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Q2572727 Noções de Informática
No Excel do pacote Office 365 da Microsoft, como se utilizam corretamente as funções PROCV (Pesquisa Vertical) e PROCH (Pesquisa Horizontal), e quais são os parâmetros específicos em sua ordem correta de aplicação? 
Q2572726 Noções de Informática
Relacionado às funcionalidades da barra de tarefas no sistema operacional Windows 10, qual, entre as alternativas abaixo, mais corretamente descreve o procedimento para desafixar um aplicativo da barra de tarefas?
Q2572725 Noções de Informática
Entre as alternativas abaixo, qual melhor descreve a diferença fundamental entre uma animação e uma transição no PowerPoint do pacote Office 365?
Q2572724 Noções de Informática
No contexto dos programas do Office 365, como o Word e PowerPoint, como são exibidos os possíveis erros ortográficos e gramaticais identificados automaticamente durante a digitação de um texto? 
Q2572723 Matemática

Um transportador precisa entregar 100 caixas de 75 kg cada em um armazém localizado no 30º andar de um arranha-céu. No entanto, o elevador disponível tem uma capacidade máxima permitida de 1500 kg.

Considerando que o transportador também pesa 90 kg, qual é o número mínimo de viagens necessárias para que ele possa transportar todas as caixas até o armazém? 

Q2572722 Matemática
Carlos solicitou um empréstimo de R$ 10.000,00 a uma taxa de juros simples de 2,5% ao mês. Considerando que o empréstimo foi quitado após 8 meses, determine o montante total pago por Carlos, incluindo o valor do empréstimo e os juros acumulados.
Q2572721 Matemática
O veículo elétrico de Joana consome 15 kWh de energia quando está em funcionamento por 45 minutos consecutivos. Se ela decidir usá-lo por 3 horas e 30 minutos admitindo-se a não perda de rendimento, quantos kWh de energia serão consumidos?
Q2572719 Matemática

Na vitrine de uma loja de eletrônicos, estava exposto o seguinte anúncio:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Para a compra parcelada, o preço do produto sofre um acréscimo de:

Q2572718 Português

Sobre grafia, sabe-se que a palavra “bem-vindo” é grafada com hífen.

Assinale a alternativa na qual este sinal gráfico tenha sido empregado de maneira INCORRETA.

Q2572717 Português

Indique a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas.

I - A paciente do 302 corre _____________ risco de nova amputação.

II - Do rapaz atropelado espera-se que tenha bom ____________.

Q2572716 Português

Observe as afirmações numeradas a respeito do trecho abaixo.

A médica que realisou a cirurgia no governador, declarou que ainda é necessário repouso prolongado.

I - Há no trecho um erro de grafia.

II - Está empregada de maneira incorreta a vírgula.

Pode-se concluir que está coerente o que se declara: 

Q2572715 Português



    Desde 2020, a palavra pandemia esteve ecoando entre a população, mas, em algum momento, todos já ouviram alguma vez as palavras epidemia e endemia. Afinal, qual a diferença entre elas? Em geral, é muito simples: o que diferencia esses termos, é a escala de contaminação da doença em questão.

    Essas palavras são conceitos derivados da epidemiologia, a ciência responsável por estudar os fenômenos envolvendo saúde, doenças e suas interações com as populações humanas, ou seja, as epidemias! Muitas vezes, ouvimos em notícias que está ocorrendo um surto de uma doença. Quando usamos a palavra surto, o que se quer dizer é que em um local específico, houve um aumento da incidência de casos de uma doença como, por exemplo, um surto de infecção hospitalar ocorrida em um hospital.

    Já quando utilizamos a palavra ENDEMIA, se trata do caso em que uma doença se torna recorrente em uma região e demonstra um aumento de casos em uma época do ano, mas a população consegue conviver “normalmente” com ela. No Brasil, a dengue é considerada endêmica porque tem maior incidência em determinadas regiões do país durante o verão.

    As EPIDEMIAS são reconhecidas quando ocorre um aumento de casos de uma doença em diversas regiões, estados, ou cidades de um país, porém sem atingir níveis globais. A varíola, a febre amarela e a tuberculose são exemplos de epidemias marcantes que ocorreram no Brasil, doenças que atualmente foram controladas através das campanhas de vacinação.

    Por fim, chamamos de PANDEMIA quando o aumento de casos de uma doença atinge níveis globais e são identificados simultaneamente em diversos países pelo mundo. Os exemplos mais recentes ainda circulam pela população, como a gripe do vírus Influenza (H1N1) e o coronavírus, responsável pela atual pandemia de COVID-19 que vivemos. Ocasionalmente, devido à vacinação, é possível que a COVID-19 acabe se tornando uma doença endêmica, presente em algumas épocas do ano.

