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Q1961657 Banco de Dados
Julgue o item seguinte, quanto à SQL, às variáveis quantitativas e ao diagrama boxplot.

O comando CREATE TABLE pode ser usado para realizar o backup de uma única tabela, copiando seus dados e suas definições (chaves primárias, estrangeiras, índices, entre outros); por exemplo, o comando a seguir cria o backup da tabela radcom.
CREATE TABLE radcom_bkp AS SELECT * FROM radcom;
Q1961656 Banco de Dados
Julgue o item seguinte, quanto à SQL, às variáveis quantitativas e ao diagrama boxplot. 

O comando a seguir, além de conceder o privilégio de leitura na tabela outorga para o usuário mcom, permite também que o mcom possa conceder esse privilégio para outros usuários.
Q1961655 Banco de Dados
Julgue o item seguinte, quanto à SQL, às variáveis quantitativas e ao diagrama boxplot. 

Em um diagrama de boxplot, cada caixa representa diversas variáveis a serem analisadas por meio do resumo de quatro números de um conjunto de dados que é composto pelo primeiro quartil, pelo segundo quartil, pelo terceiro quartil e pela mediana. 
Q1961654 Banco de Dados
No que diz respeito aos dados estruturados e não estruturados, aos bancos de dados relacionais, ao modelo de referência CRISP-DM e à modelagem preditiva, julgue o item seguinte.  

No início de um processo de descoberta de conhecimento em bases de dados (KDD), o CRISP-DM recomenda, em relação ao levantamento do hardware existente, que o processo de KDD seja realizado em plataforma com arquitetura não expansível, que forneça suporte e acesso somente à base de dados homogênea. 
Q1961653 Banco de Dados
No que diz respeito aos dados estruturados e não estruturados, aos bancos de dados relacionais, ao modelo de referência CRISP-DM e à modelagem preditiva, julgue o item seguinte.

A modelagem preditiva é um processo matemático executado automaticamente pelo computador, entretanto ela não cria um modelo inteiro sozinha, pois necessita da intervenção do analista na fase inicial do processo de modelagem. 
Q1961652 Banco de Dados
No que diz respeito aos dados estruturados e não estruturados, aos bancos de dados relacionais, ao modelo de referência CRISP-DM e à modelagem preditiva, julgue o item seguinte. 

No banco de dados relacional, é permitido criar uma chave primária utilizando-se dois ou mais campos definidos como chaves estrangeiras.  
Q1961650 Banco de Dados
No que diz respeito aos dados estruturados e não estruturados, aos bancos de dados relacionais, ao modelo de referência CRISP-DM e à modelagem preditiva, julgue o item seguinte.

A principal característica dos dados não estruturados é que eles não possuem metadados. 
Q1961649 Banco de Dados
No que diz respeito aos dados estruturados e não estruturados, aos bancos de dados relacionais, ao modelo de referência CRISP-DM e à modelagem preditiva, julgue o item seguinte.

Dados estruturados são aqueles representados em um formato estrito como, por exemplo, a informação armazenada nos bancos de dados. 
Q1961648 Inglês
      Synthetic media technologies are rapidly advancing, making it easier to generate nonveridical media that look and sound increasingly realistic. So-called “deepfakes” often present a person saying or doing something they have not said or done. The proliferation of deepfakes has already created negative consequences such as nonconsensual pornography, political disinformation, and financial fraud. Deepfakes can harm viewers by deceiving or intimidating, harm subjects by causing reputational damage, and harm society by undermining societal values such as trust in institutions.
      It will take the efforts of many different stakeholders including platforms, journalists, and policymakers to counteract the negative effects of deepfakes. Technical experts must marshal their expertise and direct their efforts to find solutions that allow the beneficial uses of synthetic media technologies and mitigate the negative effects. 
      There is no doubt that synthetic media can be used for beneficial purposes, such as in entertainment, historical reenactment, education, and training. The pressing challenge is to reap the positive uses of synthetic media while preventing or at least minimizing the harms. There are numerous opportunities to direct effort in buttressing against some of the worst outcomes. 

Deborah G. Johnson and Nicholas Diakopoulos. Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the information and the aspects of grammar in the text above, judge the item below. 

