Questões de Concurso Para receita federal

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Q380103 Português
Assinale a opção em que a substituição da forma verbal usada no texto provoca erro gramatical e/ou incoerência textual.
Q380102 Português
Assinale a opção que corresponde a erro gramatical ou de grafia de palavra inserido na transcrição do texto.

No desenho constitucional, os tributos são fonte importantíssima dos recursos financeiros de cada ente político, recursos esses indispensáveis para que façam frente ao (1) seu dever social. Consequentemente, o princípio federativo é indissociável das competências tributárias constitucionalmente estabelecidas. Isso porque tal princípio prevê (2) a autonomia dos diversos entes integrantes da federação (União, Estados, DF e Municípios). A exigência da autonomia econômico- financeira determina que seja outorgado(3) a cada ente político vários tributos de sua específica competência, para, por si próprios, instituírem (4) o tributo e, assim, terem(5) sua própria receita

(Adaptado de: imagem-027.jpg Acesso em: 17 mar.2014.)

Q380101 Português
Em relação às estruturas linguísticas do texto, assinale a opção correta.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Q380100 Português
Os trechos a seguir constituem um texto adaptado do jornal Folha de S.Paulo, de 10/02/2014.

Assinale a opção transcrita de forma gramaticalmente correta.
Q380099 Português
Assinale a opção que preenche a lacuna do texto de forma a torná-lo gramaticalmente correto, coeso e coerente.

Normalmente o Estado de Direito é confundido com o Estado Constitucional (Estado Democrático de Direito), entretanto, isto é um equívoco. __________________________________________________________________________________ Com efeito, se é a legislação que serve de parâmetro para atuação estatal, então, esta mesma legislação,por conseguinte,é livre. Em tais Estados (Estado de Direito), o absolutismo do rei é substituído pelo absolutismo do parlamento (supremacia do parlamento e não da constituição).

Q380098 Português
Os trechos abaixo constituem um texto adaptado de < >. Acesso em: 17mar.2014.)

Assinale a opção transcrita de forma gramaticalmente correta.
Q380097 Português
Os trechos a seguir compõem um texto adaptado do jornal Estado de Minas ,de 18/02/2014, mas estão desordenados. Assinale nos parênteses a ordem sequencial correta em que devem aparecer para compor um texto coeso e coerente.Coloque 1 no trecho que deve iniciar o texto e assim sucessivamente.Em seguida, assinale a opção correspondente.

( ) Esse poder Legislativo é o mais apto a ouvir e repercutir a voz das ruas, os desejos e as preocupações do povo. E a segurança pública tem se tornado a maior de todas as causas que afligem as pessoas, principalmente as que vivem em grandes cidades.
( )Nos últimos anos, com o crescimento do crime praticado pormenores, tem crescido o número dos que defendem a redução da idade de responsabilidade penal para 16 anos.É igualmente veemente a defesa da manutenção  da idade atual, 18 anos,o que torna a matéria altamente polêmica.
( )Ter a iniciativa de propor e votar leis é uma das funções que a sociedade, por meio da Constituição, atribuiu ao Legislativo e espera que esse poder, o mais aberto e democrático do regime democrático, cumpra esse papel.
( )Mas todo esse aparato da segurança acionado em defesa do cidadão corre o risco de produzir resultados inferiores ao desejado em função de falhas ou de falta de atualização da legislação.
( )Por isso mesmo são bem-vindas medidas como o reforço do policiamento ostensivo e aumento da vigilância e da ação das autoridades para conter a criminalidade.
( )Um dos problemas mais complexos quanto a essa atualização legislativa no Brasil é o do menor infrator, que, na maioria das grandes cidades brasileiras, já foi promovido a menor criminoso. Há sobre essa questão um grande debate na sociedade brasileira.
Q380096 Português
Assinale a opção que corresponde a erro gramatical ou de grafia de palavra inserido na transcrição do texto.

A Receita Federal nem sempre teve esse (1) nome. Secretaria da Receita Federal é apenas a mais recente denominação da Administração Tributária Brasileira nestes cinco séculos de existência. Sua criação tornou-se (2) necessária para modernizar a máquina arrecadadora e fiscalizadora, bem como para promover uma maior integração entre o Fisco e os Contribuintes, facilitando o cumprimento expontâneo  (3) das obrigações tributárias e a solução dos eventuais problemas,bem como o acesso às (4 )informações pessoais privativas de interesse de cada cidadão.O surgimento da Secretaria da Receita Federal representou um significativo avanço na facilitação do cumprimento das obrigações tributárias, contribuindo para o aumento da arrecadação a partir (5) do final dos anos 60.

