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Q920711 Inglês



(Source: Retrieved on January 27th, 2018)

The Challenges Facing Government Auditors
Posted on July 26, 2013

When it comes to the pressure of successfully identifying, anticipating and dealing with risks, few auditors shoulder as much burden as those who work with the government. As the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Richard Chambers wrote, these professionals deal with career-threatening political risks on a daily basis that many private sector auditors could never comprehend.
Internal auditors play a pivotal role in the relationship between the government and citizens. It’s up to auditors to set the appropriate controls to manage federal programs and also to provide insight into the effectiveness and the soundness of the government’s inner workings. Put simply, auditors are key to ensuring the public’s trust in their government is well-founded and not abused.
That being said, there are a number of challenges associated with governmental-level internal auditing. Citing a MicKinsey paper from 2011, Chambers points to a few key issues:
1. Turnover and Outsiders: Turnover in the political sector is high, with appointed executives seldom lasting for more than two years. On top of that, newly appointed officials often come from outside departments or agencies. This means officials frequently don’t have a firm grasp on all the risks and challenges associated with their position, which can lead to poor decision making.
2. Metrics for Success: In the private sector, business objectives are clear and are conducive to metrics: more sales, more customers, more revenue, return on investment, etc. This means it’s extremely easy to determine the efficiency of audit programs and controls. In the public sphere, metrics aren’t as obvious because financial and mission objectives are more complex. This complicates the job immensely.
3. ‘Mission Over Risk’ Mindset: Most companies undervalue the importance of risk culture. Departments want to achieve their objectives, and risk management takes a back seat to that. In the public sector, officials are often even more dedicated to and passionate about the mission at hand. Additionally, people tend to assume that government budgets are big enough to bail departments out of bad decisions, which can lead to risky behaviors. […]
Internal controls are pivotal to maintaining the public trust in government operations, so despite the challenges that lay in front of auditors, it’s crucial they work with managers to develop effective campaigns and programs.
(Adapted from: Retrieved on January 25th, 2018)
The last paragraph states that, when developing campaigns and programs, auditors should not work
Q920710 Inglês



(Source: Retrieved on January 27th, 2018)

The Challenges Facing Government Auditors
Posted on July 26, 2013

When it comes to the pressure of successfully identifying, anticipating and dealing with risks, few auditors shoulder as much burden as those who work with the government. As the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Richard Chambers wrote, these professionals deal with career-threatening political risks on a daily basis that many private sector auditors could never comprehend.
Internal auditors play a pivotal role in the relationship between the government and citizens. It’s up to auditors to set the appropriate controls to manage federal programs and also to provide insight into the effectiveness and the soundness of the government’s inner workings. Put simply, auditors are key to ensuring the public’s trust in their government is well-founded and not abused.
That being said, there are a number of challenges associated with governmental-level internal auditing. Citing a MicKinsey paper from 2011, Chambers points to a few key issues:
1. Turnover and Outsiders: Turnover in the political sector is high, with appointed executives seldom lasting for more than two years. On top of that, newly appointed officials often come from outside departments or agencies. This means officials frequently don’t have a firm grasp on all the risks and challenges associated with their position, which can lead to poor decision making.
2. Metrics for Success: In the private sector, business objectives are clear and are conducive to metrics: more sales, more customers, more revenue, return on investment, etc. This means it’s extremely easy to determine the efficiency of audit programs and controls. In the public sphere, metrics aren’t as obvious because financial and mission objectives are more complex. This complicates the job immensely.
3. ‘Mission Over Risk’ Mindset: Most companies undervalue the importance of risk culture. Departments want to achieve their objectives, and risk management takes a back seat to that. In the public sector, officials are often even more dedicated to and passionate about the mission at hand. Additionally, people tend to assume that government budgets are big enough to bail departments out of bad decisions, which can lead to risky behaviors. […]
Internal controls are pivotal to maintaining the public trust in government operations, so despite the challenges that lay in front of auditors, it’s crucial they work with managers to develop effective campaigns and programs.
(Adapted from: Retrieved on January 25th, 2018)
The word “shoulder” in “few auditors shoulder as much burden as those who work with the government” means
Q920709 Inglês



(Source: Retrieved on January 27th, 2018)

The Challenges Facing Government Auditors
Posted on July 26, 2013

When it comes to the pressure of successfully identifying, anticipating and dealing with risks, few auditors shoulder as much burden as those who work with the government. As the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Richard Chambers wrote, these professionals deal with career-threatening political risks on a daily basis that many private sector auditors could never comprehend.
Internal auditors play a pivotal role in the relationship between the government and citizens. It’s up to auditors to set the appropriate controls to manage federal programs and also to provide insight into the effectiveness and the soundness of the government’s inner workings. Put simply, auditors are key to ensuring the public’s trust in their government is well-founded and not abused.
That being said, there are a number of challenges associated with governmental-level internal auditing. Citing a MicKinsey paper from 2011, Chambers points to a few key issues:
1. Turnover and Outsiders: Turnover in the political sector is high, with appointed executives seldom lasting for more than two years. On top of that, newly appointed officials often come from outside departments or agencies. This means officials frequently don’t have a firm grasp on all the risks and challenges associated with their position, which can lead to poor decision making.
2. Metrics for Success: In the private sector, business objectives are clear and are conducive to metrics: more sales, more customers, more revenue, return on investment, etc. This means it’s extremely easy to determine the efficiency of audit programs and controls. In the public sphere, metrics aren’t as obvious because financial and mission objectives are more complex. This complicates the job immensely.
3. ‘Mission Over Risk’ Mindset: Most companies undervalue the importance of risk culture. Departments want to achieve their objectives, and risk management takes a back seat to that. In the public sector, officials are often even more dedicated to and passionate about the mission at hand. Additionally, people tend to assume that government budgets are big enough to bail departments out of bad decisions, which can lead to risky behaviors. […]
Internal controls are pivotal to maintaining the public trust in government operations, so despite the challenges that lay in front of auditors, it’s crucial they work with managers to develop effective campaigns and programs.
(Adapted from: Retrieved on January 25th, 2018)
The sentence that informs that one of the challenges associated with governmental-level internal auditing is the problem of continuity is:
Q920708 Inglês



