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Q872896 Legislação da Justiça Militar

À luz do Regimento Interno do Superior Tribunal Militar, julgue o item a seguir.

Se o pedido de reconsideração sobre o ato de um servidor do Superior Tribunal Militar for indeferido, o interessado poderá apresentar recurso administrativo ao presidente do tribunal, que proferirá decisão irrecorrível.

Q872895 Inglês

Judge the following iten considering the ideas of text CB5A2AAA and the vocabulary used in it. 

In the text, “abstracting away” (ℓ.16) entails the idea of removing something from somewhere

Q872894 Inglês

Judge the following iten considering the ideas of text CB5A2AAA and the vocabulary used in it. 

The author of the text considers that the details of a method are irrelevant for a wide conceptual understanding of methods.

Q872893 Inglês

Judge the following iten considering the ideas of text CB5A2AAA and the vocabulary used in it. 

Different methods should be as optimistic as possible for good problem-solving. 

Q872892 Inglês

Judge the following iten considering the ideas of text CB5A2AAA and the vocabulary used in it. 

Outcomes are broad representations of problems existing outside a system.

336: C
337: C
338: C
339: E
340: E