(Adaptado de imagem-023.jpg Acesso em: 17 mar. 2014.)
Q380095 Português
Assinale a opção que preenche as lacunas do texto de forma a torná-lo coeso, coerente e gramaticalmente correto.

Depois de cair logo após a reforma do regime previdenciário do setor público de 2003—que extinguiu a aposentadoria integral __1__ servidor que ainda não contava __2__ direito e fixou condições mais rigorosas __3__ novas aposentadorias—,a proporção dos servidores inativo sem relação ao total de funcionários da União se estabilizou e,__4__gradual envelhecimento médio dos funcionários ativos, poderá voltar a crescer __5__ pouco tempo.Um estudo divulgado __6__ pouco pela Escola Nacional de Administração Pública (Enap) mostra que, atualmente, os inativos dos Três Poderes e do Ministério Público Federal representam 48% do total de servidores.Entre os servidores civis do Poder Executivo Federal a proporção é ainda maior: 52%

(Adaptado de O Estado de S. Paulo, 17/02/2014.)

Q380094 Português
Assinale a opção que preenche as lacunas do texto de forma gramaticalmente correta e textualmente coerente.

Sem __1__ pujança econômica de outrora, __2__ Europa registra nos últimos tempos o fortalecimento de pressões xenófobas e anti-imigração.Após __3__ crise global, iniciada em 2008, e o consequente aumento dos índices de desemprego no continente, grupos de extrema- direita conquistaram níveis inéditos de participação nos Parlamentos nacionais da Suécia e da Grécia.Não satisfeitos em exercer__4__ representação política, tais agremiações têm protagonizado lamentáveis episódios de agressão__5__minorias de outras nacionalidades.

(Adaptado de Folha de S. Paulo, 12/02/2014.)

Q380093 Português
Em relação às estruturas linguísticas do texto ,assinale a opção incorreta.


Q380092 Inglês
Customs enforcement is concerned with the protection of society and fghting trans-national organized crime based on the principles of risk management. In discharging this mandate, Customs compliance and enforcement services are involved in a wide range of activities relating to information and intelligence exchange, combating commercial fraud, counterfeiting, the smuggling of highly taxed goods (especially cigarettes and alcohol), drug traffcking, stolen motor vehicles, money laundering, electronic crime, smuggling of arms, nuclear materials, toxic waste and weapons of mass destruction. Enforcement activities also aim to protect intellectual and cultural property and endangered plants and animal species.
In order to assist its Members improve the effectiveness of their enforcement efforts and achieve a balance between control and facilitation, the World Customs Organisation has developed a comprehensive technical assistance and training programmes. In addition, it has established Regional Intelligence Liaison Offces (RILOs) that are supported by a global database, the Customs Enforcement Network (CEN), to facilitate the exchange and use of information.

The WCO has also developed instruments for international co-operation in the form of the revised Model Bilateral Agreement (MBA); the Nairobi Convention, which provides for mutual administrative assistance in the prevention, investigation and repression of Customs offences; and the Johannesburg Convention, which provides for mutual administrative assistance in Customs matters. The WCO’s Customs Control and Enforcement programme therefore aims to promote effective enforcement practices and encourage co-operation among its Members and with its various competent partners and stakeholders.

(Source: overview.aspx, retrieved on 12 March 2014.)

The text explains that the mandate of the World Customs Organisation comprises both
Q380091 Inglês
Customs enforcement is concerned with the protection of society and fghting trans-national organized crime based on the principles of risk management. In discharging this mandate, Customs compliance and enforcement services are involved in a wide range of activities relating to information and intelligence exchange, combating commercial fraud, counterfeiting, the smuggling of highly taxed goods (especially cigarettes and alcohol), drug traffcking, stolen motor vehicles, money laundering, electronic crime, smuggling of arms, nuclear materials, toxic waste and weapons of mass destruction. Enforcement activities also aim to protect intellectual and cultural property and endangered plants and animal species.
In order to assist its Members improve the effectiveness of their enforcement efforts and achieve a balance between control and facilitation, the World Customs Organisation has developed a comprehensive technical assistance and training programmes. In addition, it has established Regional Intelligence Liaison Offces (RILOs) that are supported by a global database, the Customs Enforcement Network (CEN), to facilitate the exchange and use of information.

