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Q140989 Inglês
Putting the brain’s soundtracks to work

The brain is a dynamic, living organ. Every brain has a
soundtrack. Its tempo and tone will vary, depending on mood,
frame of mind, and other features of the brain itself. When that
soundtrack is recorded and played back it may sharpen their
reflexes during a crisis, and calm their nerves afterwards.

Over the past decade, the influence of music on
cognitive development, learning, and emotional well-being has
emerged as a hot field of scientific study. To explore music’s
potential relevance to emergency response, the Dept of Homeland
Security’s Science & Technology Directorate (S&T) has begun
a study into a form of neurotraining called “Brain Music” that
uses music created in advance from listeners’ own brain waves to
help them deal with common ailments like insomnia, fatigue, and
headaches stemming from stressful environments. The concept of
Brain Music is to use the frequency, amplitude, and duration of
musical sounds to move the brain from an anxious state to a more
relaxed state. Their goal is to find new ways to help first
responders perform at the highest level possible, without
increasing tasks, training, or stress levels.

If the brain “composes” the music, the first job of
scientists is to take down the notes. Each recording is converted
into two unique musical compositions designed to trigger the
body’s natural responses, for example, by improving productivity
while at work, or helping adjust to constantly changing work

The compositions are clinically shown to promote one
of two mental states in each individual: relaxation — for reduced
stress and improved sleep; and alertness — for improved
concentration and decision-making. If used properly, the music
can boost productivity and energy levels, or trigger a body’s
natural responses to reduce stress.

Imagem 005.jpg

According to the text above, judge the following items.

The ongoing study is based on testing the effect of music derived from brain waves on improved emergency response.
Q140988 Inglês
Putting the brain’s soundtracks to work

The brain is a dynamic, living organ. Every brain has a
soundtrack. Its tempo and tone will vary, depending on mood,
frame of mind, and other features of the brain itself. When that
soundtrack is recorded and played back it may sharpen their
reflexes during a crisis, and calm their nerves afterwards.

Over the past decade, the influence of music on
cognitive development, learning, and emotional well-being has
emerged as a hot field of scientific study. To explore music’s
potential relevance to emergency response, the Dept of Homeland
Security’s Science & Technology Directorate (S&T) has begun
a study into a form of neurotraining called “Brain Music” that
uses music created in advance from listeners’ own brain waves to
help them deal with common ailments like insomnia, fatigue, and
headaches stemming from stressful environments. The concept of
Brain Music is to use the frequency, amplitude, and duration of
musical sounds to move the brain from an anxious state to a more
relaxed state. Their goal is to find new ways to help first
responders perform at the highest level possible, without
increasing tasks, training, or stress levels.

If the brain “composes” the music, the first job of
scientists is to take down the notes. Each recording is converted
into two unique musical compositions designed to trigger the
body’s natural responses, for example, by improving productivity
while at work, or helping adjust to constantly changing work

The compositions are clinically shown to promote one
of two mental states in each individual: relaxation — for reduced
stress and improved sleep; and alertness — for improved
concentration and decision-making. If used properly, the music
can boost productivity and energy levels, or trigger a body’s
natural responses to reduce stress.

Imagem 005.jpg

According to the text above, judge the following items.

Brain music results in only one kind of musical composition depending on mood and mental state.
Q140987 Português
Imagem 004.jpg

Julgue os próximos itens, relativos aos sentidos e às estruturas
linguísticas do texto acima.

As vírgulas usadas no último parágrafo do texto se justificam pela mesma razão: marcar a intercalação de termos.
Q140986 Português
Imagem 004.jpg

Julgue os próximos itens, relativos aos sentidos e às estruturas
linguísticas do texto acima.

A partir do último parágrafo do texto, infere-se que o termo “Esta” (L.9) reporta-se a “enchentes” (L.8).
Q140985 Português
Imagem 004.jpg

Julgue os próximos itens, relativos aos sentidos e às estruturas
linguísticas do texto acima.

A palavra “como” (L.7 e 10) introduz, nas duas ocorrências, ideias de mesmo valor semântico.
141: C
142: E
143: E
144: C
145: E