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1.The phenomenon was observed ___ the Middle Ages. 2.I was waiting for him ____ St. James Square. 3.They married ___ Christmas Day. 4.We are going to spend our vacation ____the West coast.
The correct order is:
I-I have three sons, so I can speak as a mother. II-The climates of Rio and São Paulo are alike. III-He has been working like a horse.
( )The White man thought the red man knew nothing. ( )The Red man´s answer showed he had more wisdom than the White man. ( ) The Native American is trying showing that the knowledge of both is tiny compared to the amount of things they do not know. ( ) It is pointless for a particular group of people to feel superior about their knowledge when compared to another group.
The correct order is:
“Foi ao mercado, comprou o molho, mas não conseguiu acertar a receita.”
A última oração é classificada como coordenada sintética:
I – A noite é breve
II – À pressa é inimiga da Perfeição
III – À noite, seja breve
IV – O bolo de chocolate não ficou bom porque foi assado às pressas.
Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao uso da Crase.
1-Não entendi certos apontamentos. 2- Os apontamentos certos fazem a diferença.
Os termos em destaque nas sentenças acima são classificados, de acordo com o contexto em que estão inseridos, respectivamente como: