Questões de Concurso Para prefeitura de teresina - pi

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Ano: 2018 Banca: FCC Órgão: Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
Q1196963 Engenharia Civil
A execução das alvenarias deve obedecer ao projeto executivo nas suas posições e espessuras. Na execução de alvenaria sem função estrutural de tijolos e blocos cerâmicos para se evitar que vigas com grandes cargas concentradas nos apoios incidam diretamente sobre a parede, deve-se usar, para que haja distribuição da carga, 
Ano: 2019 Banca: FCC Órgão: Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
Q1195587 Segurança da Informação
De acordo com a Norma NBR ISO/IEC 27005:2011, no processo de identificação de ativos da organização, um dos ativos do tipo primário é 
Ano: 2019 Banca: FCC Órgão: Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
Q1195300 Segurança da Informação
De acordo com a Norma NBR ISO/IEC 27005:2011, dentre as classes de ameaças conhecidas como ações não autorizadas, o único tipo de ameaça que é considerado acidental é 
Ano: 2008 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
Q1195185 Direito Civil
Com relação ao direito tributário, julgue o item 

Considere que um engenheiro residente em Teresina tenha aberto um escritório de engenharia, pessoa jurídica, em Timon. Nessa situação, em razão de sua residência, ele terá de pagar ao município de Teresina o ISS relativo aos serviços prestados como pessoa jurídica. 
Ano: 2016 Banca: FCC Órgão: Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
Q1190773 Direito Administrativo
A inassiduidade habitual e a aplicação irregular de dinheiros públicos acarretarão a aplicação da penalidade de 
Ano: 2016 Banca: FCC Órgão: Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
Q1190645 Matemática
A empresa Comércio & Comércio S.A. adquiriu, em 02/01/2016, mercadorias para serem revendidas no valor de R$ 250.000,00, pagando 40% em fevereiro e o restante em março de 2016. No dia 5 de fevereiro de 2016, a empresa vendeu 80% dessas mercadorias por R$ 380.000,00, recebendo 50% à vista e o restante em março de 2016. Desconsiderando os efeitos tributários, o resultado apurado pela empresa Comércio & Comércio S.A. com a venda destas mercadorias foi, em reais, 
Ano: 2016 Banca: FCC Órgão: Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
Q1190314 Direito do Trabalho
De acordo com a lei mencionada acima, 
Ano: 2018 Banca: FCC Órgão: Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
Q1188023 Direito Civil
A Lei de Introdução às Normas de Direito Brasileiro estabelece que a lei do país em que domiciliada a pessoa determina as regras sobre o começo e o fim da personalidade, o nome, a capacidade e os direitos de família. Outrossim, estabelece que 
  I. Tendo os nubentes domicílio diverso, regerá os casos de invalidade do matrimônio a lei do último domicílio conjugal.    II. O regime de bens, legal ou convencional, obedece à lei do país em que tiverem os nubentes domicílio, e, se este for diverso, à do último domicílio conjugal.    III. O casamento de estrangeiros poderá celebrar-se perante autoridades diplomáticas ou consulares do país de ambos os nubentes.     Está correto o que se afirma APENAS em: 
Ano: 2016 Banca: FCC Órgão: Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
Q1186220 Redes de Computadores
A partir do endereço IP de rede Classe C /27 com máscara, um Técnico deseja criar sub-redes. Para calcular o número de sub-redes possíveis e o número de hosts permitido em cada sub-rede deverá utilizar, respectivamente, 
Ano: 2016 Banca: FCC Órgão: Prefeitura de Teresina - PI
Q1184841 Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária
De acordo com parágrafo 2º do Artigo 39 da Portaria nº 2.914 de 2011 do Ministério da Saúde, recomenda-se que o teor máximo de cloro residual livre, por litro, em qualquer ponto do sistema de abastecimento seja de 
Q1006370 Inglês
In the cartoopurposen, the word like expresses idea of
Q1006369 Inglês
Based on the comic strip, the word humiliated is antonymous of
Q1006368 Inglês
The alternative that contains only adverbs of frequency is
Q1006367 Inglês
The sentence “Paul ___ not done volunteer work at the nursing home since last week.” It can be correctly completed with the auxiliary verb
Q1006366 Inglês

Concerning the use of reflexive pronouns, the option that provides the suitable pronouns that complete the sentences below, respectively