 Fonte: Consulta em 15/01/2024 ao link


O texto esclarece que a principal diferença entre pandemia e epidemia é:
Q2572714 Português



    Desde 2020, a palavra pandemia esteve ecoando entre a população, mas, em algum momento, todos já ouviram alguma vez as palavras epidemia e endemia. Afinal, qual a diferença entre elas? Em geral, é muito simples: o que diferencia esses termos, é a escala de contaminação da doença em questão.

    Essas palavras são conceitos derivados da epidemiologia, a ciência responsável por estudar os fenômenos envolvendo saúde, doenças e suas interações com as populações humanas, ou seja, as epidemias! Muitas vezes, ouvimos em notícias que está ocorrendo um surto de uma doença. Quando usamos a palavra surto, o que se quer dizer é que em um local específico, houve um aumento da incidência de casos de uma doença como, por exemplo, um surto de infecção hospitalar ocorrida em um hospital.

    Já quando utilizamos a palavra ENDEMIA, se trata do caso em que uma doença se torna recorrente em uma região e demonstra um aumento de casos em uma época do ano, mas a população consegue conviver “normalmente” com ela. No Brasil, a dengue é considerada endêmica porque tem maior incidência em determinadas regiões do país durante o verão.

    As EPIDEMIAS são reconhecidas quando ocorre um aumento de casos de uma doença em diversas regiões, estados, ou cidades de um país, porém sem atingir níveis globais. A varíola, a febre amarela e a tuberculose são exemplos de epidemias marcantes que ocorreram no Brasil, doenças que atualmente foram controladas através das campanhas de vacinação.

    Por fim, chamamos de PANDEMIA quando o aumento de casos de uma doença atinge níveis globais e são identificados simultaneamente em diversos países pelo mundo. Os exemplos mais recentes ainda circulam pela população, como a gripe do vírus Influenza (H1N1) e o coronavírus, responsável pela atual pandemia de COVID-19 que vivemos. Ocasionalmente, devido à vacinação, é possível que a COVID-19 acabe se tornando uma doença endêmica, presente em algumas épocas do ano.

 Fonte: Consulta em 15/01/2024 ao link


Conforme inferência do texto, o que caracteriza uma doença endêmica? 
Q2572688 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.  

    Bermuda Triangle in the last 500 years, over 1000 ships and aircraft have entered the Bermuda Triangle and mysteriously vanished. It is the deadliest place on Earth for planes and boats. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of water about 500,000 square miles in size. One tip of the triangle starts from Miami, Florida and extends northeast towards the island of Bermuda. The next side of the triangle then runs straight south towards the Puerto Rico and then turns back northeast up to Florida. 
    The story of Flight 19 is one of the most incredible cases of Bermuda Triangle disappearances. In the early afternoon of December 5, 1945, five American military aircraft with 14 men aboard departed from a naval base in Florida on a training flight. These aircraft were called Avengers, and they were among the sturdiest and most reliable aircraft in the world at the time. Commander Charles Taylor, an experienced pilot, was supposed to lead the flight east from the Florida coastline, which would take them into the Bermuda Triangle. The sky was clear, and it was a perfect day for flying but problems began about 90 minutes after takeoff.
    Taylor radioed back to his base at 3:40 p.m. that he was lost, and his plane’s compass was not working. This should not have been a problem as the normal procedure for going home was to simply fly west until they returned to the U.S. coast. the men of Flight 19, however, never returned home and the airplanes seemed to have simply vanished. The final radio messages from Flight 19 were very odd. One pilot stated, “Everything looks strange. Even the ocean.” Another one said, “It looks like we’re entering white water. We’re completely lost.” A rescue plane flew into the Bermuda Triangle to try and find the men, but it crashed and all 13 men on board were killed. Later on, a Navy official stated that Flight 19 “flew off to Mars.”
    Flight 19’s disappearance is just one of many in the long history of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Is there a scientific explanation for these disappearances or are there supernatural forces at work in the area? The number of unanswered questions about the fate of the planes only adds to the mystery. Did Taylor, an experienced pilot, really make a simple navigational mistake? If so, why didn’t any of the other men in his flight see the error and correct it? Why has the wreckage of the planes and the men’s bodies never been found after all these years? The US Navy investigated the incident in 1946 and reported that the Flight 19 incident was a “disappearance” with the chilling words “cause unknown” added later on. 
In the sentence “Taylor radioed back to his base at 3:40 p.m. that he was lost, and his plane’s compass was not working. This should not have been a problem as the normal procedure for going home was to simply fly west until they returned to the U.S. coast. the men of Flight 19, however, never returned home and the airplanes seemed to have simply vanished.” The highlighted word means:
Q2572687 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.  

