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Q1632339 Terapia Ocupacional

Podemos afirmar que a EUTONIA é uma pedagogia e uma terapia corporal que propõe processos que estimulam um desenvolvimento pessoal que resultam em transformações corporais, colocando o indivíduo em situação de pesquisa em relação a sua própria individualidade. A partir dessa compreensão, analise as proposições e coloque Vpara verdadeiro e F para falso.

( ) A Eutonia foi criada por Moshé Feldenkrais (1904-1984), nascido na Alemanha, tendo criado a primeira Escola de Eutonia em 1957 na Dinamarca.

( ) A Eutonia propõe um caminho através da experiência e da observação do corpo; é um percurso que integra a arte, a educação e a terapia. A vivência e a experiência são fundamentais neste caminho.

( ) O termo EUTONIAé composto por duas palavras gregas: “eu” que significa harmonioso, bom e “tônus” que equivale à tensão, ou seja, tonicidade, grau de tensão ou elasticidade de nossas fibras musculares.

( ) O trabalho em Eutonia visa o estabelecimento da tensão harmoniosa, o equilíbrio das diferentes tensões que coexistem no corpo, um equilíbrio do tônus geral. O propósito da Eutonia é a regularização, normalização e equilibração das tensões.

Marque a alternativa que contém a sequência CORRETA de preenchimentos dos parâmetros.

Q1632338 Terapia Ocupacional
A profissão de Terapeuta Ocupacional surge para atender às necessidades sociais surgidas a partir da Primeira Guerra Mundial e do processo de industrialização fordista (Bezerra e Trindade, 2013). Assim, a profissão de Terapeuta Ocupacional surge socialmente para:
Q1632337 Terapia Ocupacional
Na base da gênese e constituição da profissão do Terapeuta Ocupacional estão as perspectivas endogenista e histórico-crítica que são antagônicas e levam a conclusões distintas sobre a gênese e constituição da profissão. Como possibilidade de superação do endogenismo Neto (2009) apresenta a concepção de:
Q1632336 Terapia Ocupacional
De acordo com Costa, Oliveira, Corrêa e Folha (2017), uma das linhas pioneiras de investigação desenvolvida no contexto da Ciência Ocupacional focaliza a forma, a função e o significado da ocupação humana como modelo de compreensão da atividade da pessoa. A partir desta compreensão associe as duas colunas, relacionando os modelos de compreensão da ocupação humana a suas definições.
I- FA-Forma. II- FU-Função. III- SG-Significado.
( ) Refere-se ao modo como a ocupação influencia o desenvolvimento, a adaptação, a saúde e a qualidade de vida. ( ) Refere-se à experiência subjetiva da participação nas ocupações, onde são atribuídos valores pessoais, culturais e sociais. ( ) Refere-se aos objetivos que são diretamente observáveis.
A sequência CORRETA dessa associação é:
Q1632335 Terapia Ocupacional
A Ciência Ocupacional considera o contexto ambiental, o indivíduo, o significado, o propósito e o desempenho das pessoas nas suas ocupações. Pensando no ser humano como ser ocupacional, analise as afirmações abaixo e responda o que se pede.
I- Aocupação é o mecanismo pelo qual os indivíduos demonstram suas habilidades na sociedade e no mundo. II- Quanto mais sofisticada for a ocupação, maior será a alteração ambiental, e consequentemente, provocará um maior desenvolvimento pessoal e comunitário. III- As pessoas são produtos de suas ações propositivas, pois a ocupação que transcende a mera atividade instintiva é a força que criou a espécie humana e a força pela qual a humanidade desenvolveu o mundo. IV- Aocupação não é apenas um objeto da função humana, mas é parte integrante do ser humano, sugere a necessidade de explorar os efeitos biológicos da necessidade humana de “fazer”.
É CORRETO o que se afirma em:
Q1632332 Matemática

Qual das alternativas representa o 11º e o 12º termos da sequência lógica a seguir?

