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Q2064454 Inglês

Text I

Nurturing Multimodalism


   New learning collaborations call on the teacher as learner, and the learner as teacher. The teacher is a lifelong learner; this is simply more apparent in the Information Age. In instances of best practice, collaborative learning partnerships are forged between and among teachers for strategic, bottom-up, in-house professional development. This allows teachers to share in reflective, on-going, contextualized learning, tailored to their collective knowledge. This sharing also includes the learner as teacher. ELT typically employs learner-centered activities: these can include learners sharing their knowledge of strategic digital literacies with others in the classrooms.

   The digital universe, so threatening to adult notions of socially sanctioned literacies, is intuitive to children, who have been socialized into it, and for whom digital literacies are exploratory play. Adults may find new ways of communicating digitally to be quite baffling and confronting of our communicative expertise; children do not. Instant messaging systems, such as MSN, AOL, ICQ, for example, provide as natural a medium for communicating to them as telephones did for the baby-boomer generation. It is not fair for the teacher to treat Information and Communication Technologies as auxiliary communication with learners for whom it is mainstream and primary.

    Learning spaces are important. Although teachers seldom have much individual say in the layout of teaching spaces, collaborative relationships may help to encourage integrated digitization, where computers are not segregated in laboratories but are interspersed throughout the school environment. In digitally infused curricula, postmodern literacies do not supplant but complement modern literacies, so that access to information is driven by purpose and content rather than by the media available.

Adapted from: LOTHERINGTON, H. From literacy to multiliteracies in ELT. In: CUMMINS, J.; DAVISON, C. (Eds.) International Handbook of English Language Teaching. New York: Springer, 2007, p. 820. Available at: acies_in_ELT 

As regards Text I, analyse the assertions below:
I. In recent collaborative teaching, learners and teachers may exchange roles. II. The goals of digitally oriented curricula should conform to the media at hand. III. It is quite straining for children to get a grasp of digital communication.
Choose the correct answer:
Q2064453 Inglês

Text I

Nurturing Multimodalism


   New learning collaborations call on the teacher as learner, and the learner as teacher. The teacher is a lifelong learner; this is simply more apparent in the Information Age. In instances of best practice, collaborative learning partnerships are forged between and among teachers for strategic, bottom-up, in-house professional development. This allows teachers to share in reflective, on-going, contextualized learning, tailored to their collective knowledge. This sharing also includes the learner as teacher. ELT typically employs learner-centered activities: these can include learners sharing their knowledge of strategic digital literacies with others in the classrooms.

   The digital universe, so threatening to adult notions of socially sanctioned literacies, is intuitive to children, who have been socialized into it, and for whom digital literacies are exploratory play. Adults may find new ways of communicating digitally to be quite baffling and confronting of our communicative expertise; children do not. Instant messaging systems, such as MSN, AOL, ICQ, for example, provide as natural a medium for communicating to them as telephones did for the baby-boomer generation. It is not fair for the teacher to treat Information and Communication Technologies as auxiliary communication with learners for whom it is mainstream and primary.

    Learning spaces are important. Although teachers seldom have much individual say in the layout of teaching spaces, collaborative relationships may help to encourage integrated digitization, where computers are not segregated in laboratories but are interspersed throughout the school environment. In digitally infused curricula, postmodern literacies do not supplant but complement modern literacies, so that access to information is driven by purpose and content rather than by the media available.

Adapted from: LOTHERINGTON, H. From literacy to multiliteracies in ELT. In: CUMMINS, J.; DAVISON, C. (Eds.) International Handbook of English Language Teaching. New York: Springer, 2007, p. 820. Available at: acies_in_ELT 

Based on Text I, mark the statements below as TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).
( ) In the digital era, modern literacies have been swept away by postmodern perspectives. ( ) Learners are to be stimulated to share their digital knowledge with teacher and peers. ( ) A digitally infused curriculum requires a restricted area in the school for working with computers.
The statements are, respectively,
Q2064422 Geografia
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
O estado de São Paulo atingiu o máximo de desmatamento entre 1920 e 1935. Restam 1,7 milhão de hectares de Mata Atlântica, sendo que cerca de 80% estão localizados no litoral. A complexidade ambiental e a biodiversidade dos fragmentos remanescentes também são resultado do manejo das florestas pelas populações humanas que se sucederam na região. As culturas pré-cabralinas (ameríndios) e alguns segmentos diferenciados da sociedade majoritária (populações tradicionais), tais como os camponeses caiçaras e quilombolas se caracterizam por uma forte interação com as florestas e influíram no seu desenvolvimento.
(Adaptado de FURLAN, Sueli A. Lugar e cidadania: implicações socioambientais das políticas de conservação ambiental. In: DIEGUES, Antonio C. S. (Org). Enciclopédia caiçara: o olhar do pesquisador. São Paulo: Hucitec, 2004). 
Sobre as formas de manejo dos recursos naturais pelas comunidades tradicionais no atual estado de São Paulo, analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I. As comunidades tradicionais cultivam espécies da floresta nativa. II. O pousio é uma das práticas de fertilização da terra usada pelas comunidades tradicionais. III. As práticas tradicionais de agricultura itinerante e pesca são complementadas pelo extrativismo vegetal.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Q2064421 Geografia
Leia o fragmento a seguir.
“A técnica, esse intermediário entre a natureza e o homem desde os tempos mais inocentes da história, converteu-se no objeto de uma elaboração científica sofisticada que acabou por subverter as relações do homem com o meio, do homem com o homem, do homem com as coisas, bem como as relações das classes sociais entre si e as relações entre nações. A brutalidade das transformações ocorridas na totalidade do mundo, no curso dos últimos trinta anos, impede-nos de pensar que o passado, embora próximo, seja ainda dominante. Trata-se de uma fase inteiramente nova na história da humanidade.” 
(Extraído de SANTOS, Milton. Pensando o espaço do homem. 5. ed., 1. reimpr. São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2007 [1982], p. 16).
Sobre as características do período tecnológico, assim denominado por Milton Santos em “Pensando o lugar do homem”, analise as afirmativas a seguir
I. As empresas transnacionais foram o grande veículo de afirmação histórica do período. II. O impacto da tecnologia acarretou em uma diminuição do consumo em escala mundial. III. As atividades primárias se converteram na fonte essencial de dominação e acumulação.
Está correto o que se afirma em
Q2064420 Conhecimentos Gerais
“A mudança do padrão demográfico brasileiro tem implicações profundas em diversas políticas públicas, como aquelas relacionadas à saúde, à educação, ao emprego e à previdência social.”
 (LACERDA, Antônio Corrêa de; et al. (Org..). Economia brasileira. São Paulo: Saraiva. 6ª Ed., 2018)
Com relação aos impactos da nova estrutura etária sobre o sistema educacional, analise as afirmativas a seguir.
I. Ao contrário da década de 1970, atualmente, ocorre a diminuição da demanda de crescimento para o Ensino Fundamental e Médio. II. Com o fim do bônus demográfico, ocorrido na primeira década do século XX, foi reduzida a necessidade de expansão do Ensino Técnico. III. Com a redução da demanda por cursos de graduação, aumentou a presença de vagas ociosas no Ensino Superior.
Está correto o que se afirma em
181: A
182: B
183: E
184: A
185: A