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Q2169468 Inglês
Read the excerpt of the chapter “Decolonization” from the book Post-Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts below to answer QUESTION.

“Decolonization is the process of revealing and dismantling colonialist power in all its forms. This includes dismantling the hidden aspects of those institutional and cultural forces that had maintained the colonialist power and that remain even after political independence is achieved. Initially, in many places in the colonized world, the process of resistance was conducted in terms or institutions appropriated from the colonizing culture itself. This was only to be expected, since early nationalists had been educated to perceive themselves as potential heirs to European political systems and models of culture. This occurred not only in settler colonies where the white colonial élite was a direct product of the system, but even in colonies of occupation. Macaulay’s infamous 1835 Minute on Indian Education had proposed the deliberate creation in India of just such a class of ‘brown white men’, educated to value European culture above their own. This is the locus classicus of this hegemonic process of control, but there are numerous other examples in the practices of other colonies. […]
As well as direct and indirect economic control, the continuing influence of Eurocentric cultural models privileged the imported over the indigenous: colonial languages over local languages; writing over orality and linguistic culture over inscriptive cultures of other kinds (dance, graphic arts, which had often been designated ‘folk culture’). Against all these occlusions and overwritings of pre-colonial cultural practices, a number of programmes of decolonization have been attempted. Notable among these have been those that seek to revive and revalue local languages. The pressure of the global economy means that élite communication is dominated by the use of the ex-colonial languages, notably the new ‘world language’ of English, whose power derives from its historical use across the largest of the modern empires and from its use by the United States.” (ASHCROFT, et al., 2007, p. 56-57)
A. Read the excerpt from the text and answer the question:
“Decolonization is the process of revealing and dismantling colonialist power in all its forms. This includes dismantling the hidden aspects of those institutional and cultural forces that had maintained the colonialist power and that remain even after political independence is achieved.” (ASHCROFT, et al., 2007, p. 56).
B. Considering this discussion, how could a teacher follow a decolonial approach while teaching English as a Foreign Language? 
Q2169467 Matemática
Se yp(x), uma função polinomial, é uma solução particular da equação d2y / dx2dy / dx−2y = 4x2 , então pode ser observado que: 
Q2169466 Matemática

Para n ∈ R, a equação diferencial ordinária

dy / dt + g(t)y = h(t)yn ,

é conhecida como equação de Bernoulli, em homenagem ao celebre matemático suíço Jacob Bernoulli (1654-1705). Dentre outras aplicações, a equação de Bernoulli pode ser utilizada como modelo matemático para o estudo do crescimento de peixes, através da equação

 dp / dt = αp2/3βp,

também conhecida como equação de von Bertalanffy, em homenagem ao biólogo austríaco Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1972). Na equação de von Bertalanffy, a função incógnita p(t) representa o peso do peixe no instante de tempo t e as constantes α > 0 e β > 0, respectivamente, as taxas de ganho de massa (anabolismo) e perda de massa (catabolismo) do peixe. Nessas condições, após resolver a equação de von Bertalanffy e observar a sua solução, pode-se verificar que: 

Q2169465 Matemática

Seja T : R2 → R uma transformação linear tal que

T(2, 2) = 3 e T(3, 2) = 1.

O valor de T(1, 0) é:

Q2169464 Matemática
Sejam U e V dois espaços vetoriais sobre o corpo dos reais e T : UV uma transformação linear. Considere as seguintes afirmativas:

I - Se uU é tal que T(u) = 0, então u = 0.
II - Se n ≥ 1 é um inteiro e u1, u2, . . . , un são vetores em U tais que o conjunto de vetores {T(u1), T(u2), . . . , T(un)} é linearmente independente, então o conjunto de vetores {u1, u2, . . . , un} é linearmente independente.
III - Se W é um subconjunto de U então o conjunto
T (W) = {T(w) | wW}
é um subespaço vetorial de V .
IV - Se U e V forem espaços vetoriais de dimensão finita e T for um isomorfismo, então U e V têm a mesma dimensão.

Sobre essas afirmações podemos dizer que estão corretos
311: D
312: A
313: A
314: B
315: C