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Q2614589 Inglês
Read the text below.

If those who declare that there is no best method are asked why, the most immediate and frequent answer is likely to be "Because it all depends," meaning that what is best depends on whom the method is for, in what circumstances, for what purpose, and so on. That there is no best method therefore means that no single method is best for everyone, as there are important variations in the teaching context that influence what is best. The variations are of several kinds, relating to social situation, educational organization, teacher-related factors, and learner-related factors. There have been several attempts to categorize such variables systematically and comprehensively, but even the brief and random listing above shows that they are at different levels of generality, as well as of discreteness and tangibility.

PRABHU, N. S. There Is No Best Method-Why? TESOL Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 2. (Summer, 1990), p. 161-176. [Adapted].

According to the text, the main reason why there is no best method in teaching is because
Q2614588 Inglês

Observe the images below.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

The cartoons refer to two different theoretical views regarding language acquisition/learning that serve as the base for some well-known methods of language teaching. Comparing both images, what can be affirmed about these two theories?

Q2614587 Inglês
Text 6

One of the popular myths about the English language is that somewhere people are still speaking the kind of English that Chaucer or Shakespeare or Milton spoke. This myth does, of course, have some foundation in fact, though the mythical versions repeated above are gross exaggerations. The relevant fact is that some regional dialects of English retain old forms which have disappeared from the standard form of the language. This conservatism in colonial varieties is, rather unfortunately, termed 'colonial lag' - unfortunately because the term gives the impression that the colonial variety will (or should) one day catch up with the home variety, though this is unlikely ever to happen. Colonial lag is a potential factor in distinguishing colonial varieties from their home counterparts in all levels of language: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and lexis.

BAUER, L. An Introduction to International Varieties of English. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2003. [Adapted].
The levels of a language are mentioned in the last sentence in the text and refer to the different layers or components that make up a language, each contributing to its overall structure and function. Which level refers specifically to the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language?
Q2614586 Inglês
Text 6

One of the popular myths about the English language is that somewhere people are still speaking the kind of English that Chaucer or Shakespeare or Milton spoke. This myth does, of course, have some foundation in fact, though the mythical versions repeated above are gross exaggerations. The relevant fact is that some regional dialects of English retain old forms which have disappeared from the standard form of the language. This conservatism in colonial varieties is, rather unfortunately, termed 'colonial lag' - unfortunately because the term gives the impression that the colonial variety will (or should) one day catch up with the home variety, though this is unlikely ever to happen. Colonial lag is a potential factor in distinguishing colonial varieties from their home counterparts in all levels of language: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and lexis.

BAUER, L. An Introduction to International Varieties of English. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2003. [Adapted].
According to the text, which of the following statements reflects the concept of "colonial lag"?
Q2614585 Inglês
Text 5

When I made my way to college, I was truly astonished to find teachers who appeared to derive their primary pleasure in the classroom by exercising their authoritarian power over my fellow students, crushing our spirits, and dehumanizing our minds and bodies. I had chosen to attend Stanford University, a predominantly white college (primarily because the financial aid packages were better than those offered by black institutions), but I never once considered what it would be like to study with teachers who were racist. Even though I had attended a high school with outspokenly racist teachers who were contemptuous and unkind, I had romanticized college. I believed it would be a paradise of learning where we would all be so busy studying that we’d never have time for the petty things of this world, especially not racism.

HOOKS, B. Teaching critical thinking: practical wisdom. New York: Routledge, 2010, p. 2. 
The terms contemptuous and unkind in the excerpt “Even though I had attended a high school with outspokenly racist teachers who were contemptuous and unkind, I had romanticized college” can be replaced by which of the following words, without compromising their meaning?
1: D
2: A
3: B
4: C
5: B