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q1632326 Raciocínio Lógico

Se V representa a verdade e F a falsidade, analise os valores lógicos ocultos da última coluna da tabela-verdade abaixo.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Indique a alternativa que responde CORRETAMENTE:

Q1249982 Inglês
Strategic behavior in digital reading in English
as a second/foreign language: a literature review
(Juliana do Amaral, Marília Camponogara Torres, Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch).

Besides, teachers need to develop students' awareness when reading digital texts by showing them that the strategies employed in this space might be borrowed from traditional forms of reading [...]”.The word besides indicates
Q1249981 Inglês
Strategic behavior in digital reading in English
as a second/foreign language: a literature review
(Juliana do Amaral, Marília Camponogara Torres, Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch).

The words reading (line 1), demanding (line 2), navigating (line 2), meaning (line 3) and reading (line 7) are, respectively
Q1249980 Inglês
Strategic behavior in digital reading in English
as a second/foreign language: a literature review
(Juliana do Amaral, Marília Camponogara Torres, Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch).

Choose the correct information according to the text.
Q1249979 Inglês
Based on the cartoon, it is possible to infer that
Q1249978 Inglês
As regards student's attitude, the function of this cartoon is to
Q1249977 Inglês
In Text III, the phrasal verb 'put down' means
Q1249975 Inglês
Affordances and limitations of technology: Voices from EFLteachers and learners.
(Mohammad Amiryousefi)

(Source: Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning. Article 2, Volume 9, Issue 19, Winter and Spring 2017, page 1-24. Available at: . Accessed on April 20 , 2019) 

Answer question according to TEXTII.

The phrase “To this end” (lines 6 and 7) refers to 

Q1249974 Inglês
Affordances and limitations of technology: Voices from EFLteachers and learners.
(Mohammad Amiryousefi)

(Source: Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning. Article 2, Volume 9, Issue 19, Winter and Spring 2017, page 1-24. Available at: . Accessed on April 20 , 2019) 
The sentence “…the attention has been focused more on technology than learning” (lines 1 and 2) is an example of:
Q1249973 Inglês
Affordances and limitations of technology: Voices from EFLteachers and learners.
(Mohammad Amiryousefi)

(Source: Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning. Article 2, Volume 9, Issue 19, Winter and Spring 2017, page 1-24. Available at: . Accessed on April 20 , 2019) 

Answer question according to TEXTII.

The research results indicate that 

Q1249972 Inglês
Affordances and limitations of technology: Voices from EFLteachers and learners.
(Mohammad Amiryousefi)

(Source: Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning. Article 2, Volume 9, Issue 19, Winter and Spring 2017, page 1-24. Available at: . Accessed on April 20 , 2019) 
Answer question according to TEXTII.

Considering the abstract of the paper written by Mohammad Amiryousefi, which of the following statements is CORRECT? 
Q1249971 Inglês
The teaching of English as a foreign language in the context of Brazilian regular schools: a retrospective and prospective view of policies and practices. (Ricardo Luiz Teixeira de Almeida).

