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Q1692531 Inglês

Mr. Floyd had big plans for life nearly 30 years ago. His death in police custody is powering a movement against police brutality and racial injustice.

HOUSTON — It was the last day of 11th grade at Jack Yates High School in Houston, nearly three decades ago. A group of close friends, on their way home, were contemplating what senior year and beyond would bring. They were black teenagers on the precipice of manhood. What, they asked one another, did they want to do with their lives?

 “George turned to me and said, ‘I want to touch the world,’” said Jonathan Veal, 45, recalling the aspiration of one of the young men — a tall, gregarious star athlete named George Floyd whom he had met in the school cafeteria on the first day of sixth grade. To their 17-year-old minds, touching the world maybe meant the N.B.A. or the N.F.L.

“It was one of the first moments I remembered after learning what happened to him,” Mr. Veal said. “He could not have imagined that this is the tragic way people would know his name.”

The world now knows George Perry Floyd Jr. through his final harrowing moments, as he begged for air, his face wedged for nearly nine minutes between a city street and a police officer’s knee.
“The world now knows George Perry Floyd Jr. through his final harrowing moments, as he begged for air, his face wedged for nearly nine minutes between a city street and a police officer’s knee.
” Which expression can be used to replace that one in bold, but keeping the same meaning?
Q1692530 Inglês

Mr. Floyd had big plans for life nearly 30 years ago. His death in police custody is powering a movement against police brutality and racial injustice.

HOUSTON — It was the last day of 11th grade at Jack Yates High School in Houston, nearly three decades ago. A group of close friends, on their way home, were contemplating what senior year and beyond would bring. They were black teenagers on the precipice of manhood. What, they asked one another, did they want to do with their lives?

 “George turned to me and said, ‘I want to touch the world,’” said Jonathan Veal, 45, recalling the aspiration of one of the young men — a tall, gregarious star athlete named George Floyd whom he had met in the school cafeteria on the first day of sixth grade. To their 17-year-old minds, touching the world maybe meant the N.B.A. or the N.F.L.

“It was one of the first moments I remembered after learning what happened to him,” Mr. Veal said. “He could not have imagined that this is the tragic way people would know his name.”

The world now knows George Perry Floyd Jr. through his final harrowing moments, as he begged for air, his face wedged for nearly nine minutes between a city street and a police officer’s knee.
“It was one of the first moments I remembered after learning what happened to him.”
Which sentence below has the same justification about the use of -ing as in the one above?
Q1692529 Inglês

Mr. Floyd had big plans for life nearly 30 years ago. His death in police custody is powering a movement against police brutality and racial injustice.

HOUSTON — It was the last day of 11th grade at Jack Yates High School in Houston, nearly three decades ago. A group of close friends, on their way home, were contemplating what senior year and beyond would bring. They were black teenagers on the precipice of manhood. What, they asked one another, did they want to do with their lives?

 “George turned to me and said, ‘I want to touch the world,’” said Jonathan Veal, 45, recalling the aspiration of one of the young men — a tall, gregarious star athlete named George Floyd whom he had met in the school cafeteria on the first day of sixth grade. To their 17-year-old minds, touching the world maybe meant the N.B.A. or the N.F.L.

“It was one of the first moments I remembered after learning what happened to him,” Mr. Veal said. “He could not have imagined that this is the tragic way people would know his name.”

The world now knows George Perry Floyd Jr. through his final harrowing moments, as he begged for air, his face wedged for nearly nine minutes between a city street and a police officer’s knee.
What is the verb tense in the sentence below?
[...] A group of close friends, on their way home, were contemplating... [...]
Q1692528 Inglês

Read the passage below and answer the question 32

“Effective teachers are typically defined as those whose students perform better on standardized achievement tests. In a study of effective teachers in bilingual education programs in California and Hawaii, for example, Tikunoff (1985) observed teachers to find out how they organize instruction, structure teaching activities, and enhance student performance on tasks.”

RICHARDS, Jack C. Theories of Teaching in Language Teaching. In: RICHARDS, J. C. & RENANDYA, W. A. Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002, p. 21.