    Bermuda Triangle in the last 500 years, over 1000 ships and aircraft have entered the Bermuda Triangle and mysteriously vanished. It is the deadliest place on Earth for planes and boats. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of water about 500,000 square miles in size. One tip of the triangle starts from Miami, Florida and extends northeast towards the island of Bermuda. The next side of the triangle then runs straight south towards the Puerto Rico and then turns back northeast up to Florida. 
    The story of Flight 19 is one of the most incredible cases of Bermuda Triangle disappearances. In the early afternoon of December 5, 1945, five American military aircraft with 14 men aboard departed from a naval base in Florida on a training flight. These aircraft were called Avengers, and they were among the sturdiest and most reliable aircraft in the world at the time. Commander Charles Taylor, an experienced pilot, was supposed to lead the flight east from the Florida coastline, which would take them into the Bermuda Triangle. The sky was clear, and it was a perfect day for flying but problems began about 90 minutes after takeoff.
    Taylor radioed back to his base at 3:40 p.m. that he was lost, and his plane’s compass was not working. This should not have been a problem as the normal procedure for going home was to simply fly west until they returned to the U.S. coast. the men of Flight 19, however, never returned home and the airplanes seemed to have simply vanished. The final radio messages from Flight 19 were very odd. One pilot stated, “Everything looks strange. Even the ocean.” Another one said, “It looks like we’re entering white water. We’re completely lost.” A rescue plane flew into the Bermuda Triangle to try and find the men, but it crashed and all 13 men on board were killed. Later on, a Navy official stated that Flight 19 “flew off to Mars.”
    Flight 19’s disappearance is just one of many in the long history of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Is there a scientific explanation for these disappearances or are there supernatural forces at work in the area? The number of unanswered questions about the fate of the planes only adds to the mystery. Did Taylor, an experienced pilot, really make a simple navigational mistake? If so, why didn’t any of the other men in his flight see the error and correct it? Why has the wreckage of the planes and the men’s bodies never been found after all these years? The US Navy investigated the incident in 1946 and reported that the Flight 19 incident was a “disappearance” with the chilling words “cause unknown” added later on. 
In the sentence " […] the Flight 19 incident was a “disappearance” with the chilling words “cause unknown” added later on" the highlighted term means:
Q2572686 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.  

    Bermuda Triangle in the last 500 years, over 1000 ships and aircraft have entered the Bermuda Triangle and mysteriously vanished. It is the deadliest place on Earth for planes and boats. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of water about 500,000 square miles in size. One tip of the triangle starts from Miami, Florida and extends northeast towards the island of Bermuda. The next side of the triangle then runs straight south towards the Puerto Rico and then turns back northeast up to Florida. 
    The story of Flight 19 is one of the most incredible cases of Bermuda Triangle disappearances. In the early afternoon of December 5, 1945, five American military aircraft with 14 men aboard departed from a naval base in Florida on a training flight. These aircraft were called Avengers, and they were among the sturdiest and most reliable aircraft in the world at the time. Commander Charles Taylor, an experienced pilot, was supposed to lead the flight east from the Florida coastline, which would take them into the Bermuda Triangle. The sky was clear, and it was a perfect day for flying but problems began about 90 minutes after takeoff.
    Taylor radioed back to his base at 3:40 p.m. that he was lost, and his plane’s compass was not working. This should not have been a problem as the normal procedure for going home was to simply fly west until they returned to the U.S. coast. the men of Flight 19, however, never returned home and the airplanes seemed to have simply vanished. The final radio messages from Flight 19 were very odd. One pilot stated, “Everything looks strange. Even the ocean.” Another one said, “It looks like we’re entering white water. We’re completely lost.” A rescue plane flew into the Bermuda Triangle to try and find the men, but it crashed and all 13 men on board were killed. Later on, a Navy official stated that Flight 19 “flew off to Mars.”
    Flight 19’s disappearance is just one of many in the long history of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Is there a scientific explanation for these disappearances or are there supernatural forces at work in the area? The number of unanswered questions about the fate of the planes only adds to the mystery. Did Taylor, an experienced pilot, really make a simple navigational mistake? If so, why didn’t any of the other men in his flight see the error and correct it? Why has the wreckage of the planes and the men’s bodies never been found after all these years? The US Navy investigated the incident in 1946 and reported that the Flight 19 incident was a “disappearance” with the chilling words “cause unknown” added later on. 
In the sequence, the terms “disappearances, unanswered, supernatural and deadliest” are:
Q2572685 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.  