The WCO has also developed instruments for international co-operation in the form of the revised Model Bilateral Agreement (MBA); the Nairobi Convention, which provides for mutual administrative assistance in the prevention, investigation and repression of Customs offences; and the Johannesburg Convention, which provides for mutual administrative assistance in Customs matters. The WCO’s Customs Control and Enforcement programme therefore aims to promote effective enforcement practices and encourage co-operation among its Members and with its various competent partners and stakeholders.

(Source: overview.aspx, retrieved on 12 March 2014.)

In accordance with the passage, 'customs enforcement' can best be defined as the prevention of criminal activities
Q380090 Inglês

Questions 34 through 38 refer to the following text.

We've been keeping our veterinarian in business lately.
First Sammy, our nine-year-old golden retriever, needed
surgery. (She's fine now.) Then Inky, our curious cat,
burned his paw. (He'll be fine, too.) At our last visit, as we
were writing our fourth (or was it the fifth?) consecutive
check to the veterinary hospital, there was much joking
about how vet bills should be tax-deductible. After all, pets
are dependents, too, right? (Guffaws all around.)

Now, halfway through tax-filing season, comes news
that pets are high on the list of unusual deductions
taxpayers try to claim. From routine pet expenses to the
costs of adopting a pet to, yes, pets as "dependents," tax
accountants have heard it all this year, according to the
Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants, which
surveys its members annually about the most outlandish

tax deductions proposed by clients. Most of these doggy

deductions don't hunt, but, believe it or not, some do. Could

there be a spot for Sammy and Inky on our 1040?

Scott Kadrlik, a certified public accountant in Eden Prairie,

Minn., who moonlights as a stand-up comedian (really!),

gave me a dog's-eye view of the tax code: "In most cases

our family pets are just family pets," he says. They cannot

be claimed as dependents, and you cannot deduct the

cost of their food, medical care or other expenses. One

exception is service dogs. If you require a Seeing Eye

dog, for example, your canine's costs are deductible as

a medical expense. Occasionally, man's best friend also

is man's best business deduction. The Doberman that

guards the junk yard can be deductible as a business

expense of the junk-yard owner, says Mr. Kadrlik. Ditto the

convenience-store cat that keeps the rats at bay.

For most of us, though, our pets are hobbies at most.

Something's a hobby if, among other things, it hasn't turned

a profit in at least three of the past five years (or two of the

past seven years in the case of horse training, breeding

or racing). In that case, you can't deduct losses—only

expenses to the extent of income in the same year. So if

your beloved Bichon earns $100 for a modeling gig,

you could deduct $100 worth of vet bills (or dog food or doggy


(Source: Carolyn Geer, The Wall Street Journal, retrieved on 13 March 2014 - slightly adapted)

Among the domesticated animals considered eligible for tax deductions are
Q380088 Inglês

Questions 34 through 38 refer to the following text.

We've been keeping our veterinarian in business lately.
First Sammy, our nine-year-old golden retriever, needed
surgery. (She's fine now.) Then Inky, our curious cat,
burned his paw. (He'll be fine, too.) At our last visit, as we
were writing our fourth (or was it the fifth?) consecutive
check to the veterinary hospital, there was much joking
about how vet bills should be tax-deductible. After all, pets
are dependents, too, right? (Guffaws all around.)

Now, halfway through tax-filing season, comes news
that pets are high on the list of unusual deductions
taxpayers try to claim. From routine pet expenses to the
costs of adopting a pet to, yes, pets as "dependents," tax
accountants have heard it all this year, according to the
Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants, which
surveys its members annually about the most outlandish

tax deductions proposed by clients. Most of these doggy

deductions don't hunt, but, believe it or not, some do. Could

there be a spot for Sammy and Inky on our 1040?

Scott Kadrlik, a certified public accountant in Eden Prairie,

Minn., who moonlights as a stand-up comedian (really!),

gave me a dog's-eye view of the tax code: "In most cases

our family pets are just family pets," he says. They cannot

be claimed as dependents, and you cannot deduct the

cost of their food, medical care or other expenses. One

exception is service dogs. If you require a Seeing Eye

dog, for example, your canine's costs are deductible as

a medical expense. Occasionally, man's best friend also

is man's best business deduction. The Doberman that

guards the junk yard can be deductible as a business

expense of the junk-yard owner, says Mr. Kadrlik. Ditto the

convenience-store cat that keeps the rats at bay.

