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Q1724775 Psicologia
Uma escala, pode se referir a um instrumento separado formado por itens que avaliam uma única característica, como, por exemplo, a:
Q1724774 Psicologia
Para se avaliar resultados de testes psicológicos é necessário ter padrões baseados em dados empíricos, pois:
Q1724773 Psicologia
De acordo com o ECA os casos de suspeita ou confirmação de castigo físico, de tratamento cruel ou degradante e de maus-tratos contra criança ou adolescente serão obrigatoriamente comunicados a qual dos órgãos a seguir?
Q1724772 Psicologia
Segundo o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), os hospitais e demais estabelecimentos de atenção à saúde de gestantes, públicos e particulares, são obrigados a:
Q1724598 Inglês

Analyze the context below.

But the algorithm itself can't feel shame for how wrong it got my friend, and that's both its advantage and disadvantage.

The underlined item should be corrected as:

Q1724597 Inglês

Observe the sentences below.

I - RBS has launched a savings account paying 1.5 per cent interest.

II - She founded and was director of the publications department at the Historic New Orleans Collection.

III - […] that would be more appropriate in a baby's bedroom.

IV - These news came in what must be considered the most damaging single hour of a deeply troubled Presidency.

Analyzing the underlined noun phrases, choose the correct option.

Q1724596 Inglês

Read the fragment below.

The presidential nominee gave her avowed intent to reform the public-school system should she be elected.

The context can be understood as:

Q1724595 Inglês

Observe the sentence below.

The trip to the United States had resulted ____ conversations between Mother Frances and a devout Catholic convert.

Choose the best preposition that follows the verb.

Q1724594 Inglês

Analyze the following sentence.

If she would have broughtit to the committee when she received it, then she would have had 6 weeks to 2 months more to investigate.

The underlined item should be corrected as:

Q1724593 Inglês

Observe the sentences below.

I - Clearly, she did not sent the card and I asked if she had family locally;

II - […] they traveled together to the consulate;

III - He had no knowledge of how to travel the deserts and lack of streams and water almost killed them as they traveled west;

IV - It was not until they traveled to Arkansas.

Choose the option in which all the verb tenses are correct.

Q1724592 Inglês

Observe the sentence below.

The new imports bloomed repeatedly during the summer.

The preposition “during”, without changing the meaning, can be replaced by:

Q1724591 Inglês

Read intently the context above.

A new study reveals that wasps are largely disliked by the public, _____ bees are highly appreciated.

Choose the best conjunction that completes the sentence.

Q1724590 Inglês

Observe the sentence below.

[…] when told of Debby's sadly words at a recent practice, Tommy, however, began to laugh.

In the context above, the connection “however” indicates:

Q1724589 Inglês

Read the sentence below.

I really ____ of her yesterday, I really did it and she ____ thought this was all pretty cool.

Choose the best option that completes the context above.
Q1724588 Inglês

Read the following context.

I - […] teachers cannot assume that students who are good readers in their native language can simply apply successfully the same skills to reading in English. Reading in English requires a set of thinking skills and attitudes that grow out of the spoken and written use of the English language.

II - Teaching reading in standard English to second-language learners and other limited English proficient students means helping them acquire the literate behaviors, the ways of thinking about text, that are practiced by non-native speakers of English.

III - In fact, learning to read and comprehend a second language requires learning a secondary literacy: alternative cultural interpretations, cultural beliefs about language and discourse, and culturespecific formal and content schemata.

IV - It is important to realize that learning to read effectively in a second language literally alters the learner’s cognitive structures and values orientations.

Observing the context above, choose the correct option.

Q1724587 Inglês

Read the fragment below.

It is useful to present to the student, for example, how the variety of English spoken by American blacks is discriminated against in society and therefore, as they are mistakenly placed in discourse as inferior. The comparison with non-hegemonic varieties of Brazilian Portuguese can be enlightening, since their speakers also suffer social discrimination.

Choose the best option that reflects the variety of spoken Languages.

Q1720541 Geografia
O maior deserto de sal do mundo está localizado:
Q1720540 Geografia
O rio mais extenso do mundo, está localizado em qual país?
Q1720537 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
De acordo com a Lei Orgânica de Barra Bonita – SC, é vedado ao município:
Q1720536 Português
Leia com atenção:
I. O culto ecumênico será realizado _______ dezenove horas; II. Fui _______ feira de artesanato no domingo passado; III. Naquele dia, o escritório se encontrava _______ avessas.
Preenchem adequadamente as lacunas acima, respectivamente:
601: C
602: D
603: B
604: C
605: C
606: B
607: A
608: D
609: B
610: C
611: A
612: C
613: A
614: D
615: B
616: D
617: D
618: D
619: C
620: C