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Q2482258 Inglês

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The future real conditional must make the use of a conditional clause, formed using the simple present tense or present progressive tense to indicate a future possibility. The sentence: "If I had time, I would play with my nephews". Uses correctly the future real conditional form.

Q2482257 Inglês

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The words: "analysis", "criteria", "children", "mice", "trusses" are respectively the plural forms of: "analyses", "criterion", "child", "mouse", "truss".

Q2482256 Inglês

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Communicative competence is the ability of the language user to produce and comprehend texts suitable for achieving desired meaning effects in specific and concrete situations of communicative interaction. It is a very important concept to have when studying english due to the somewhat confusing phrasing for non-native speakers.

Q2482255 Inglês

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The Municipal Law nº 5.156/23 of Guaranhuns states that the Specialist English Teacher will act exclusively to the Primary School students.

Q2482254 Inglês

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The sentence ""I would have gone to shop when I had some time"" uses correctly ""when"" as past unreal conditional.

Q2482253 Inglês

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The brazilian progressist pedagogical tendency may have a more social-critical bias that encourage the subject to use the teached contents as a tool of transformation for Society.

Q2482252 Inglês

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The aim of learning a foreign language is not supposed to encourage the student to actively participate in the process of meaning-making within that language, the learning of the words meaning is enough.

Q2482251 Inglês

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For educators in Human Rights, Diversity is a historical, cultural, social, and political construction of differences, and is not limited to the quality of what is different from a biological or natural standpoint. Making it much more than just a set of differences.

Q2482250 Inglês

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The sentence: "She will have to finish the other books before the final exam" uses the "will have" as certainty.

Q2482249 Inglês

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Nowadays, the organization of the school curriculum is fragmented and hierarchical, meaning each discipline is taught separately, and those considered more important than others receive more time for explanation within the school context.

Q2482248 Inglês

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In the sentence: "For 50 years we have done things one way, and now we are changing to a different model" we have the use of adjectives on comparative.

Q2482247 Inglês

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The textual inference can be seen as a form of interpretation of the central theme of a text or book, but it is essential for the reader to have previous knowledge of this theme to be able to fully comprehend the message of the text/book.

Q2482246 Inglês

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The learning of Instrumental English will not become useful even with dedication, due to its situational uses, being applied mostly for specific professional areas and not seen as a way of learning english as a whole language.

Q2482245 Inglês

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Although Machado de Assis wrote on almost every literary genre, on most of them his style is marked by irony, the psychological depth of his characters, and the critical analysis of Brazilian society of his time.

Q2482244 Inglês

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In english Inflectional suffixes follow regular patterns and are added to words in a consistent manner, while derivational suffixes have the ability to change the meaning of the base word, frequently leading to a related yet distinct idea.

Q2482243 Inglês

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Álvares de Azevedo, a brazilian Romancist was widely known for his characteristics of sentimental exaggeration, idealization of women and love, cheerfulness, love and death as central points of a story.

Q2482242 Inglês

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The role of the teacher in inclusive education is to deliver the content to students with minimal adaptation to reduce a sense of segregation in the school environment.

Q2482241 Inglês

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According to Annex of Law No. 5.156/2023, the total number of positions for specialist teachers in the areas of Mathematics, Portuguese Language, Science, History, Physical Education, English Language, and Geography is sixty six.

Q2482240 Inglês

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The sentence "My mother said that she loved the gift you gave her", the phrasing is the reported speech in the simple past, in this case if the sentence was made on direct speech it should be always in the simple present.

Q2482239 Inglês

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In the sentence “Communication is much easier nowadays"", the word “easier” is an example of a superlative adjective.

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