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Q2115048 Inglês
The reading practices in the English language encompass a variety of reading possibilities and reading strategies including knowledge enlargement in issues which are meaningful to students. Review the chart and the description of a reading activity to answer.
The teacher introduces the topic of past verb forms by means of informal conversation asking students about activities they performed on the last weekend (it is useful to know that the past tense of regular and irregular verbs has already been studied in other previous classes). Then he/she presents students a text, in the genre interview, which students should silently read and employ to fill in the individual chart that they have just been given. The students are told to pay close attention to verb use in the text, so that the chart should be filled with regular and irregular verbs which appear in the text in their past form. Students are also told that not all of the blanks in the chart would be filled. Afterward there will happen the sharing and discussion of the collected information. 
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Choose the micro ability related to the purposes of reading, which the activity specifically seeks to improve. 

Q2115047 Inglês
Some of the deep-seated concepts about the English language, and consequently concerning its teaching, do not cater to the prospects of a language that “went viral” and has become “miscigenated”, as it is the concept of a foreign language strongly criticized for its eurocentric slant. The item that represents a conflicting aspect regarding the ILF (Inglês como Língua Franca) conception defended in BNCC is:
Q2115046 Inglês

Examine the image to answer.

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A meme is an amusing or interesting item, such as a captioned picture or video, or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media. It is consistent to assert the highlighted meme contributes to overall student development because it.
Q2115045 Inglês
The teacher tells students they will train pronunciation. First he/she reads pairs of sentences aloud; the students follow the teacher’s reading. Next, the teacher delivers students handouts containing the pairs of sentences they have just heard, and gets them oriented to repeat the sentences that he/she will read aloud again, pausing after each sentence to give students the opportunity to carry out choir repetition. After this step is repeated several times and performed satisfactory, the teacher will ask individual students to read the sentences, and he/she will ellicit any doudts they might have, as well as correct pronunciation.

The handout sentences

1.A – Do you know Valen’s address? 1.B – Do you have permition to address President Biden? 2.A – Dishonesty is a common attribute of politicians. 2.B – That quote is attributed to Bob Dylan. 3.A – We aren’t happy with your conduct. 3.B – He was asked to conduct the philarmonic orchestra. 4.A – The content of your essay is fine, the structure is not. 4.B – She seemed very content while reading the message. 5.A – The army marched through the desert. 5.B – If you desert the army you will be in big trouble. 6.A – What is that object over there? 6.B – Would you object if I opened the window? 7.A – The project should be completed next month. 7.B – We could project the film on the wall. 

Choose the item that justifies the use of the pairs of sentences for oral practice.
Q2115044 Inglês
Analyse the image to answer

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Linguistic knowledge strengthens by means of language practice, together with analysis, and insight about its use, always considering context in articulation with reading, writing, and speaking. Having observed verbal and non verbal data in the featured image, it is possible to state that the building of humor is based on: 
551: A
552: B
553: D
554: B
555: A