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Q2169478 Inglês
Read the following excerpt from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and compare the concessive clause in bold with the other clauses below (I to IV). Which one of these subordinate clauses shares the same classification of clause in “although utterly unknown to her before” from the first excerpt? “He protested that, except Lady Catherine and her daughter, he had never seen a more elegant woman; for she had not only received him with the utmost civility, but even pointedly included him in her invitation for the next evening, although utterly unknown to her before.” (AUSTEN, 2013, p. 71).
I – Even though she read Pride and Prejudice, she does not remember all the story. II – “Mr Darcy, who was leaning against the mantelpiece with these eyes fixed on her face, seemed to catch her words with no less resentment than surprize.” (AUSTEN, 2013, p. 184). III – “It will be no use to us if twenty such should come, since you will not visit them.” (AUSTEN, 2013, p. 3). IV – “The two ladies were delighted to see their dear friend again, […] since they had met […]” (AUSTEN, 2013, p. 78).
Q2169477 Inglês
Read the following Reading skills and some examples and then check the correct option.
I- “Previewing and predicting. Giving the text a quick once-over to be able to guess what is to come; II- Skimming. Carefully getting the most detailed analysis of a passage or book; III- Guessing the meaning of unknown words from the context. Using such clues as knowledge of word parts, syntax, and relationship patterns”.

Source: Access on March, 20th 2023 
Q2169476 Inglês
A. Read the paragraphs below.
“What is reading? Reading is a conscious and unconscious thinking process. The reader applies many strategies to reconstruct the meaning that the author is assumed to have intended. The reader does this by comparing information in the text to his or her background knowledge and prior experience.” “What is literacy? Literacy is a set of attitudes and beliefs about the ways of using spoken and written language that are acquired in the course of a person’s socialization into a specific cultural context.” “It is important to clarify the relationship between reading and literacy, since research has shown that they are not the same thing. In fact, the definitions and uses of literacy vary culturally, and the cultural contexts of literacy are the underpinnings of the acquisition and use of reading and writing.”
Adapted from: Access on March 20th , 2023

B. Concerning teaching literacies approaches, identify the option that best describe a social literacy activity. 
Q2169475 Inglês
Read the sentences, fill in the blanks with the correct collocation and match the columns. Then, choose the correct alternative.
1. Our high turnover rate has been a growing _______ for us. 2. A rose in full bloom had been allowed to grow _______ one of the walls. 3. The company is growing _______ all the time. 4. Opposition to the latest proposals is growing _______ . 5. The Catholic community in Edinburgh began to grow _______ in the mid-19th Century. 
( ) considerably ( ) steadily ( ) concern ( ) bigger ( ) unchecked up
Q2169474 Inglês
Read the poem I too below to answer QUESTION.

I, Too

Langston Hughes - 1901-1967

I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.
I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
“Eat in the kitchen,”
They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed —
I, too, am America.

Source: The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes, published by Knopf and Vintage Books. Copyright © 1994 by the Estate of Langston Hughes. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Harold Ober Associates Incorporated.
A. Read the excerpt below and answer the question:
A collocation, as one of the units of formulaic language, is a series of words or terms that cooccur more often than would be expected by chance. In phraseology, a collocation is a type of compositional phraseme, meaning that it can be understood from the words that make it up. This contrasts with an idiom, where the meaning of the whole cannot be inferred from its parts, and may be completely unrelated (WARD, 2007; SCHMITT, 2007; 2012). B. Refer to the poem line “But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong”. Which is the best definition for the collocation grow strong
301: A
302: B
303: E
304: B
305: B