For most of us, though, our pets are hobbies at most.

Something's a hobby if, among other things, it hasn't turned

a profit in at least three of the past five years (or two of the

past seven years in the case of horse training, breeding

or racing). In that case, you can't deduct losses—only

expenses to the extent of income in the same year. So if

your beloved Bichon earns $100 for a modeling gig,

you could deduct $100 worth of vet bills (or dog food or doggy


(Source: Carolyn Geer, The Wall Street Journal, retrieved on 13 March 2014 - slightly adapted)

The phrase “Guffaws all around" (paragraph1) shows that those hearing the conversation
Q380087 Inglês

Questions 34 through 38 refer to the following text.

We've been keeping our veterinarian in business lately.
First Sammy, our nine-year-old golden retriever, needed
surgery. (She's fine now.) Then Inky, our curious cat,
burned his paw. (He'll be fine, too.) At our last visit, as we
were writing our fourth (or was it the fifth?) consecutive
check to the veterinary hospital, there was much joking
about how vet bills should be tax-deductible. After all, pets
are dependents, too, right? (Guffaws all around.)

Now, halfway through tax-filing season, comes news
that pets are high on the list of unusual deductions
taxpayers try to claim. From routine pet expenses to the
costs of adopting a pet to, yes, pets as "dependents," tax
accountants have heard it all this year, according to the
Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants, which
surveys its members annually about the most outlandish

tax deductions proposed by clients. Most of these doggy

deductions don't hunt, but, believe it or not, some do. Could

there be a spot for Sammy and Inky on our 1040?

Scott Kadrlik, a certified public accountant in Eden Prairie,

Minn., who moonlights as a stand-up comedian (really!),

gave me a dog's-eye view of the tax code: "In most cases

our family pets are just family pets," he says. They cannot

be claimed as dependents, and you cannot deduct the

cost of their food, medical care or other expenses. One

exception is service dogs. If you require a Seeing Eye

dog, for example, your canine's costs are deductible as

a medical expense. Occasionally, man's best friend also

is man's best business deduction. The Doberman that

guards the junk yard can be deductible as a business

expense of the junk-yard owner, says Mr. Kadrlik. Ditto the

convenience-store cat that keeps the rats at bay.

For most of us, though, our pets are hobbies at most.

Something's a hobby if, among other things, it hasn't turned

a profit in at least three of the past five years (or two of the

past seven years in the case of horse training, breeding

or racing). In that case, you can't deduct losses—only

expenses to the extent of income in the same year. So if

your beloved Bichon earns $100 for a modeling gig,

you could deduct $100 worth of vet bills (or dog food or doggy


(Source: Carolyn Geer, The Wall Street Journal, retrieved on 13 March 2014 - slightly adapted)

The opening sentence of  the text reveals that the author has been
Q380086 Inglês

Questions 34 through 38 refer to the following text.

We've been keeping our veterinarian in business lately.
First Sammy, our nine-year-old golden retriever, needed
surgery. (She's fine now.) Then Inky, our curious cat,
burned his paw. (He'll be fine, too.) At our last visit, as we
were writing our fourth (or was it the fifth?) consecutive
check to the veterinary hospital, there was much joking
about how vet bills should be tax-deductible. After all, pets
are dependents, too, right? (Guffaws all around.)

Now, halfway through tax-filing season, comes news
that pets are high on the list of unusual deductions
taxpayers try to claim. From routine pet expenses to the
costs of adopting a pet to, yes, pets as "dependents," tax
accountants have heard it all this year, according to the
Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants, which
surveys its members annually about the most outlandish

tax deductions proposed by clients. Most of these doggy

deductions don't hunt, but, believe it or not, some do. Could

there be a spot for Sammy and Inky on our 1040?

Scott Kadrlik, a certified public accountant in Eden Prairie,

Minn., who moonlights as a stand-up comedian (really!),

gave me a dog's-eye view of the tax code: "In most cases

our family pets are just family pets," he says. They cannot

be claimed as dependents, and you cannot deduct the

cost of their food, medical care or other expenses. One

exception is service dogs. If you require a Seeing Eye

dog, for example, your canine's costs are deductible as

a medical expense. Occasionally, man's best friend also

is man's best business deduction. The Doberman that

guards the junk yard can be deductible as a business

expense of the junk-yard owner, says Mr. Kadrlik. Ditto the

convenience-store cat that keeps the rats at bay.

