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The social role of school, in addition to providing quality
formal education equally to students is to also be a place
for cultural development, allowing the exposition to the
plurality of ideas, cultures and perspectives to strengthen
them to living on a plural society.
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In the sentence: "The children got to play all day, and that
made them happy", the comma provides no change to the
meaning of the phrase.
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In Graciliano Ramos work the enviroment usually is really
important to the soty, but the interest is directly focused
on human behavior, attitudes, and conduct, and the
description of the landscape arises from the
psychological characterization of the characters.
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In the sentence: "Please give me four red balloons for the
arrangement." the words "four" and "red" are being used
as adjectives.
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Althought there is no obligation for the teachers, the
continuing education is a good way to update the
teachers and school staff on changes and new trends
around teaching.
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Paulo Freire's Dialogical Education makes significant
criticisms of the lecture-based teaching method and
proposes that they cease to exist.
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Didatics is essential to the pedagogical practices, and the
teacher must be organized and flexible when approaching
a subject in class. This concept can only be abandoned
when there is no interest at all from the students, only
then should the teacher use expositive lessons to get
through the subject.
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During Jean Piaget's Formal Operational Stage, the
adolescent begins to reason logically and systematically.
This stage is defined by the ability to engage in
propositional reasoning. Logical deductions can be made
without the support of concrete objects. They learn to
create concepts and ideas.
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One of the aspects of the teaching-learning process is its
adaptability as it evolves, therefore nowadays the
institutions are encouraging students to learn more
actively instead of only receiving instructions from the
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The sentence: "The sweetness of this cake is out of this
World!" shows "out of" as a good example of a complex
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The Municipal Law nº 5.156/23 of Guaranhuns states that
it is essential for and english teacher to have a Literature
Degree with English Language License.
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According to the Guidelines and Bases Law of Education– Federal Law nº 9.394/1996 and its amendments, high
school will necessarily include the study of the English
language and may offer other foreign languages,
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When struggling to comprehend a text the scanning
technic, which consists of searching for detailed
information in the text, can be applied to help
understanding the theme of the text.
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The brazilian pedagogical liberal trend as a general have a
social-political viewing, proposing that the subject must
develop critical thinking of his place and social context, as
a way to accept reality.
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According to the Brazilian Child and Adolescent Rights
Act (ECA), it is a right of children and teenagers to be
raised and educated within a Family or foster Family, with
the insurance of comunity and family living in an
enviroment that secures a full development for them.
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The pedagogy of conditioning differs from the pedagogy
of transmission by not considering, in the educational
process, ideas and knowledge as more important; that is,
the empirical and operational manifestations of the
exchange of knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
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When working on a Pedagogical Political Project one
essential point is to map out all the infrastructure of the
unit, from physical space to available resources and
equipment. Additionally, conduct a survey of all
professionals involved in the school, as well as their roles
and departments.
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According to the Statute of People with Disabilities, the
national symbol for identifying people with hidden
disabilities is a ribbon with drawings of sunflowers, the
use of which is optional and its absence does not
prejudice the exercise of rights and guarantees provided
by law.
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Interdisciplinarity offers a new attitude towards
knowledge, with a change in the search of context for this
knowledge, making it a great tool for the construction of a
globalized knowledge and new perspectives for students
and teachers.
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Among the guidelines of the National Education Plan Law
nº 13.005/14 are: increasing of the quality of education
and humanistic, scientific, cultural and technological
improving in Brazil.