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Q3050725 Inglês

Understanding stereotypes

        Stanford linguists and psychologists study how language is interpreted by people. Even the slightest differences in language use can correspond with biased beliefs of the speakers, according to research.

          One study showed that a relatively harmless sentence, such as “girls are as good as boys at math,” can subtly perpetuate sexist stereotypes. Because of the statement’s grammatical structure, it implies that being good at math is more common or natural for boys than girls, the researchers said.

        Language can play a big role in how we and others perceive the world, and linguists work to discover what words and phrases can influence us, unknowingly.

In this context, the word that is similar in meaning to “harmless” (2nd paragraph) is
Q3050723 Inglês

Understanding stereotypes

        Stanford linguists and psychologists study how language is interpreted by people. Even the slightest differences in language use can correspond with biased beliefs of the speakers, according to research.

          One study showed that a relatively harmless sentence, such as “girls are as good as boys at math,” can subtly perpetuate sexist stereotypes. Because of the statement’s grammatical structure, it implies that being good at math is more common or natural for boys than girls, the researchers said.

        Language can play a big role in how we and others perceive the world, and linguists work to discover what words and phrases can influence us, unknowingly.

Analyse the assertions below based on Text IV:

I. Linguists are aware that language may convey prejudice.
II. Speakers may not realize their language choices might conceal implicit biases.
III. Stanford researchers have found out that boys actually outshine girls at math.

Choose the correct answer:
Q3050722 Inglês
The word “diversity” is formed in the same way as 
Q3050721 Inglês
The pronoun “one another” is classified as 
Q3050720 Inglês
In this context, “embracing” means
Q3050719 Inglês
According to this statement, diversity involves giving attention to 
Q3050718 Inglês

Language matters. The words we use shape the stories we construct of people and places, and ultimately, the policies and decisions we make.

The adverb “ultimately” can be replaced by 
Q3050717 Inglês

Language matters. The words we use shape the stories we construct of people and places, and ultimately, the policies and decisions we make.

The second word in the phrase “Language matters” presents a(n)
Q3050716 Inglês

Language matters. The words we use shape the stories we construct of people and places, and ultimately, the policies and decisions we make.

The point of this statement is that language 
Q3050714 Inglês

What is the definition of translanguaging?

      For years, research into the best instructional approaches for students identified as English learners has pointed to the concept of translanguaging.

       Identified by bilingual education researcher Ofelia García, it’s both a skill set and a total shift in the way language is thought of, used, and taught in K-12 classrooms where multiple languages are honored and addressed, even as English remains the dominant language of instruction, said Marybelle Marrero-Colon, the associate director of professional development for the Center for Applied Linguistics.

      Researchers are looking into how it can be applied to formal assessments, such as state standardized tests on which English learners might struggle to demonstrate their academic proficiency because they are tested in an unfamiliar language.

      Translanguaging is the ability to move fluidly between languages and a pedagogical approach to teaching in which teachers support this ability.

       In translanguaging, students are able to think in multiple languages simultaneously and use their home language as a vehicle to learn academic English.

      A student could be reading an article about the solar system in English, but in their brain, they are also thinking and making connections in Spanish. They might annotate in Spanish or first write down reading comprehension responses in Spanish and then figure out how to provide the responses in English, said MarreroColon. […]

   Teachers can engage in a variety of activities that deliberately encourage translanguaging, ranging from providing vocabulary in multiple languages to collaborative translation opportunities. The goal is to get students translanguaging as a practice that can be leveraged toward supporting literacy outcomes and engagement, as well as other academic endeavors.

      For example, two students could be assigned to solve a word problem, and one might be stuck on a word in English. The two students can then use an equivalent word in their home language to make sense of what the word problem is asking of them, Phillips Galloway said.

      Or in group activities, students can be prompted to share with the rest of the class how something taught in English would make sense in Spanish by highlighting similar and different grammatical structures between the two languages, Marrero-Colon said.

      “When you translate, you don’t have to do it word for word. You’re really trying to capture the feeling of that text,” MarreroColon said.

        Once teachers start doing these activities, research has found that students who have not spoken before start speaking and students who were not as engaged in text-comprehension activities suddenly are, she added. That's occurring because they are being encouraged to use their home language in class to think about language use overall.

Adapted from
The verb phrase in “who have not spoken before” (last paragraph) is in the
Q3050710 Inglês

What is the definition of translanguaging?

      For years, research into the best instructional approaches for students identified as English learners has pointed to the concept of translanguaging.

       Identified by bilingual education researcher Ofelia García, it’s both a skill set and a total shift in the way language is thought of, used, and taught in K-12 classrooms where multiple languages are honored and addressed, even as English remains the dominant language of instruction, said Marybelle Marrero-Colon, the associate director of professional development for the Center for Applied Linguistics.

      Researchers are looking into how it can be applied to formal assessments, such as state standardized tests on which English learners might struggle to demonstrate their academic proficiency because they are tested in an unfamiliar language.

      Translanguaging is the ability to move fluidly between languages and a pedagogical approach to teaching in which teachers support this ability.

       In translanguaging, students are able to think in multiple languages simultaneously and use their home language as a vehicle to learn academic English.

      A student could be reading an article about the solar system in English, but in their brain, they are also thinking and making connections in Spanish. They might annotate in Spanish or first write down reading comprehension responses in Spanish and then figure out how to provide the responses in English, said MarreroColon. […]

   Teachers can engage in a variety of activities that deliberately encourage translanguaging, ranging from providing vocabulary in multiple languages to collaborative translation opportunities. The goal is to get students translanguaging as a practice that can be leveraged toward supporting literacy outcomes and engagement, as well as other academic endeavors.

