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Q2115058 Inglês

Read the text to answer

There was a woman by the door. The woman was carrying a huge duffel bag. I had never seen her around, although she looked somehow familiar. The poor lady was obviously weary. I was not sure whether or not I’d address the stranger as she stared at me.

While highlighting the underlined words and conducting its due analysis, it is consistent to assert that, in the text, they illustrate the use of different.

Q2115057 Inglês
The text below reproduces a classroom dialogue which was carried out targeting oral practice.

Teacher: Where did you go on the weekend? Student: I went to the park. Teacher: You went to the park? How nice! What did you do? Student: I played soccer. Teacher: You played soccer. Who played soccer with you? Student: My friends from school, my team. Teacher: Your friends from school, your team? Did you like it? Student: I loved it. Teacher: You loved it. Great!
Among the resources of classroom management, teacher’s speech is considered a key element. The repetition produced by the teacher in the above dialogue signals:
Q2115056 Inglês
The existing relation between verbal and visual-verbal languages contributes to build discourse genre comprehension, and improve perception about many relevant communicative aspects. Observe the advertisements to answer. Imagem associada para resolução da questão

In order to produce meaning out of the advertisements, one should activate relations of:
Q2115055 Inglês
Following the assessment guidelines for the teaching and learning of the English language, according to the Paranaense Syllabus, its initial stage should characterize the teaching/learning context by establishing student profile, his/her limitations and expectations so that planning happens in harmony with the educational reality. Mark the kind of assessment procedure which would enable the approach described. 
Q2115054 Inglês
Figurative language serves as an excellent communication tool and is something we encounter daily that helps us convey complex descriptions or emotions quickly and effectively. Also referred to as “figures of speech”, figurative language can be utilized to persuade, engage and connect with an audience.
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Which figurative language device or “figure of speech” is found in the segment “Chocolate was her Achilles’ heel.”?
541: A
542: A
543: D
544: A
545: B