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Q3024620 Inglês
Do you see the cow you consume when you bite into a burger?

Philipp Ritter keeps his eyes fixed on the deer, pulls the trigger and hits the animal directly in the heart with one shot. It has not noticed anything and within a few moments the deer collapses and lies still. Ritter said that killing is never pleasant for him. He loves nature. The well-being of the forest and the animals are important to him. Hunters, like Ritter, make sure that nature is in balance. If there are too many deer, for example, the trees get damaged. For most of them, hunting is a passion. They treat the animals with respect and take just as many of them as necessary. Ritter has thought a lot about how he can eat meat with a clear conscience. He decided that if he wanted to eat it, he had to be ready to kill it. He started with fishing. It was difficult for him to kill his first fish. But he was also somehow proud. But should a person be able to eat meat without having to kill the animal they eat? Because that, of course, is not the way most people today get their meat. People have gradually moved away from hunting through the intermediate stages of farming and individual butchering to today’s industrial processing of meat, in order to give consumers the most convenience. Nowadays, it is possible to walk into a shop and buy a nicely packaged piece of meat at a cheap price. It is easy to forget that behind every piece of meat is a life that has come to an end.

(Available at:>. Access at: 25 aug. 2024.)
“But he was also somehow proud.” The word somehow is
Q3024619 Inglês
Do you see the cow you consume when you bite into a burger?

Philipp Ritter keeps his eyes fixed on the deer, pulls the trigger and hits the animal directly in the heart with one shot. It has not noticed anything and within a few moments the deer collapses and lies still. Ritter said that killing is never pleasant for him. He loves nature. The well-being of the forest and the animals are important to him. Hunters, like Ritter, make sure that nature is in balance. If there are too many deer, for example, the trees get damaged. For most of them, hunting is a passion. They treat the animals with respect and take just as many of them as necessary. Ritter has thought a lot about how he can eat meat with a clear conscience. He decided that if he wanted to eat it, he had to be ready to kill it. He started with fishing. It was difficult for him to kill his first fish. But he was also somehow proud. But should a person be able to eat meat without having to kill the animal they eat? Because that, of course, is not the way most people today get their meat. People have gradually moved away from hunting through the intermediate stages of farming and individual butchering to today’s industrial processing of meat, in order to give consumers the most convenience. Nowadays, it is possible to walk into a shop and buy a nicely packaged piece of meat at a cheap price. It is easy to forget that behind every piece of meat is a life that has come to an end.

(Available at:>. Access at: 25 aug. 2024.)
The word “noticed” can be replaced without losing the meaning by
Q3024613 Educação Física
A dança nas aulas de educação física é um valioso instrumento pedagógico para os professores, porque proporciona comunicação, expressa sentimentos, além de proporcionar ao aluno conhecer a si próprio e ao outro, a criar e recriar coreografias, saber improvisar, fazendo com que perceba a dança como parte da formação cidadã. Acerca desse tema, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3024612 Educação Física
A descoberta e sistematização das diversas formas sobre o porquê e como a Educação Física caracteriza a suas práticas pedagógicas é importante para reconhecer, compreender e avaliar quais princípios filosóficos, diretrizes e motivações ideológicas que fundamentam as suas bases ontológicas e epistemológicas. No que se refere esse tema, assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3024611 Educação Física
A relação intrincada entre a mídia e o esporte tem se estreitado progressivamente ao longo dos anos, culminando no atual estado de interdependência. Neste cenário, o crescimento global da cobertura esportiva pela mídia desempenha um papel central, impulsionando o que conhecemos hoje como marketing esportivo. Quanto a esse tema, assinale a alternativa correta. 
356: C
357: B
358: A
359: C
360: A