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Q2334350 Inglês
Which of the following statements about the article is INCORRECT?
Q2334349 Inglês
Analyze the following statements about the article and mark T, if true, or F, if false.

( ) Self-kindness means you have to forgive and forget all your flaws and mistakes.
( ) Success should be defined by each person, according to what they want to achieve.
( ) Looking for things to be grateful when facing bad situations helps us change the focus and accept things without self-criticism.

The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:
Q2334348 Inglês
The text mentions many benefits brought by the self-compassion practices it suggests. But besides individual practices, the author indicates self-compassion in general as a solution to one main problem, which is: 
Q2334347 Inglês
Which of the following was NOT suggested in the text as means to practice self-compassion? 
Q2334346 Educação Física
No basquete, quando um jogador conquista o controle de uma bola viva na quadra de defesa ou quando, em uma reposição, a bola toca ou é legalmente tocada por qualquer jogador na quadra de defesa, e a equipe do jogador que está fazendo a reposição permanece com o controle da bola na sua quadra de defesa, esta equipe deve fazer a bola ir para sua quadra de ataque em até quantos segundos? 
176: E
177: B
178: A
179: E
180: A