    Bermuda Triangle in the last 500 years, over 1000 ships and aircraft have entered the Bermuda Triangle and mysteriously vanished. It is the deadliest place on Earth for planes and boats. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of water about 500,000 square miles in size. One tip of the triangle starts from Miami, Florida and extends northeast towards the island of Bermuda. The next side of the triangle then runs straight south towards the Puerto Rico and then turns back northeast up to Florida. 
    The story of Flight 19 is one of the most incredible cases of Bermuda Triangle disappearances. In the early afternoon of December 5, 1945, five American military aircraft with 14 men aboard departed from a naval base in Florida on a training flight. These aircraft were called Avengers, and they were among the sturdiest and most reliable aircraft in the world at the time. Commander Charles Taylor, an experienced pilot, was supposed to lead the flight east from the Florida coastline, which would take them into the Bermuda Triangle. The sky was clear, and it was a perfect day for flying but problems began about 90 minutes after takeoff.
    Taylor radioed back to his base at 3:40 p.m. that he was lost, and his plane’s compass was not working. This should not have been a problem as the normal procedure for going home was to simply fly west until they returned to the U.S. coast. the men of Flight 19, however, never returned home and the airplanes seemed to have simply vanished. The final radio messages from Flight 19 were very odd. One pilot stated, “Everything looks strange. Even the ocean.” Another one said, “It looks like we’re entering white water. We’re completely lost.” A rescue plane flew into the Bermuda Triangle to try and find the men, but it crashed and all 13 men on board were killed. Later on, a Navy official stated that Flight 19 “flew off to Mars.”
    Flight 19’s disappearance is just one of many in the long history of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Is there a scientific explanation for these disappearances or are there supernatural forces at work in the area? The number of unanswered questions about the fate of the planes only adds to the mystery. Did Taylor, an experienced pilot, really make a simple navigational mistake? If so, why didn’t any of the other men in his flight see the error and correct it? Why has the wreckage of the planes and the men’s bodies never been found after all these years? The US Navy investigated the incident in 1946 and reported that the Flight 19 incident was a “disappearance” with the chilling words “cause unknown” added later on. 
Antonyms are words that have contrasting or opposite meanings. What is the antonym of the word “incredible”?
Q2572684 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.  

    Bermuda Triangle in the last 500 years, over 1000 ships and aircraft have entered the Bermuda Triangle and mysteriously vanished. It is the deadliest place on Earth for planes and boats. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of water about 500,000 square miles in size. One tip of the triangle starts from Miami, Florida and extends northeast towards the island of Bermuda. The next side of the triangle then runs straight south towards the Puerto Rico and then turns back northeast up to Florida. 
    The story of Flight 19 is one of the most incredible cases of Bermuda Triangle disappearances. In the early afternoon of December 5, 1945, five American military aircraft with 14 men aboard departed from a naval base in Florida on a training flight. These aircraft were called Avengers, and they were among the sturdiest and most reliable aircraft in the world at the time. Commander Charles Taylor, an experienced pilot, was supposed to lead the flight east from the Florida coastline, which would take them into the Bermuda Triangle. The sky was clear, and it was a perfect day for flying but problems began about 90 minutes after takeoff.
    Taylor radioed back to his base at 3:40 p.m. that he was lost, and his plane’s compass was not working. This should not have been a problem as the normal procedure for going home was to simply fly west until they returned to the U.S. coast. the men of Flight 19, however, never returned home and the airplanes seemed to have simply vanished. The final radio messages from Flight 19 were very odd. One pilot stated, “Everything looks strange. Even the ocean.” Another one said, “It looks like we’re entering white water. We’re completely lost.” A rescue plane flew into the Bermuda Triangle to try and find the men, but it crashed and all 13 men on board were killed. Later on, a Navy official stated that Flight 19 “flew off to Mars.”
    Flight 19’s disappearance is just one of many in the long history of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Is there a scientific explanation for these disappearances or are there supernatural forces at work in the area? The number of unanswered questions about the fate of the planes only adds to the mystery. Did Taylor, an experienced pilot, really make a simple navigational mistake? If so, why didn’t any of the other men in his flight see the error and correct it? Why has the wreckage of the planes and the men’s bodies never been found after all these years? The US Navy investigated the incident in 1946 and reported that the Flight 19 incident was a “disappearance” with the chilling words “cause unknown” added later on. 
The word “it’ in paragraph 3 refers to:  
Q2572683 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.  