(Source: Retrieved on January 27th, 2018)

The Challenges Facing Government Auditors
Posted on July 26, 2013

When it comes to the pressure of successfully identifying, anticipating and dealing with risks, few auditors shoulder as much burden as those who work with the government. As the Institute of Internal Auditors’ Richard Chambers wrote, these professionals deal with career-threatening political risks on a daily basis that many private sector auditors could never comprehend.
Internal auditors play a pivotal role in the relationship between the government and citizens. It’s up to auditors to set the appropriate controls to manage federal programs and also to provide insight into the effectiveness and the soundness of the government’s inner workings. Put simply, auditors are key to ensuring the public’s trust in their government is well-founded and not abused.
That being said, there are a number of challenges associated with governmental-level internal auditing. Citing a MicKinsey paper from 2011, Chambers points to a few key issues:
1. Turnover and Outsiders: Turnover in the political sector is high, with appointed executives seldom lasting for more than two years. On top of that, newly appointed officials often come from outside departments or agencies. This means officials frequently don’t have a firm grasp on all the risks and challenges associated with their position, which can lead to poor decision making.
2. Metrics for Success: In the private sector, business objectives are clear and are conducive to metrics: more sales, more customers, more revenue, return on investment, etc. This means it’s extremely easy to determine the efficiency of audit programs and controls. In the public sphere, metrics aren’t as obvious because financial and mission objectives are more complex. This complicates the job immensely.
3. ‘Mission Over Risk’ Mindset: Most companies undervalue the importance of risk culture. Departments want to achieve their objectives, and risk management takes a back seat to that. In the public sector, officials are often even more dedicated to and passionate about the mission at hand. Additionally, people tend to assume that government budgets are big enough to bail departments out of bad decisions, which can lead to risky behaviors. […]
Internal controls are pivotal to maintaining the public trust in government operations, so despite the challenges that lay in front of auditors, it’s crucial they work with managers to develop effective campaigns and programs.
(Adapted from: Retrieved on January 25th, 2018)
Mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F) according to Text I.
( ) Private sector auditors have more responsibility than government auditors on risk-taking decisions. ( ) The weight government auditors take upon themselves is quite heavy. ( ) Part of the auditor’s job is one of mediation between the public and the government.
The correct sequence is:
Q920707 Português

Texto 1 – Dados Primários

Há cerca de 15 anos, um grupo de pesquisadores do Imazon (Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia) preparava um estudo sobre indicadores de sustentabilidade da cidade de Belém e precisava saber quantos metros quadrados de praças e áreas verdes havia em cada bairro da região metropolitana. Durante três meses, os pesquisadores buscaram o dado junto a órgãos públicos. Protocolo para cá, ofício para lá, o máximo que conseguiram foi uma estimativa de que existiam “umas cem praças”. Beto Veríssimo, líder de estudo, reuniu a equipe e propôs; vamos medir nós mesmos. Armados de GPS, trena e suor, em dois meses mapearam quase duas mil praças e áreas verdes na capital paraense.

Lembrei-me desse episódio ao participar do debate recente sobre os dados de cobertura e uso da terra no Brasil.

Em artigo recente no “Valor Econômico”, o autor conclui, após, segundo ele, cruzar várias fontes de dados, que entre 1990 e 2016 a área ocupada pela atividade agropecuária no Brasil teria sido reduzida em 4,2 milhões de hectares, a despeito de 38 milhões de hectares terem sido desmatados no mesmo período. Afirma que a regeneração da mata nativa teria alcançado 50 milhões de hectares no período e que, portanto, para cada hectare desmatado, 1,3 hectare era recuperado. A expansão da produção agropecuária teria se dado, então, exclusivamente pelos extraordinários ganhos de produtividade.

O incauto, ao ler tal informação, poderia concluir que a área das matas brasileiras teria aumentado nas últimas décadas, e a agropecuária reduzido a área ocupada. Portanto, a expansão da agropecuária não teria causado desmatamento e degradação. Ou seja, tudo ótimo, nada a mudar, basta seguirmos no rumo em que estamos.

Nestas horas, é importante voltar às fontes de dados primários sólidas e abrangentes no tempo e no espaço.

Existem atualmente três iniciativas de mapeamento de cobertura e uso da terra no Brasil. [...] Ainda que todos possam ser melhorados e, embora tenham diferenças de abordagem metodológica, legenda e resolução, os dados gerados por esses três projetos indicam de forma inequívoca:

• o Brasil perdeu cobertura florestal e vegetação nativa durante todos os períodos analisados;

• a área ocupada pela atividade agropecuária cresceu em todos os períodos;

• houve regeneração em larga escala no Brasil, mas ela ainda representa menos de um terço das áreas desmatadas;

• mais de 90% das áreas desmatadas se convertem em agropecuária.

Esta é a realidade nua e crua dos dados primários. Eles, decerto, estão sujeitos a muitas análises e interpretações. Estas só não podem ir de encontro aos fatos.

Tasso Azevedo, O GLOBO, 28/02/2018.

Analise a charge a seguir.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

A charge tem em comum com o texto 1:
1096: C
1097: B
1098: A
1099: C
1100: D