(…) A brief overview of the recent history of ELT in Brazilian regular schools During the 1970s, the so-called audiolingual method, based on behaviorist and structuralist assumptions, was still considered the only scientific way of teaching a foreign language. Its emphasis on the oral skills and on the exhaustive repetition of structural exercises seemed to work well in the contexts of private language institutes. Those contexts were characterized by the gathering of small numbers of highly motivated students per class, a weekly time-table superior in the number of hours to the one adopted in regular schools, and plenty of audiovisual resources. Questionable in itself, both because of its results (which in time were revealed to be less efficient than believed, especially in terms of fluency) and its theoretical assumptions, the method ended up being adopted by regular schools due to its positive reputation at the time. The failure of the methodology in this context would soon become evident, generating extreme frustration both amongst teachers and students.
From the 1980s on, with the spread of ideas connected to the so-called communicative approach and the growth of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), the community of researchers and teachers interested in the context of regular schools started reviewing the assumptions and logic of English Language Teaching (ELT). Recognizing that each and every school discipline needs to justify its presence in the curriculum socially and educationally, this movement identified the skill of reading as the most relevant one for the students attending the majority of Brazilian regular schools. This understanding was achieved by considering not only the possibility of real use outside school, but also the role this approach could play in the achievement of other educational goals, such as the improvement of student's reading abilities in Portuguese as a mother tongue (MOITA LOPES, 1996)*. This movement reached its climax with the publication of the Brazilian National Curricular Parameters (PCN) for the teaching of foreign languages at basic education level by the end of the 1990s. The document recommended the focus on the teaching of reading within a view of language as discourse. However, it did not close the door on the teaching of any other skill, as long as the context made it possible and relevant.
It is important at this point to clarify a few things about the emergence of this educational policy. First of all, it was not formulated apart from the community of teachers and researchers and then imposed upon them. On the contrary, great names in Brazilian Applied Linguistics, such as Luiz Paulo da Moita Lopes and Maria Antonieta Celani among others, were involved in the formulation of the Parameters. Even more important than that, a lot of teachers, individually or collectively, with or without supervision, were already trying the focus on reading as an alternative to the failure of previous practices before the Parameters were elaborated. Two well-known examples are those from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo during the late 1980s and early 1990s. In São Paulo, The Catholic University (PUCSP) became a national center for foreign language teacher education, through the development of a Brazilian ESP project focusing on reading (CELANI, 2005)**. In Rio de Janeiro, a discussion conducted by the city educational authorities and the teachers in public schools (concerning the contents and methodology of each school discipline), during the administrations of Saturnino Braga and Marcelo Alencar, led to the proposition that the focus on reading for foreign language teaching reflected the will of most teachers who participated in the discussion.
Another important characteristic of the Parameters that should not be overlooked is their emphasis on teacher's autonomy. This emphasis can be seen clearly in the fact that no content or method is imposed upon the teachers. What one can find are suggestions and relevant information for teachers to make their own decisions, taking into consideration the context within which they work. In other words, the Parameters do not force any teacher to limit their focus on the teaching of reading, if they believe they can go further than that.
In spite of all these positive points, since their publication, it is possible to identify a strong resistance to the focus on reading on the part of many teachers. The reasons for this resistance will be discussed in the following sections of this paper. […] (p.333-334) 

*MOITA LOPES, Luiz Paulo da. Oficina de Lingüística Aplicada: a natureza social e educacional dos processos de ensino / aprendizagem de línguas. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 1996.
**CELANI, M. A. Introduction. In: CELANI, M. A. et al. ESPin Brazil: 25 years of evolution and reflection. Campinas-SP: Mercado de Letras, São Paulo: Educ, 2005. p. 13-26.
(Adapted from: Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada. vol.12. nº.2. Belo Horizonte. Apr./June 2012, p. 331-348. Available at: Accessed on April 15 , 2019) 
Answer question according to TEXTI.

In spite of all these positive points, since their publication, it is possible to identify a strong resistance to the focus on reading on the part of many teachers.” The expression in spite of can be substituted by
Q1249970 Inglês
The teaching of English as a foreign language in the context of Brazilian regular schools: a retrospective and prospective view of policies and practices. (Ricardo Luiz Teixeira de Almeida).

