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Q2204599 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
What is the primary meaning of the word "joints" as used in the second paragraph? Select the CORRECT alternative.
Q2204598 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
What genre does the text above primarily belong to? Select the CORRECT alternative.
Q2204597 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
Which pair of words from the text above have similar sounds but different meanings in different contexts? Select the CORRECT alternative.
Q2204596 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
In the sentence "Of those who completed it, 69 percent say they have improvements [...]" (3º§), the parts of speech are as follows, EXCEPT:
Q2204545 Enfermagem
Programa que visa à integração e articulação permanente da educação e da saúde, proporcionando melhoria da qualidade de vida da população brasileira.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA a que se refere o texto acima.
Q2204544 Enfermagem
De acordo com o Ministério da Saúde, a operacionalização da vigilância epidemiológica compreende um ciclo de funções específicas e intercomplementares, desenvolvidas de modo contínuo, permitindo conhecer, a cada momento, o comportamento da doença ou agravo selecionado como alvo das ações, para que medidas de intervenção pertinentes possam ser desencadeadas com oportunidade e eficácia. Sabendo disso, são funções da vigilância epidemiológica, EXCETO: 
Q2204543 Enfermagem
Plataforma utilizada para o registro e acompanhamento de eventos de importância em saúde pública da Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde.
Marque a alternativa CORRETA a que se refere o texto. 
Q2204542 Enfermagem
Segundo a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, os indicadores em saúde podem ter interpretações bastante diversas, segundo a situação epidemiológica e o tipo de evento observado no numerador. Sobre o tema, analise as assertivas abaixo, e marque a CORRETA.
Q2204540 Enfermagem
Marque a alternativa CORRETA que, segundo a Ética Profissional (Resolução COFEN 564/17), é considerada circunstância atenuante:
Q2204539 Enfermagem
Sobre a NOB-SUS 01/96, assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Q2204538 Enfermagem
Durante uma consulta de enfermagem, paciente do sexo feminino, queixa-se de dor pélvica crônica (início há mais de 3 meses), com piora clínica, principalmente no período menstrual. Segundo a paciente, a dor irradia para região lombossacra, a mesma apresenta episódios de constipação e alguns episódios de hematúria. Diante do quadro clínico da paciente, o enfermeiro deve suspeitar de:

Marque a alternativa CORRETA.
Q2204537 Enfermagem
O Regulamento Sanitário Internacional (RSI, 2005) é um instrumento jurídico internacional elaborado para ajudar a proteger os países contra a propagação internacional de doenças, incluindo os riscos para saúde pública e as emergências de saúde pública (Ministério da Saúde, 2016). Conforme o instrumento de decisão para a avaliação e notificação dos eventos, segundo o Anexo 2 do RSI (2005), os eventos de saúde pública são monitorados pelo Centro de Informações Estratégicas e Respostas em Vigilância em Saúde, nas seguintes situações listadas, EXCETO:
Q2204536 Enfermagem
As compressões torácicas, no adulto, durante a Ressuscitação Cardiopulmonar (RCP), deve ser de pelo menos:
Marque a alternativa CORRETA.
Q2204535 Enfermagem
Acerca da PCR em gestante, assinale a alternativa CORRETA.
Q2204534 Enfermagem
O Ministério da Saúde, recomenda a seguinte conduta profissional, diante de um resultado de exame citopatológico positivo para Lesão de Baixo Grau (LSIL) de pacientes acima de 25 anos:

Marque a alternativa CORRETA.
Q2204533 Enfermagem
Em relação a prevenção da Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis (DST), marque verdadeiro (V) ou falso (F) nos itens abaixo:
(__)O uso da camisinha (masculina ou feminina) em todas as relações sexuais (orais, anais e vaginais) é o método mais eficaz para evitar a transmissão das IST, do HIV/aids e das hepatites virais B e C. Serve também para evitar a gravidez.
(__)Orienta-se, sempre que possível, há não realizar dupla proteção: uso da camisinha e outro método anticonceptivo de escolha.
(__)A camisinha masculina ou feminina não pode ser retirada gratuitamente nas unidades de saúde.
(__)Quem tem relação sexual desprotegida pode contrair uma IST. Porém, depende da: idade, estado civil, classe social, identidade de gênero, orientação sexual, credo ou religião.

Assinale a sequência CORRETA de cima para baixo.
Q2204532 Enfermagem
Em relação a pressão arterial (PA), é CORRETO afirmar que:
Q2204531 Enfermagem
Com base nas causas comuns de hemorragia interna e sinais e sintomas associados, assinale a alternativa CORRETA que corresponde a causas comuns com de fezes escuras ou negras, rigidez no abdome, espasmos dos músculos abdominais.
Q2204530 Enfermagem
Com base nas fontes de sangramento, assinale a alternativa CORRETA relacionada a veia.
Q2204529 Enfermagem
Com base nas contraindicações para aferição da temperatura, assinale a alternativa CORRETA que corresponde a um local que tem como contraindicação a umidade da pele.
61: D
62: B
63: D
64: E
65: B
66: C
67: C
68: D
69: A
70: A
71: E
72: C
73: C
74: C
75: A
76: B
77: A
78: D
79: E
80: E