    Bermuda Triangle in the last 500 years, over 1000 ships and aircraft have entered the Bermuda Triangle and mysteriously vanished. It is the deadliest place on Earth for planes and boats. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of water about 500,000 square miles in size. One tip of the triangle starts from Miami, Florida and extends northeast towards the island of Bermuda. The next side of the triangle then runs straight south towards the Puerto Rico and then turns back northeast up to Florida. 
    The story of Flight 19 is one of the most incredible cases of Bermuda Triangle disappearances. In the early afternoon of December 5, 1945, five American military aircraft with 14 men aboard departed from a naval base in Florida on a training flight. These aircraft were called Avengers, and they were among the sturdiest and most reliable aircraft in the world at the time. Commander Charles Taylor, an experienced pilot, was supposed to lead the flight east from the Florida coastline, which would take them into the Bermuda Triangle. The sky was clear, and it was a perfect day for flying but problems began about 90 minutes after takeoff.
    Taylor radioed back to his base at 3:40 p.m. that he was lost, and his plane’s compass was not working. This should not have been a problem as the normal procedure for going home was to simply fly west until they returned to the U.S. coast. the men of Flight 19, however, never returned home and the airplanes seemed to have simply vanished. The final radio messages from Flight 19 were very odd. One pilot stated, “Everything looks strange. Even the ocean.” Another one said, “It looks like we’re entering white water. We’re completely lost.” A rescue plane flew into the Bermuda Triangle to try and find the men, but it crashed and all 13 men on board were killed. Later on, a Navy official stated that Flight 19 “flew off to Mars.”
    Flight 19’s disappearance is just one of many in the long history of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Is there a scientific explanation for these disappearances or are there supernatural forces at work in the area? The number of unanswered questions about the fate of the planes only adds to the mystery. Did Taylor, an experienced pilot, really make a simple navigational mistake? If so, why didn’t any of the other men in his flight see the error and correct it? Why has the wreckage of the planes and the men’s bodies never been found after all these years? The US Navy investigated the incident in 1946 and reported that the Flight 19 incident was a “disappearance” with the chilling words “cause unknown” added later on. 
The word “departed” in paragraph 2 is closest to meaning to:
Q2572682 Inglês
Read the text and answer the question.  

    Bermuda Triangle in the last 500 years, over 1000 ships and aircraft have entered the Bermuda Triangle and mysteriously vanished. It is the deadliest place on Earth for planes and boats. The Bermuda Triangle is an area of water about 500,000 square miles in size. One tip of the triangle starts from Miami, Florida and extends northeast towards the island of Bermuda. The next side of the triangle then runs straight south towards the Puerto Rico and then turns back northeast up to Florida. 
    The story of Flight 19 is one of the most incredible cases of Bermuda Triangle disappearances. In the early afternoon of December 5, 1945, five American military aircraft with 14 men aboard departed from a naval base in Florida on a training flight. These aircraft were called Avengers, and they were among the sturdiest and most reliable aircraft in the world at the time. Commander Charles Taylor, an experienced pilot, was supposed to lead the flight east from the Florida coastline, which would take them into the Bermuda Triangle. The sky was clear, and it was a perfect day for flying but problems began about 90 minutes after takeoff.
    Taylor radioed back to his base at 3:40 p.m. that he was lost, and his plane’s compass was not working. This should not have been a problem as the normal procedure for going home was to simply fly west until they returned to the U.S. coast. the men of Flight 19, however, never returned home and the airplanes seemed to have simply vanished. The final radio messages from Flight 19 were very odd. One pilot stated, “Everything looks strange. Even the ocean.” Another one said, “It looks like we’re entering white water. We’re completely lost.” A rescue plane flew into the Bermuda Triangle to try and find the men, but it crashed and all 13 men on board were killed. Later on, a Navy official stated that Flight 19 “flew off to Mars.”
    Flight 19’s disappearance is just one of many in the long history of the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Is there a scientific explanation for these disappearances or are there supernatural forces at work in the area? The number of unanswered questions about the fate of the planes only adds to the mystery. Did Taylor, an experienced pilot, really make a simple navigational mistake? If so, why didn’t any of the other men in his flight see the error and correct it? Why has the wreckage of the planes and the men’s bodies never been found after all these years? The US Navy investigated the incident in 1946 and reported that the Flight 19 incident was a “disappearance” with the chilling words “cause unknown” added later on. 
According to the article, how big is the water area of the Bermuda Triangle?
81: A
82: D
83: A
84: B
85: D
86: A
87: B
88: B
89: D
90: A
91: D
92: C
93: A
94: C
95: A
96: D
97: C
98: B
99: A
100: D