The text states that deepfakes could be used to realistically perform past events. 
Q1961647 Inglês
      Synthetic media technologies are rapidly advancing, making it easier to generate nonveridical media that look and sound increasingly realistic. So-called “deepfakes” often present a person saying or doing something they have not said or done. The proliferation of deepfakes has already created negative consequences such as nonconsensual pornography, political disinformation, and financial fraud. Deepfakes can harm viewers by deceiving or intimidating, harm subjects by causing reputational damage, and harm society by undermining societal values such as trust in institutions.
      It will take the efforts of many different stakeholders including platforms, journalists, and policymakers to counteract the negative effects of deepfakes. Technical experts must marshal their expertise and direct their efforts to find solutions that allow the beneficial uses of synthetic media technologies and mitigate the negative effects. 
      There is no doubt that synthetic media can be used for beneficial purposes, such as in entertainment, historical reenactment, education, and training. The pressing challenge is to reap the positive uses of synthetic media while preventing or at least minimizing the harms. There are numerous opportunities to direct effort in buttressing against some of the worst outcomes. 

Deborah G. Johnson and Nicholas Diakopoulos. Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the information and the aspects of grammar in the text above, judge the item below. 

According to the text, one of the outcomes of the spread of deepfakes is a weakened confidence in public institutions.  
Q1961646 Inglês
      Synthetic media technologies are rapidly advancing, making it easier to generate nonveridical media that look and sound increasingly realistic. So-called “deepfakes” often present a person saying or doing something they have not said or done. The proliferation of deepfakes has already created negative consequences such as nonconsensual pornography, political disinformation, and financial fraud. Deepfakes can harm viewers by deceiving or intimidating, harm subjects by causing reputational damage, and harm society by undermining societal values such as trust in institutions.
      It will take the efforts of many different stakeholders including platforms, journalists, and policymakers to counteract the negative effects of deepfakes. Technical experts must marshal their expertise and direct their efforts to find solutions that allow the beneficial uses of synthetic media technologies and mitigate the negative effects. 
      There is no doubt that synthetic media can be used for beneficial purposes, such as in entertainment, historical reenactment, education, and training. The pressing challenge is to reap the positive uses of synthetic media while preventing or at least minimizing the harms. There are numerous opportunities to direct effort in buttressing against some of the worst outcomes. 

Deborah G. Johnson and Nicholas Diakopoulos. Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the information and the aspects of grammar in the text above, judge the item below.

The excerpt “So-called ‘deepfakes’ often present” (in the second sentence of the first paragraph) could be correctly replaced by Known as “deepfakes”, they often present, without changing the meaning of the text.
Q1961645 Inglês
      Synthetic media technologies are rapidly advancing, making it easier to generate nonveridical media that look and sound increasingly realistic. So-called “deepfakes” often present a person saying or doing something they have not said or done. The proliferation of deepfakes has already created negative consequences such as nonconsensual pornography, political disinformation, and financial fraud. Deepfakes can harm viewers by deceiving or intimidating, harm subjects by causing reputational damage, and harm society by undermining societal values such as trust in institutions.
      It will take the efforts of many different stakeholders including platforms, journalists, and policymakers to counteract the negative effects of deepfakes. Technical experts must marshal their expertise and direct their efforts to find solutions that allow the beneficial uses of synthetic media technologies and mitigate the negative effects. 
      There is no doubt that synthetic media can be used for beneficial purposes, such as in entertainment, historical reenactment, education, and training. The pressing challenge is to reap the positive uses of synthetic media while preventing or at least minimizing the harms. There are numerous opportunities to direct effort in buttressing against some of the worst outcomes. 

Deborah G. Johnson and Nicholas Diakopoulos. Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the information and the aspects of grammar in the text above, judge the item below

In the second paragraph, the word “stakeholders” could be replaced by shareholders without any harm to the comprehension of the sentence. 

Q1961644 Inglês
      Synthetic media technologies are rapidly advancing, making it easier to generate nonveridical media that look and sound increasingly realistic. So-called “deepfakes” often present a person saying or doing something they have not said or done. The proliferation of deepfakes has already created negative consequences such as nonconsensual pornography, political disinformation, and financial fraud. Deepfakes can harm viewers by deceiving or intimidating, harm subjects by causing reputational damage, and harm society by undermining societal values such as trust in institutions.
      It will take the efforts of many different stakeholders including platforms, journalists, and policymakers to counteract the negative effects of deepfakes. Technical experts must marshal their expertise and direct their efforts to find solutions that allow the beneficial uses of synthetic media technologies and mitigate the negative effects. 
      There is no doubt that synthetic media can be used for beneficial purposes, such as in entertainment, historical reenactment, education, and training. The pressing challenge is to reap the positive uses of synthetic media while preventing or at least minimizing the harms. There are numerous opportunities to direct effort in buttressing against some of the worst outcomes. 