1. Carol can’t wash ________ if she doesn’t have any water.

2. The children____________ built the doghouse.

3. The boy cut _________ with a knife last night

Q1006365 Inglês


Turkey's Tourism Took a Hit in 2016

by Isabel von Kessel,

Jul 13, 2017  

Several major terrorist attacks in(1)____ Ankara, Istanbul and Diyarbakir, as well as an attempted coup d'état one year ago, made 2016 one of the worst years for (2)_____ Turkish tourism industry. After a ten-year-high of nearly 36,8 million visitors arriving in 2014, Turkey is facing a severe backlash that is hitting its tourism sector the hardest. Following the coup on 15 July 2016 and subsequent purges in Turkey, foreign visitor numbers have dropped dramatically (70 percent). By the end of last year visitor numbers fell to 25,4 million. While European holidaymakers and business people (notably the British and Germans) are still reluctant to pay a visit to Turkey, visitor numbers nevertheless increased from January to May 2017 by 16.3 percent when compared to the same time frame of the previous year. However, Russian citizens are increasingly making up for the declining tourist numbers from other countries: with more than 928,000 visitors coming from Russia up until the end of May, Germany was displaced as (3)_____ largest source of tourism for Turkey. (…)  


Access:22nd April, 2019  

In the sentence “While European holidaymakers and business people (notably the British and Germans) are still reluctant to pay a visit to Turkey, visitor numbers…”which of the following words is a synonym for holidaymakers.
Q1006364 Inglês


Turkey's Tourism Took a Hit in 2016

by Isabel von Kessel,

Jul 13, 2017  

Several major terrorist attacks in(1)____ Ankara, Istanbul and Diyarbakir, as well as an attempted coup d'état one year ago, made 2016 one of the worst years for (2)_____ Turkish tourism industry. After a ten-year-high of nearly 36,8 million visitors arriving in 2014, Turkey is facing a severe backlash that is hitting its tourism sector the hardest. Following the coup on 15 July 2016 and subsequent purges in Turkey, foreign visitor numbers have dropped dramatically (70 percent). By the end of last year visitor numbers fell to 25,4 million. While European holidaymakers and business people (notably the British and Germans) are still reluctant to pay a visit to Turkey, visitor numbers nevertheless increased from January to May 2017 by 16.3 percent when compared to the same time frame of the previous year. However, Russian citizens are increasingly making up for the declining tourist numbers from other countries: with more than 928,000 visitors coming from Russia up until the end of May, Germany was displaced as (3)_____ largest source of tourism for Turkey. (…)  


Access:22nd April, 2019  

In the sentence “Several major terrorist attacks in Ankara, Istanbul and Diyarbakir, as well as an attempted coup d'état one year ago …” as well as expresses an idea of
Q1006363 Inglês


Turkey's Tourism Took a Hit in 2016

by Isabel von Kessel,

Jul 13, 2017  

Several major terrorist attacks in(1)____ Ankara, Istanbul and Diyarbakir, as well as an attempted coup d'état one year ago, made 2016 one of the worst years for (2)_____ Turkish tourism industry. After a ten-year-high of nearly 36,8 million visitors arriving in 2014, Turkey is facing a severe backlash that is hitting its tourism sector the hardest. Following the coup on 15 July 2016 and subsequent purges in Turkey, foreign visitor numbers have dropped dramatically (70 percent). By the end of last year visitor numbers fell to 25,4 million. While European holidaymakers and business people (notably the British and Germans) are still reluctant to pay a visit to Turkey, visitor numbers nevertheless increased from January to May 2017 by 16.3 percent when compared to the same time frame of the previous year. However, Russian citizens are increasingly making up for the declining tourist numbers from other countries: with more than 928,000 visitors coming from Russia up until the end of May, Germany was displaced as (3)_____ largest source of tourism for Turkey. (…)  


Access:22nd April, 2019  

In text 5, there were some facts during the years of 2016, 2014 and 2017 that refer to respectively
Q1006362 Inglês


Turkey's Tourism Took a Hit in 2016

by Isabel von Kessel,

Jul 13, 2017  

Several major terrorist attacks in(1)____ Ankara, Istanbul and Diyarbakir, as well as an attempted coup d'état one year ago, made 2016 one of the worst years for (2)_____ Turkish tourism industry. After a ten-year-high of nearly 36,8 million visitors arriving in 2014, Turkey is facing a severe backlash that is hitting its tourism sector the hardest. Following the coup on 15 July 2016 and subsequent purges in Turkey, foreign visitor numbers have dropped dramatically (70 percent). By the end of last year visitor numbers fell to 25,4 million. While European holidaymakers and business people (notably the British and Germans) are still reluctant to pay a visit to Turkey, visitor numbers nevertheless increased from January to May 2017 by 16.3 percent when compared to the same time frame of the previous year. However, Russian citizens are increasingly making up for the declining tourist numbers from other countries: with more than 928,000 visitors coming from Russia up until the end of May, Germany was displaced as (3)_____ largest source of tourism for Turkey. (…)  


Access:22nd April, 2019  

The correct sequence to complete the text above concerning the use of the definite article is respectively
Q1006361 Inglês

Read the cartoon and answer question

The alternative with the correct form of the sentence in the indirect speech is
1401: C
1402: C
1403: E
1404: E
1405: D
1406: C
1407: C
1408: D
1409: A
1410: C
1411: B
1412: E
1413: A
1414: D
1415: B
1416: C
1417: B
1418: D
1419: A
1420: A