(…) A brief overview of the recent history of ELT in Brazilian regular schools During the 1970s, the so-called audiolingual method, based on behaviorist and structuralist assumptions, was still considered the only scientific way of teaching a foreign language. Its emphasis on the oral skills and on the exhaustive repetition of structural exercises seemed to work well in the contexts of private language institutes. Those contexts were characterized by the gathering of small numbers of highly motivated students per class, a weekly time-table superior in the number of hours to the one adopted in regular schools, and plenty of audiovisual resources. Questionable in itself, both because of its results (which in time were revealed to be less efficient than believed, especially in terms of fluency) and its theoretical assumptions, the method ended up being adopted by regular schools due to its positive reputation at the time. The failure of the methodology in this context would soon become evident, generating extreme frustration both amongst teachers and students.
From the 1980s on, with the spread of ideas connected to the so-called communicative approach and the growth of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), the community of researchers and teachers interested in the context of regular schools started reviewing the assumptions and logic of English Language Teaching (ELT). Recognizing that each and every school discipline needs to justify its presence in the curriculum socially and educationally, this movement identified the skill of reading as the most relevant one for the students attending the majority of Brazilian regular schools. This understanding was achieved by considering not only the possibility of real use outside school, but also the role this approach could play in the achievement of other educational goals, such as the improvement of student's reading abilities in Portuguese as a mother tongue (MOITA LOPES, 1996)*. This movement reached its climax with the publication of the Brazilian National Curricular Parameters (PCN) for the teaching of foreign languages at basic education level by the end of the 1990s. The document recommended the focus on the teaching of reading within a view of language as discourse. However, it did not close the door on the teaching of any other skill, as long as the context made it possible and relevant.
It is important at this point to clarify a few things about the emergence of this educational policy. First of all, it was not formulated apart from the community of teachers and researchers and then imposed upon them. On the contrary, great names in Brazilian Applied Linguistics, such as Luiz Paulo da Moita Lopes and Maria Antonieta Celani among others, were involved in the formulation of the Parameters. Even more important than that, a lot of teachers, individually or collectively, with or without supervision, were already trying the focus on reading as an alternative to the failure of previous practices before the Parameters were elaborated. Two well-known examples are those from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo during the late 1980s and early 1990s. In São Paulo, The Catholic University (PUCSP) became a national center for foreign language teacher education, through the development of a Brazilian ESP project focusing on reading (CELANI, 2005)**. In Rio de Janeiro, a discussion conducted by the city educational authorities and the teachers in public schools (concerning the contents and methodology of each school discipline), during the administrations of Saturnino Braga and Marcelo Alencar, led to the proposition that the focus on reading for foreign language teaching reflected the will of most teachers who participated in the discussion.
Another important characteristic of the Parameters that should not be overlooked is their emphasis on teacher's autonomy. This emphasis can be seen clearly in the fact that no content or method is imposed upon the teachers. What one can find are suggestions and relevant information for teachers to make their own decisions, taking into consideration the context within which they work. In other words, the Parameters do not force any teacher to limit their focus on the teaching of reading, if they believe they can go further than that.
In spite of all these positive points, since their publication, it is possible to identify a strong resistance to the focus on reading on the part of many teachers. The reasons for this resistance will be discussed in the following sections of this paper. […] (p.333-334) 

*MOITA LOPES, Luiz Paulo da. Oficina de Lingüística Aplicada: a natureza social e educacional dos processos de ensino / aprendizagem de línguas. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 1996.
**CELANI, M. A. Introduction. In: CELANI, M. A. et al. ESPin Brazil: 25 years of evolution and reflection. Campinas-SP: Mercado de Letras, São Paulo: Educ, 2005. p. 13-26.
(Adapted from: Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada. vol.12. nº.2. Belo Horizonte. Apr./June 2012, p. 331-348. Available at: Accessed on April 15 , 2019) 
Answer question according to TEXTI.

“[...] both because of its results (which in time were revealed to be less efficient than believed, especially in terms of fluency) and its theoretical assumptions [...]”. The word which 
Q1249969 Inglês
The teaching of English as a foreign language in the context of Brazilian regular schools: a retrospective and prospective view of policies and practices. (Ricardo Luiz Teixeira de Almeida).