Deborah G. Johnson and Nicholas Diakopoulos. Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the information and the aspects of grammar in the text above, judge the item below.

It can be concluded from the text that the technology of deepfakes is a problem that must be addressed by different sectors of society. 
Q1961643 Inglês
      Synthetic media technologies are rapidly advancing, making it easier to generate nonveridical media that look and sound increasingly realistic. So-called “deepfakes” often present a person saying or doing something they have not said or done. The proliferation of deepfakes has already created negative consequences such as nonconsensual pornography, political disinformation, and financial fraud. Deepfakes can harm viewers by deceiving or intimidating, harm subjects by causing reputational damage, and harm society by undermining societal values such as trust in institutions.
      It will take the efforts of many different stakeholders including platforms, journalists, and policymakers to counteract the negative effects of deepfakes. Technical experts must marshal their expertise and direct their efforts to find solutions that allow the beneficial uses of synthetic media technologies and mitigate the negative effects. 
      There is no doubt that synthetic media can be used for beneficial purposes, such as in entertainment, historical reenactment, education, and training. The pressing challenge is to reap the positive uses of synthetic media while preventing or at least minimizing the harms. There are numerous opportunities to direct effort in buttressing against some of the worst outcomes. 

Deborah G. Johnson and Nicholas Diakopoulos. Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the information and the aspects of grammar in the text above, judge the item below.

The expression “pressing challenge” (in the second sentence of the third paragraph) conveys the idea of an insistent demand.  
Q1961642 Inglês
      Synthetic media technologies are rapidly advancing, making it easier to generate nonveridical media that look and sound increasingly realistic. So-called “deepfakes” often present a person saying or doing something they have not said or done. The proliferation of deepfakes has already created negative consequences such as nonconsensual pornography, political disinformation, and financial fraud. Deepfakes can harm viewers by deceiving or intimidating, harm subjects by causing reputational damage, and harm society by undermining societal values such as trust in institutions.
      It will take the efforts of many different stakeholders including platforms, journalists, and policymakers to counteract the negative effects of deepfakes. Technical experts must marshal their expertise and direct their efforts to find solutions that allow the beneficial uses of synthetic media technologies and mitigate the negative effects. 
      There is no doubt that synthetic media can be used for beneficial purposes, such as in entertainment, historical reenactment, education, and training. The pressing challenge is to reap the positive uses of synthetic media while preventing or at least minimizing the harms. There are numerous opportunities to direct effort in buttressing against some of the worst outcomes. 

Deborah G. Johnson and Nicholas Diakopoulos. Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the information and the aspects of grammar in the text above, judge the item below.

According to the text, deepfakes are still far from posing serious concerns in the context of all the advancements in media technology. 
Q1961538 Eletricidade
Julgue o próximo item, com relação a técnicas de modulação, sistemas de comunicações e espectro eletromagnético. 

A faixa de VHF engloba frequências de 300 MHz a 3.000 MHz, sendo usada para a transmissão de rádio FM.
Q1961537 Arquitetura de Computadores
Julgue o próximo item, com relação a técnicas de modulação, sistemas de comunicações e espectro eletromagnético. 

Um dos componentes da arquitetura de redes de comunicação móveis celulares é o HLR (home location register), que, além de armazenar a localização do usuário, realiza o gerenciamento do perfil dele. 
Q1961536 Telecomunicações
Julgue o próximo item, com relação a técnicas de modulação, sistemas de comunicações e espectro eletromagnético. 

Uma rede de comunicação com cobertura celular é formada por um conjunto de células, as quais se comunicam entre si por meio de centrais telefônicas de comutação.
Q1961535 Eletricidade
Julgue o próximo item, com relação a técnicas de modulação, sistemas de comunicações e espectro eletromagnético. 

A faixa de UHF é usada na transmissão dos canais de TV de 2 a 13 e em comunicações militares, por exemplo.
Q1961534 Eletricidade
Julgue o próximo item, com relação a técnicas de modulação, sistemas de comunicações e espectro eletromagnético. 

Na técnica de chaveamento de amplitude (ASK), um sinal pode ser gerado aplicando-se a forma liga-desliga de representação para os dados binários de entrada, juntamente com a portadora, a um modulador multiplicador. 
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