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Q41901 Português
Imagem 002.jpg
Com referência ao texto acima, julgue os itens subseqüentes.
Em "à do experimento" (L.6), o sinal indicativo de crase está empregado de forma semelhante ao emprego desse sinal em expressões como à moda, às vezes, em que o uso do sinal é fixo.
Q41900 Português
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Com referência ao texto acima, julgue os itens subseqüentes.
O desenvolvimento da argumentação do texto mostra que o pronome em "modifica-o" (L.3) toma como referente a expressão "determinado assunto" (L.1).
Q41899 Português
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Julgue os seguintes itens, a respeito da organização das idéias no
texto acima.
No segundo parágrafo, as duas ocorrências do pronome se, em "desarticula-se" e "torna-se", marcam a impessoalidade da linguagem empregada no texto por meio da indeterminação do sujeito.
Q41898 Português
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Julgue os seguintes itens, a respeito da organização das idéias no
texto acima.
O uso da preposição em, no termo "nos quais" (L.12), indica que a expressão nominal "processos sociais compartilhados" (L.12) está empregada como a circunstância de lugar da emergência dos "significados" (L.13), não como o agente de sua origem.
Q41897 Português
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Julgue os seguintes itens, a respeito da organização das idéias no
texto acima.
Na linha 11, a flexão de singular na forma verbal "consiste" deve-se à obrigatoriedade da concordância do verbo com o sujeito da oração: "ser humano".
Q41896 Português
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Julgue os seguintes itens, a respeito da organização das idéias no
texto acima.
Preservam-se as relações argumentativas, a noção de pluralidade e a correção gramatical da oração ao se empregar a expressão cada projeto humano em lugar de "os projetos humanos" (L.9).
Q41895 Português
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Julgue os seguintes itens, a respeito da organização das idéias no
texto acima.
Preservam-se as relações entre os argumentos do texto caso se empregue, em lugar de "que não possamos" (L.8), uma oração correspondente com o gerúndio: não podendo.
Q41894 Português
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Julgue os seguintes itens, a respeito da organização das idéias no
texto acima.
A relação que a oração iniciada por "e as respostas" (L.7) mantém com a anterior mostra que a função da conjunção "e" corresponde à função de por isso.
Q41892 Português
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Julgue os seguintes itens, a respeito da organização das idéias no
texto acima.
Subentende-se da argumentação do texto que a sistematização dos gêneros do discurso ainda é insuficiente para explicar satisfatoriamente o complexo sentido da cultura e da ciência na formação dos sujeitos.
Q41825 Inglês
Which has more Islamist terrorism,
Europe or America?

Imagem 009.jpg
From the text, it can be inferred that
the Muslim community in America is bigger than that of Europe.
Q41824 Inglês
Which has more Islamist terrorism,
Europe or America?

Imagem 009.jpg
From the text, it can be inferred that
Sageman uses the strategy of mentioning other authors to support his estimates.
Q41823 Inglês
Which has more Islamist terrorism,
Europe or America?

Imagem 009.jpg
From the text, it can be inferred that
Sageman believes that, in dealing with terrorism, America is in a better position than Europe.
Q41822 Inglês
Which has more Islamist terrorism,
Europe or America?

Imagem 009.jpg
From the text, it can be inferred that
Sageman believes the proportion of people who are imprisoned for Islamist terrorism is lower in the United States than in Europe.
Q41821 Inglês
Which has more Islamist terrorism,
Europe or America?

Imagem 009.jpg
From the text, it can be inferred that
"The Atlantic Divide" presents well established conclusions about the superiority of American Muslims.
Q41820 Inglês
Which has more Islamist terrorism,
Europe or America?

Imagem 009.jpg
From the text, it can be inferred that
Sageman became a notorious writer thanks to his new book.
Q41819 Inglês
Which has more Islamist terrorism,
Europe or America?

Imagem 009.jpg
From the text, it can be inferred that
Sageman's figures are considered to be very accurate and show exactly the far superior number of terrorists arrested in Europe when compared to the American ones.
Q41818 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
local provisions of food are particularly easy to find.
Q41817 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
farmers may take part in the emergency food program.
Q41816 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
at least three groups of people are the present target for food supply by the UN agency mentioned in the text.
Q41815 Inglês
UN announces program to help hunger hot spots

A UN agency rolled out a $ 214 million program
Tuesday to help 16 needy places hit hard by high prices for food
and oil, amid a crisis already making it hard for aid groups to
provide enough food for the world's hungry.

The World Food Program said almost 1 billion poor
people around the world are struggling to survive amid the higher
prices. The agency is trying to reach those in critical need of
assistance in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

"Food prices are not abating, and the world's most
vulnerable have exhausted their coping strategies", said Josette
Sheeran, the agency's executive director. "Our action plan is
targeted and customized to help the most vulnerable meet their
urgent needs."
The plan will provide assistance to groups such as
pregnant women, undernourished children and people living in
urban areas affected most by the food crisis.

The Rome-based agency also hopes to cut transportation
costs and help support farmers in countries where emergency
food can be bought locally.

But the agency already faces "obstacles" in procuring
food, particularly when trying to buy supplies locally,
spokeswoman Brenda Barton said.
"At the markets we have been buying food it has become
just too expensive", Barton told The Associated Press by
telephone. And she added: "a lot of markets just don't have any
food to buy."
Internet: (adapted).

Based on the text above, it can be deduced that
Josette Sheeran says that they have now succeeded in feeding the most deprived people.
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