      For example, two students could be assigned to solve a word problem, and one might be stuck on a word in English. The two students can then use an equivalent word in their home language to make sense of what the word problem is asking of them, Phillips Galloway said.

      Or in group activities, students can be prompted to share with the rest of the class how something taught in English would make sense in Spanish by highlighting similar and different grammatical structures between the two languages, Marrero-Colon said.

      “When you translate, you don’t have to do it word for word. You’re really trying to capture the feeling of that text,” MarreroColon said.

        Once teachers start doing these activities, research has found that students who have not spoken before start speaking and students who were not as engaged in text-comprehension activities suddenly are, she added. That's occurring because they are being encouraged to use their home language in class to think about language use overall.

Adapted from
“Such as” in “such as state standardized tests” (3rd paragraph) signals an: 
Q3049322 Geografia

Analise a seguinte tirinha em quadrinhos da MAFALDA.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Sobre o processo de transformação fundiária abordado na tirinha em quadrinhos acima, analise as afirmativas a seguir.

I. A tomada de terras improdutivas por parte do governo, sem indenização aos seus proprietários.

II. Desapropriação, por interesse social, para fins de reforma agrária, do imóvel rural que não esteja cumprindo sua função social.

III. A pequena e média propriedade rural são insusceptíveis de desapropriação para este fim, desde que o proprietário não possua outra.

Não condiz(em) com a legislação brasileira:

Q3048346 Português
Sempre dá para separar um dinheirinho para o futuro. Em sete passos fáceis, veja como:

1. Ande com um caderninho na bolsa e anote tudo o que gasta para saber para onde está indo seu dinheiro.

2. Se você não tem certeza de que conseguirá conter seus impulsos, deixe em casa cartões de crédito e cheques. Estabeleça um limite em dinheiro para carregar na carteira.

3. Planeje suas compras, todas elas, e pague apenas à vista.

4. Sempre pesquise preços e pechinche.

5. Só compre pela internet ou por telefone se for algo necessário, oferecido a um preço ótimo (a internet é um prato cheio para compradores compulsivos). 6. Passe longe das liquidações.

7. Pesquise pacotes econômicos para celular, telefone fixo, internet e TV a cabo.

Elaine Toledo, Cláudia, SP, fev. 2009, p. 83. 
Uma das frases iniciais do texto é:
Em sete passos fáceis, veja como:
A finalidade dessa frase é
Q3048344 Português
Sempre dá para separar um dinheirinho para o futuro. Em sete passos fáceis, veja como:

1. Ande com um caderninho na bolsa e anote tudo o que gasta para saber para onde está indo seu dinheiro.

2. Se você não tem certeza de que conseguirá conter seus impulsos, deixe em casa cartões de crédito e cheques. Estabeleça um limite em dinheiro para carregar na carteira.

3. Planeje suas compras, todas elas, e pague apenas à vista.

4. Sempre pesquise preços e pechinche.

5. Só compre pela internet ou por telefone se for algo necessário, oferecido a um preço ótimo (a internet é um prato cheio para compradores compulsivos). 6. Passe longe das liquidações.

7. Pesquise pacotes econômicos para celular, telefone fixo, internet e TV a cabo.

Elaine Toledo, Cláudia, SP, fev. 2009, p. 83. 
O texto mostra inúmeras formas verbais no imperativo; nesse caso, essas formas verbais indicam 
Q3048281 Atuária
No caso de uma avaliação atuarial de regime próprio apurar déficit atuarial, deverão ser adotadas medidas para o seu equacionamento.
As opções a seguir apresentam essas medidas, à exceção de uma. Assinale-a.
Q3048280 Atuária
Sobre os testes de aderência aplicáveis às premissas atuariais, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q3048279 Atuária

Um regime próprio de Previdência Social tem 1.000 participantes ativos com salário de participação médio de R$ 5.000,00 e 100 participantes assistidos com benefício médio de R$ 3.000,00.

A folha salarial atuarial futura foi calculada em R$,00. Os ativos garantidores somam atualmente R$ 300.000.000,00 e os encargos atuariais foram calculados em R$ 500.000.000,00.

O valor percentual do custo normal no regime de capitalização pelo método de financiamento agregado é igual a
Q3048278 Atuária

Um regime próprio de Previdência Social tem 1.000 participantes ativos com salário de participação médio de R$ 5.000,00 e 100 participantes assistidos com benefício médio de R$ 3.000,00.

A folha salarial atuarial futura foi calculada em R$,00. Os ativos garantidores somam atualmente R$ 300.000.000,00 e os encargos atuariais foram calculados em R$ 500.000.000,00.

O valor percentual do custo normal, no regime de repartição simples, sobre os participantes ativos é igual a
Q3048277 Atuária
Sobre o ativo ou fundo garantidor e a criação do respectivo fundo para oscilação de riscos atuariais nos regimes próprios de Previdência Social, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q3048276 Atuária
As opções a seguir apresentam demonstrativos de emissão obrigatória por parte do regime próprio de Previdência Social, à exceção de um. Assinale-o.
1381: E
1382: D
1383: C
1384: B
1385: C
1386: A
1387: D
1388: D
1389: B
1390: B
1391: C
1392: D
1393: D
1394: C
1395: E
1396: B
1397: E
1398: C
1399: C
1400: B