For most of us, though, our pets are hobbies at most.

Something's a hobby if, among other things, it hasn't turned

a profit in at least three of the past five years (or two of the

past seven years in the case of horse training, breeding

or racing). In that case, you can't deduct losses—only

expenses to the extent of income in the same year. So if

your beloved Bichon earns $100 for a modeling gig,

you could deduct $100 worth of vet bills (or dog food or doggy


(Source: Carolyn Geer, The Wall Street Journal, retrieved on 13 March 2014 - slightly adapted)

The title that best conveys the main purpose of the article is:
Q380085 Inglês
The IRS Chief Counsel is appointed by the President of the United States, with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, and serves as the chief legal advisor to the IRS Commissioner on all matters pertaining to the interpretation, administration, and enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code, as well as all other legal matters. Under the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, the Chief Counsel reports to both the IRS Commissioner and the Treasury General Counsel.
Attorneys in the Chief Counsel’s Offce serve as lawyers for the IRS. They provide the IRS and taxpayers with guidance on interpreting Federal tax laws correctly, represent the IRS in litigation, and provide all other legal support required to carry out the IRS mission.
Chief Counsel received 95,929 cases and closed 94,323 cases during fscal year 2012. Of the new cases received, and cases closed, the majority related to tax law enforcement and litigation, including Tax Court litigation; collection, bankruptcy, and summons advice and litigation; Appellate Court litigation; criminal tax; and enforcement advice and assistance.
In Fiscal Year 2012, Chief Counsel received 31,295 Tax Court cases involving taxpayers contesting an IRS determination that they owed additional tax. The total amount of tax and penalty in dispute at the end of the fscal year was almost $6.6 billion.

(Source: Internal Revenue Service Data Book, 2012.)

During fiscal year 2012, the Chief Counsel's office succeeded in
Q380084 Inglês
The IRS Chief Counsel is appointed by the President of the United States, with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, and serves as the chief legal advisor to the IRS Commissioner on all matters pertaining to the interpretation, administration, and enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code, as well as all other legal matters. Under the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, the Chief Counsel reports to both the IRS Commissioner and the Treasury General Counsel.
Attorneys in the Chief Counsel’s Offce serve as lawyers for the IRS. They provide the IRS and taxpayers with guidance on interpreting Federal tax laws correctly, represent the IRS in litigation, and provide all other legal support required to carry out the IRS mission.
Chief Counsel received 95,929 cases and closed 94,323 cases during fscal year 2012. Of the new cases received, and cases closed, the majority related to tax law enforcement and litigation, including Tax Court litigation; collection, bankruptcy, and summons advice and litigation; Appellate Court litigation; criminal tax; and enforcement advice and assistance.
In Fiscal Year 2012, Chief Counsel received 31,295 Tax Court cases involving taxpayers contesting an IRS determination that they owed additional tax. The total amount of tax and penalty in dispute at the end of the fscal year was almost $6.6 billion.

(Source: Internal Revenue Service Data Book, 2012.)

As described in the text, the mission of attorneys working in the Chief Counsel's Offce includes:
Q380083 Inglês
The IRS Chief Counsel is appointed by the President of the United States, with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, and serves as the chief legal advisor to the IRS Commissioner on all matters pertaining to the interpretation, administration, and enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code, as well as all other legal matters. Under the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, the Chief Counsel reports to both the IRS Commissioner and the Treasury General Counsel.
Attorneys in the Chief Counsel’s Offce serve as lawyers for the IRS. They provide the IRS and taxpayers with guidance on interpreting Federal tax laws correctly, represent the IRS in litigation, and provide all other legal support required to carry out the IRS mission.
Chief Counsel received 95,929 cases and closed 94,323 cases during fscal year 2012. Of the new cases received, and cases closed, the majority related to tax law enforcement and litigation, including Tax Court litigation; collection, bankruptcy, and summons advice and litigation; Appellate Court litigation; criminal tax; and enforcement advice and assistance.
In Fiscal Year 2012, Chief Counsel received 31,295 Tax Court cases involving taxpayers contesting an IRS determination that they owed additional tax. The total amount of tax and penalty in dispute at the end of the fscal year was almost $6.6 billion.

(Source: Internal Revenue Service Data Book, 2012.)

According to the passage, the IRS's chief legal advisor is
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