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Ano: 2018 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1220786 Inglês
Read the text to answer the following question.
Cultural diversity and cultural identity in globalization
In the process of globalization winners are the countries with highly developed mass media as complex systems which are able to broadcast and receive diverse information which are used as basic development resource. On the other side are the developing countries which suffer their impact. Their characteristic is the small capacity to adapt to innovations that came from outside and that is why their cultural identity is called into question. Mass media are not only instruments for spreading popular culture and industries, but at the same time, their use enables cultural hegemony. Mass media, society, local culture, and media content are closely related. By exhibiting TV shows, movies, dramas etc. media will reflect values specific to local culture. So, we can talk about displaying commerciality as feature of American culture, Japanese aesthetic values, French tendency to philosophize... One of the main functions of mass media is to transfer cultural inheritance, information about the past, values of a given society, and to furnish cultural directive for life, action, and behavior. Despite the globalization of the economy, and the emergence of international political institutions, global dissemination of culture (mass media, education, modernization, urbanization, the spread of literacy) from the late 20th century has strengthened national identities. Modern nationalism is less focused on defending the country and more inclined to defend the established cultural identity. The identities represent the defense against unpredictability, disorder, and changes of globalization. In the last three decades there is strong trend to resisting globalization and cosmopolitanism as a form of defense of cultural identity. “God, nations, families and communities will ensure eternal figures that cannot be broken down and around which society will develop a counter-culture of real virtuality”. Castells considers that individuals carry with them the eternal truth, the values that cannot be virtualized or destroyed. As the globalization process strengthens the coming of cultural integrity and identity problems are more prevalent. Dominant monoculture stands against local, national and traditional cultures with the progressive disintegration of traditional culture value patterns.
(Available: Adapted.)
Gerund use does NOT follow the same pattern of “spreading” (L04) in
Ano: 2006 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1214582 Química
Considere os seguintes conceitos de ácido e base.
I Ácido é uma espécie química capaz de receber um par eletrônico e base é uma espécie química capaz de doar um par eletrônico. II Ácido é uma substância que, em água, produz, como cátion, apenas íons H+, e base é uma substância que, em água, produz, como ânion, apenas íons OH!. III Ácido é uma espécie que reage com bases para formar sais, doando cátions ou aceitando ânions ou elétrons, e base é uma espécie que reage com ácidos para formar sais, doando ânions ou elétrons ou combinando-se com cátions. IV Ácido é um doador de prótons e base é um receptor de prótons.

Assinale a opção que apresenta a seqüência correspondente aos conceitos de ácido e base de Arrhenius, de Lowry e Brönsted e de Lewis, respectivamente.
Ano: 2018 Banca: CONSULPLAN Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1213205 Inglês
Review the dialogs to answer the next question.
Fay: I guess that’s it, Tony. I’m leaving for good. Tony: Let me get it straight, how come you’ve made that decision?
What will Fay do?
Ano: 2006 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1210781 Biologia
Considerando aspectos fisiológicos do sistema reprodutor feminino e seus componentes, bem como do ciclo menstrual em humanos, assinale a opção correta.
Ano: 2006 Banca: CESPE / CEBRASPE Órgão: SEDUC-PA
Q1210143 Artes Cênicas
Assinale a opção correta, no referente ao teatro moderno e contemporâneo.
326: B
327: D
328: D
329: C
330: C