable materials which inevitably diminish our carbon footprint. V. A quality billfold is essential for us to organize our accounts, cards, carry out other transactions and reduce our carbon production.
Q1735525 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.


The time to embrace change in education is right now! In fact, it’s long overdue. Did you know that the model for modern-day public education was created by the need for on-time mechanical workers during the industrial revolution? That was certainly a technological disruption, but it happened 250 years ago. It’s what we call the front-lead method, and it’s not the best model for addressing the learning needs of many students: divergent thinkers, neurodiverse minds, creatives, scientists, and the list goes on. Which brings us to our next point: it’s time for the next wave of disruption. Luckily for us, it’s here. And it’s been here since 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee — a British scientist from CERT — invented the World Wide Web. We know, you use the internet every day, and it’s great, but maybe you’re skeptical that it can revolutionize education. Well, if you didn’t know, it already is. A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as one of the central hubs for positive educational change today. It’s our connection to others, our access to a world of educational resources, it’s a format that works for many learners, it’s at the heart of countless services (that don’t work in an unconnected world), and it’s driving access to education.  
“A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as ONE of the central hubs for positive educational change today.” The word ONE (line 13) is a:
Q1735524 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.


The time to embrace change in education is right now! In fact, it’s long overdue. Did you know that the model for modern-day public education was created by the need for on-time mechanical workers during the industrial revolution? That was certainly a technological disruption, but it happened 250 years ago. It’s what we call the front-lead method, and it’s not the best model for addressing the learning needs of many students: divergent thinkers, neurodiverse minds, creatives, scientists, and the list goes on. Which brings us to our next point: it’s time for the next wave of disruption. Luckily for us, it’s here. And it’s been here since 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee — a British scientist from CERT — invented the World Wide Web. We know, you use the internet every day, and it’s great, but maybe you’re skeptical that it can revolutionize education. Well, if you didn’t know, it already is. A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as one of the central hubs for positive educational change today. It’s our connection to others, our access to a world of educational resources, it’s a format that works for many learners, it’s at the heart of countless services (that don’t work in an unconnected world), and it’s driving access to education.  
Choose the alternative where all words are formed by the AFFIXATION PROCESS.
Q1735523 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.


The time to embrace change in education is right now! In fact, it’s long overdue. Did you know that the model for modern-day public education was created by the need for on-time mechanical workers during the industrial revolution? That was certainly a technological disruption, but it happened 250 years ago. It’s what we call the front-lead method, and it’s not the best model for addressing the learning needs of many students: divergent thinkers, neurodiverse minds, creatives, scientists, and the list goes on. Which brings us to our next point: it’s time for the next wave of disruption. Luckily for us, it’s here. And it’s been here since 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee — a British scientist from CERT — invented the World Wide Web. We know, you use the internet every day, and it’s great, but maybe you’re skeptical that it can revolutionize education. Well, if you didn’t know, it already is. A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as one of the central hubs for positive educational change today. It’s our connection to others, our access to a world of educational resources, it’s a format that works for many learners, it’s at the heart of countless services (that don’t work in an unconnected world), and it’s driving access to education.  
The word HUBS in the phrase "the central hubs" (line 13), means:
Q1735522 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.


The time to embrace change in education is right now! In fact, it’s long overdue. Did you know that the model for modern-day public education was created by the need for on-time mechanical workers during the industrial revolution? That was certainly a technological disruption, but it happened 250 years ago. It’s what we call the front-lead method, and it’s not the best model for addressing the learning needs of many students: divergent thinkers, neurodiverse minds, creatives, scientists, and the list goes on. Which brings us to our next point: it’s time for the next wave of disruption. Luckily for us, it’s here. And it’s been here since 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee — a British scientist from CERT — invented the World Wide Web. We know, you use the internet every day, and it’s great, but maybe you’re skeptical that it can revolutionize education. Well, if you didn’t know, it already is. A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as one of the central hubs for positive educational change today. It’s our connection to others, our access to a world of educational resources, it’s a format that works for many learners, it’s at the heart of countless services (that don’t work in an unconnected world), and it’s driving access to education.  
The pronoun IT (line 11), refers to:
Q1735521 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.


The time to embrace change in education is right now! In fact, it’s long overdue. Did you know that the model for modern-day public education was created by the need for on-time mechanical workers during the industrial revolution? That was certainly a technological disruption, but it happened 250 years ago. It’s what we call the front-lead method, and it’s not the best model for addressing the learning needs of many students: divergent thinkers, neurodiverse minds, creatives, scientists, and the list goes on. Which brings us to our next point: it’s time for the next wave of disruption. Luckily for us, it’s here. And it’s been here since 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee — a British scientist from CERT — invented the World Wide Web. We know, you use the internet every day, and it’s great, but maybe you’re skeptical that it can revolutionize education. Well, if you didn’t know, it already is. A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as one of the central hubs for positive educational change today. It’s our connection to others, our access to a world of educational resources, it’s a format that works for many learners, it’s at the heart of countless services (that don’t work in an unconnected world), and it’s driving access to education.  
According to the text it is correct to state:
Q1735520 Educação Física
O sobretreinamento (overtraining) é uma situação comum a atletas competitivos. Impede a recuperação adequada de treinamento a que são submetidos. Entre as características do sobretreinamento, deve(m) apontar
Q1735519 Educação Física
Um dos fatores básicos para aumento da força, além do aumento da sincronização dos impulsos nervosos e da frequência, é a hipertrofia, que ocorre imediatamente após o exercício, tem pequena duração e consiste no edemaciamento do músculo por acúmulo de catabólitos e exudatos da contração muscular.
O texto lido refere-se à hipertrofia
Q1735518 Educação Física
Os programas de treinamento cardiopulmonar que tratam das qualidades físicas podem compreender diversos métodos de trabalho. Os métodos que envolvem a aplicação de cargas contínuas, caracterizadas pelo predomínio do volume sobre a intensidade, são
Q1735517 Educação Física
Os jogos gregos eram grandes festas populares e religiosas, em cujo programa, além da brilhante procissão, constavam numerosas manifestações artísticas e desportivas. Figuravam sempre demonstrações literárias e musicais, por exemplo, contos e recitações, concursos de danças, regatas, provas equestres e as célebres Corridas da Chama. Esses jogos pan-helênicos ficaram conhecidos como
Q1735516 Educação Física
Apoia-se na teoria de Marcel Mauss, que procurou ampliar o conceito de técnicas corporais à prática de atividade física, e revela que todo movimento corporal é considerado um gesto técnico. Não é possível a atribuição de valores para esta técnica, a não ser dentro de um contexto específico. A abordagem pedagógica da educação física de que trata o texto é a
Q1735515 Educação Física
No teste ergométrico devem-se observar tanto os sintomas, quanto os comportamentos da frequência cardíaca e da pressão arterial, além do eletrocardiograma. Essa avaliação se faz antes, durante e após o esforço. A Diretriz do Departamento de Ergometria e Reabilitação da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia sobre teste de esforço mostra que sua indicação deve ocorrer quando o indivíduo apresentar
Q1735514 Educação Física
O somatotipo é uma técnica de classificação física do corpo que define o tipo corporal de um indivíduo. Na característica corporal em que o terceiro componente domina, e o primeiro é maior que o segundo, haverá uma predominância somatotípica de
Q1735513 Educação Física
O compasso de dobras cutâneas é o instrumento com o qual se faz a mensuração da gordura corporal, por meio da coleta de pregas (dobras) cutâneas. Nesse processo, têm sido comuns erros na
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