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Q1640207 Direito Sanitário
Em conformidade com a Lei nº 8.080/1990 - SUS, marcar C para as afirmativas Certas, E para as Erradas e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(---) Estão incluídas no campo de atuação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) a execução de ações de vigilância sanitária, de vigilância epidemiológica, de saúde do trabalhador e de assistência terapêutica integral, exceto farmacêutica. (---) À direção municipal do SUS compete planejar, organizar, controlar e avaliar as ações e os serviços de saúde e gerir e executar os serviços públicos de saúde. (---) Entende-se por vigilância epidemiológica um conjunto de ações que proporcionam o conhecimento, a detecção ou prevenção de qualquer mudança nos fatores determinantes e condicionantes de saúde individual ou coletiva, com a finalidade de recomendar e adotar as medidas de prevenção e controle das doenças ou agravos.
Q1640206 Direito Sanitário
De acordo com o Decreto nº 7.508/2011, analisar os itens abaixo:
I. O acesso universal, igualitário e ordenado às ações e serviços de saúde se inicia pelas Portas de Entrada do SUS e se completa na rede regionalizada e hierarquizada, de acordo com a complexidade do serviço. II. A integralidade da assistência à saúde se inicia e se completa na Rede de Atenção à Saúde, mediante referenciamento do usuário na rede regional e interestadual, conforme pactuado nas Comissões Intergestores.
Q1640200 Direito Constitucional
Considerando-se a Constituição Federal, sobre os direitos dos trabalhadores urbanos e rurais, além de outros que visem à melhoria de sua condição social, marcar C para os direitos Certos, E para os Errados e, após, assinalar a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA:
(---) Proteção do salário na forma da lei, constituindo crime sua retenção dolosa. (---) Décimo terceiro salário com base na remuneração integral ou no valor da aposentadoria. (---) Repouso semanal não remunerado, preferencialmente aos domingos.
Q1640199 Direito Constitucional
De acordo com a Constituição Federal, constituem objetivos fundamentais da República Federativa do Brasil, EXCETO:
Q1640198 Direito Administrativo
Segundo a Constituição Federal, a administração pública direta e indireta de qualquer dos Poderes da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios obedecerá aos princípios de legalidade, impessoalidade, moralidade, publicidade e eficiência e também, entre outros, ao seguinte:
I. Os cargos, empregos e funções públicas são acessíveis aos brasileiros que preencham os requisitos estabelecidos em lei, assim como aos estrangeiros, na forma da lei. II. O prazo de validade do concurso público será de até dois anos, prorrogável uma vez, por igual período.
Q1640167 Inglês
Mark the alternative that represents a formal word:
Q1640165 Inglês

About the imperatives, consider the affirmatives below:

I. Try always tell the truth.

II. Never do that again!

III. Do be quiet!

The CORRECT item(s) is(are):

Q1640164 Inglês
Considering negative structures, choose the CORRECT alternative:
Q1640163 Inglês
The antonym of “complain” is:
Q1640162 Inglês

About the sentence structure, consider the following items:

I. You can only live for a few days without to drink.

II. Are you interested in helping me?

III. He passed the exams instead of bothering you.

The CORRECT item(s) is(are):

Q1640161 Inglês

Chose the alternative that fills the gaps below CORRECTLY:

He ________ really pleased that she ________ there.

Q1640160 Inglês

A Better Way to Paint a House

    Fall is by far the best time to paint a house in most locations. The cooler, drier weather allows the paint to cure properly and also makes the work more _____________ rather than suffering through the summer heat or spring showers.

    Keeping your house painted is the best way to keep issues like rot or termites at bay and should be a regularly scheduled part of your maintenance every 10-20 years depending on your climate and the condition of your paint.

    If you let a paint job go too long you run the risk of damage to the underlying structure and increased costs for more involved surface prep. Heavy sanding, scraping and carpentry repairs can be budget busters so keeping your house painted regularly is a time and money saver. - adapted

The expression “rather than” in the text is equivalent to:
Q1640159 Inglês

A Better Way to Paint a House

    Fall is by far the best time to paint a house in most locations. The cooler, drier weather allows the paint to cure properly and also makes the work more _____________ rather than suffering through the summer heat or spring showers.

    Keeping your house painted is the best way to keep issues like rot or termites at bay and should be a regularly scheduled part of your maintenance every 10-20 years depending on your climate and the condition of your paint.

    If you let a paint job go too long you run the risk of damage to the underlying structure and increased costs for more involved surface prep. Heavy sanding, scraping and carpentry repairs can be budget busters so keeping your house painted regularly is a time and money saver. - adapted

The expression “by far” in the text means:
Q1640158 Inglês

A Better Way to Paint a House

    Fall is by far the best time to paint a house in most locations. The cooler, drier weather allows the paint to cure properly and also makes the work more _____________ rather than suffering through the summer heat or spring showers.

    Keeping your house painted is the best way to keep issues like rot or termites at bay and should be a regularly scheduled part of your maintenance every 10-20 years depending on your climate and the condition of your paint.

    If you let a paint job go too long you run the risk of damage to the underlying structure and increased costs for more involved surface prep. Heavy sanding, scraping and carpentry repairs can be budget busters so keeping your house painted regularly is a time and money saver. - adapted

According to the text, mark C for the Certain statements, W for the Wrong ones and, after, mark the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:

(---) Issues like rot or termites are not ordinary.

(---) Paint should be a regularly scheduled part of your maintenance every 10-20 days depending on your climate and the condition of your paint.

(---) Heavy sanding, scraping and carpentry repairs are expensive and takes time.

Q1640157 Inglês

A Better Way to Paint a House

    Fall is by far the best time to paint a house in most locations. The cooler, drier weather allows the paint to cure properly and also makes the work more _____________ rather than suffering through the summer heat or spring showers.

    Keeping your house painted is the best way to keep issues like rot or termites at bay and should be a regularly scheduled part of your maintenance every 10-20 years depending on your climate and the condition of your paint.

    If you let a paint job go too long you run the risk of damage to the underlying structure and increased costs for more involved surface prep. Heavy sanding, scraping and carpentry repairs can be budget busters so keeping your house painted regularly is a time and money saver. - adapted

What is the best explanation for the text?
Q1640156 Inglês

A Better Way to Paint a House

    Fall is by far the best time to paint a house in most locations. The cooler, drier weather allows the paint to cure properly and also makes the work more _____________ rather than suffering through the summer heat or spring showers.

    Keeping your house painted is the best way to keep issues like rot or termites at bay and should be a regularly scheduled part of your maintenance every 10-20 years depending on your climate and the condition of your paint.

    If you let a paint job go too long you run the risk of damage to the underlying structure and increased costs for more involved surface prep. Heavy sanding, scraping and carpentry repairs can be budget busters so keeping your house painted regularly is a time and money saver. - adapted

Mark the alternative that fills the text gap CORRECTLY:
Q1640155 Inglês
The alternative that there is an adjective is:
Q1640154 Inglês
Considering verb tenses for future, choose the CORRECT alternative:
Q1640153 Inglês

Check the alternative that fills the gap below CORRECTLY:

She participated ______________ in the festivities.

21: C
22: A
23: B
24: C
25: A
26: A
27: A
28: C
29: C
30: D
31: C
32: D
33: C
34: A
35: B
36: B
37: C
38: D
39: B
40: D