(…) A brief overview of the recent history of ELT in Brazilian regular schools During the 1970s, the so-called audiolingual method, based on behaviorist and structuralist assumptions, was still considered the only scientific way of teaching a foreign language. Its emphasis on the oral skills and on the exhaustive repetition of structural exercises seemed to work well in the contexts of private language institutes. Those contexts were characterized by the gathering of small numbers of highly motivated students per class, a weekly time-table superior in the number of hours to the one adopted in regular schools, and plenty of audiovisual resources. Questionable in itself, both because of its results (which in time were revealed to be less efficient than believed, especially in terms of fluency) and its theoretical assumptions, the method ended up being adopted by regular schools due to its positive reputation at the time. The failure of the methodology in this context would soon become evident, generating extreme frustration both amongst teachers and students.
From the 1980s on, with the spread of ideas connected to the so-called communicative approach and the growth of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), the community of researchers and teachers interested in the context of regular schools started reviewing the assumptions and logic of English Language Teaching (ELT). Recognizing that each and every school discipline needs to justify its presence in the curriculum socially and educationally, this movement identified the skill of reading as the most relevant one for the students attending the majority of Brazilian regular schools. This understanding was achieved by considering not only the possibility of real use outside school, but also the role this approach could play in the achievement of other educational goals, such as the improvement of student's reading abilities in Portuguese as a mother tongue (MOITA LOPES, 1996)*. This movement reached its climax with the publication of the Brazilian National Curricular Parameters (PCN) for the teaching of foreign languages at basic education level by the end of the 1990s. The document recommended the focus on the teaching of reading within a view of language as discourse. However, it did not close the door on the teaching of any other skill, as long as the context made it possible and relevant.
It is important at this point to clarify a few things about the emergence of this educational policy. First of all, it was not formulated apart from the community of teachers and researchers and then imposed upon them. On the contrary, great names in Brazilian Applied Linguistics, such as Luiz Paulo da Moita Lopes and Maria Antonieta Celani among others, were involved in the formulation of the Parameters. Even more important than that, a lot of teachers, individually or collectively, with or without supervision, were already trying the focus on reading as an alternative to the failure of previous practices before the Parameters were elaborated. Two well-known examples are those from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo during the late 1980s and early 1990s. In São Paulo, The Catholic University (PUCSP) became a national center for foreign language teacher education, through the development of a Brazilian ESP project focusing on reading (CELANI, 2005)**. In Rio de Janeiro, a discussion conducted by the city educational authorities and the teachers in public schools (concerning the contents and methodology of each school discipline), during the administrations of Saturnino Braga and Marcelo Alencar, led to the proposition that the focus on reading for foreign language teaching reflected the will of most teachers who participated in the discussion.
Another important characteristic of the Parameters that should not be overlooked is their emphasis on teacher's autonomy. This emphasis can be seen clearly in the fact that no content or method is imposed upon the teachers. What one can find are suggestions and relevant information for teachers to make their own decisions, taking into consideration the context within which they work. In other words, the Parameters do not force any teacher to limit their focus on the teaching of reading, if they believe they can go further than that.
In spite of all these positive points, since their publication, it is possible to identify a strong resistance to the focus on reading on the part of many teachers. The reasons for this resistance will be discussed in the following sections of this paper. […] (p.333-334) 

*MOITA LOPES, Luiz Paulo da. Oficina de Lingüística Aplicada: a natureza social e educacional dos processos de ensino / aprendizagem de línguas. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 1996.
**CELANI, M. A. Introduction. In: CELANI, M. A. et al. ESPin Brazil: 25 years of evolution and reflection. Campinas-SP: Mercado de Letras, São Paulo: Educ, 2005. p. 13-26.
(Adapted from: Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada. vol.12. nº.2. Belo Horizonte. Apr./June 2012, p. 331-348. Available at: Accessed on April 15 , 2019) 
Answer question according to TEXTI.

Some relevant theoretical assumptions underlying Brazilian National Curricular Parameters (PCN) concerning ELTare: 
1: B
2: C
3: E
4: A
5: A
6: B
7: C
8: C
9: D
10: A
11: B
12: A
13: C
14: D
15: E
16: C
17: D
18: A
19: B
20: E