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Q2302228 Inglês

O texto I refere-se a questão


    The study of language acquisition is fundamentally the process by which humans, and some believe even certain higher animals, acquire the capacity to perceive, produce and use words to understand and communicate. This is a central topic in the disciplines of linguistics, cognitive science, and psychology. Moreover, it holds considerable interest in educational science, anthropology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence, reflecting the breadth of its implications and impact.

    The language learning process is multifaceted, influenced by a multitude of factors. Among these are the learner's cognitive abilities, encompassing memory, attention, perceptual and reasoning skills. Equally important is the learner's social environment – family, peers, teachers and the broader cultural context, which can provide opportunities for exposure to the language, affect the learner's attitudes and motivation, and determine the nature of the language input.

    Exposure to the language, both in terms of quality and quantity, is also a critical factor. This involves interaction with proficient users of the language and access to diverse linguistic contexts. The role of motivation cannot be overstated. It can greatly enhance the learner's engagement, persistence and performance.

    The complex interplay of these factors shapes the trajectory of language learning, with every individual's path being unique. Nevertheless, there are patterns and regularities in the process that researchers strive to identify and understand. These insights not only enrich our understanding of human cognition and social interaction but also have practical implications for language teaching and learning.

Como a tecnologia tem impactado a aprendizagem de idiomas no mundo contemporâneo?
Q2302227 Inglês

O texto I refere-se a questão


    The study of language acquisition is fundamentally the process by which humans, and some believe even certain higher animals, acquire the capacity to perceive, produce and use words to understand and communicate. This is a central topic in the disciplines of linguistics, cognitive science, and psychology. Moreover, it holds considerable interest in educational science, anthropology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence, reflecting the breadth of its implications and impact.

    The language learning process is multifaceted, influenced by a multitude of factors. Among these are the learner's cognitive abilities, encompassing memory, attention, perceptual and reasoning skills. Equally important is the learner's social environment – family, peers, teachers and the broader cultural context, which can provide opportunities for exposure to the language, affect the learner's attitudes and motivation, and determine the nature of the language input.

    Exposure to the language, both in terms of quality and quantity, is also a critical factor. This involves interaction with proficient users of the language and access to diverse linguistic contexts. The role of motivation cannot be overstated. It can greatly enhance the learner's engagement, persistence and performance.

    The complex interplay of these factors shapes the trajectory of language learning, with every individual's path being unique. Nevertheless, there are patterns and regularities in the process that researchers strive to identify and understand. These insights not only enrich our understanding of human cognition and social interaction but also have practical implications for language teaching and learning.

Qual é um componente essencial do desenvolvimento de competência comunicativa para os alunos de inglês como língua estrangeira?
Q2302226 Inglês

O texto I refere-se a questão


    The study of language acquisition is fundamentally the process by which humans, and some believe even certain higher animals, acquire the capacity to perceive, produce and use words to understand and communicate. This is a central topic in the disciplines of linguistics, cognitive science, and psychology. Moreover, it holds considerable interest in educational science, anthropology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence, reflecting the breadth of its implications and impact.

    The language learning process is multifaceted, influenced by a multitude of factors. Among these are the learner's cognitive abilities, encompassing memory, attention, perceptual and reasoning skills. Equally important is the learner's social environment – family, peers, teachers and the broader cultural context, which can provide opportunities for exposure to the language, affect the learner's attitudes and motivation, and determine the nature of the language input.

    Exposure to the language, both in terms of quality and quantity, is also a critical factor. This involves interaction with proficient users of the language and access to diverse linguistic contexts. The role of motivation cannot be overstated. It can greatly enhance the learner's engagement, persistence and performance.

    The complex interplay of these factors shapes the trajectory of language learning, with every individual's path being unique. Nevertheless, there are patterns and regularities in the process that researchers strive to identify and understand. These insights not only enrich our understanding of human cognition and social interaction but also have practical implications for language teaching and learning.

O que os professores buscam criar ao ensinar inglês como segunda língua?
Q2302225 Inglês

O texto I refere-se a questão


    The study of language acquisition is fundamentally the process by which humans, and some believe even certain higher animals, acquire the capacity to perceive, produce and use words to understand and communicate. This is a central topic in the disciplines of linguistics, cognitive science, and psychology. Moreover, it holds considerable interest in educational science, anthropology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence, reflecting the breadth of its implications and impact.

    The language learning process is multifaceted, influenced by a multitude of factors. Among these are the learner's cognitive abilities, encompassing memory, attention, perceptual and reasoning skills. Equally important is the learner's social environment – family, peers, teachers and the broader cultural context, which can provide opportunities for exposure to the language, affect the learner's attitudes and motivation, and determine the nature of the language input.

    Exposure to the language, both in terms of quality and quantity, is also a critical factor. This involves interaction with proficient users of the language and access to diverse linguistic contexts. The role of motivation cannot be overstated. It can greatly enhance the learner's engagement, persistence and performance.

    The complex interplay of these factors shapes the trajectory of language learning, with every individual's path being unique. Nevertheless, there are patterns and regularities in the process that researchers strive to identify and understand. These insights not only enrich our understanding of human cognition and social interaction but also have practical implications for language teaching and learning.

No texto, qual é um dos principais motivos para a crescente importância do ensino e aprendizagem do inglês como segunda língua (ESL)? 
Q2302164 Educação Física
Na primeira etapa da Educação Básica, e de acordo com os eixos estruturantes da Educação Infantil, devem ser assegurados seis direitos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, para que as crianças tenham condições de aprender e se desenvolver. Assim, assinale a alternativa que aponta corretamente os seis direitos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento da Educação Infantil:
36: D
37: B
38: C
39: D
40: B