What can be inferred from the excerpt above about effective teaching?
Q1692527 Inglês
According to Behrens (1996), pedagogical practice becomes a key element and the reflection of the teacher – the relevant instrument in this process. Based on that, what can we infer about teaching practice?
Q1692526 Inglês
What is the relationship between high school and the social interactionist method in the English Classes?
Q1692525 Inglês
It is during the 20th century that the process of language acquisition highlights. Just to mention, Innatism, Behaviorism and Constructivist cognitivism and socio-interactionist are some of the theories that emerged. Regarding the implications of these theories on phono audiology, what can be said about the acquisition of language?
Q1692524 Inglês
For this method, some imagens, gestures and simulations were used to understand the language. Another point is that teacher remained the source of knowledge.
What is the methodology described above?
Q1692523 Inglês
What condition is required for the language acquisition device to be triggered?
Q1692522 Inglês
Which one of the statements that follow is about Vigotsky and Piaget’s contribution?
Q1692521 Inglês
The Political Pedagogical Project involves some stages. These stages complement themselves and they are also interconnected, which provides the effectiveness of the process. What are the steps?
Q1692520 Inglês
According to PCNs, it is known that teaching a foreign language must provide a developing citizen to students. A way of highlight this orientation is through the books, because their activities should foster the criticality. Which of the following elements allows you to achieve the criticality?
Q1692519 Inglês
About the selection of modern foreign language content, it is very important to set strategies in order to develop the competences and content during the high school period. Therefore, methodologically, it is suggested that teachers work from three important points. What are they?
Q1692518 Inglês
In high school, what are the most important skills in teaching modern foreign languages and what is their essence concerning acquisition?
Q1692517 Inglês
According to the National Curriculum Parameters (PCNs), the process of learning a foreign language is a matter of a complex cultural product and its acquisition. Another point is that the learning involves well-outline steps. Based on this statement, what is the document referring to in terms of applicability?
Q1692326 História
Os povos originários asiáticos são bastante diversos em suas origens etnográficas, assim como os europeus, africanos e americanos. No entanto, o fato de boa parte do conhecimento ocidental estar pautado em modelos eurocêntricos, que generalizam um sem tamanho de povos, pouco ainda se sabe sobre as diferenças de cada um dos povos, suas características, costumes e história. Observe a pintura a seguir, do ano de 1437:

Fonte: Metropolitan Museum (Met Museum). Disponível em: Acesso em 20 set 2020
Em relação à representação expressa pela pintura e a história da China, analise com atenção as informações a seguir e marque V, para Verdadeiro, e F, para Falso.
( ) A pintura pertence ao período da Dinastia Ming (1368-1644). ( ) O representação gráfica retrata a relação dos chineses com seu entorno, tendo a natureza como objeto de contemplação e respeito. ( ) É possível notar que, diferentemente de pinturas europeias, a pintura chinesa conserva valores como retidão e integração à natureza. ( ) A pintura pertence ao período da Dinastia Han (1410-1655).
Assinale a alternativa que contém a sequência correta.
Q1692325 História
Eram povos que viviam distribuídos nas terras de Minnesota, Dakota do Sul e do Norte, com características nômades e exímios caçadores de bisões, um dos principais inimigos dos Blackfeet (Sihasapa, Lakota), que viviam nas planícies do norte dos EUA.

 Fonte: Sir Richardson Museum. Disponível em: Acesso em 19 set
A descrição desse povo originário refere-se aos:
Q1692324 História
Leia o trecho a seguir:

Esse ‘quadro’, objeto da “nova política da oferta da esquerda”, opõe-se aos “últimos anos de laissez-faire [em francês no texto] neoliberal”, que são qualificados de ultrapassados. Vemos aqui como a interpretação equivocada do neoliberalismo permite a construção de uma falsa oposição e compreendemos também que, com essa premissa, o manifesto desenvolve, na prática o conjunto de argumentação autenticamente neoliberal: custo excessivamente elevado do trabalho, gastos públicos muito grandes, primazia perigosa dos direitos sobre as obrigações e confiança excessiva na gestão da economia pelo governo. Esse manifesto da esquerda moderna traduz particularmente bem o que chamamos aqui de “racionalidade neoliberal”. 

(DARDOT & LAVAL, A grande virada. In: A nova razão do mundo / Pierre
Dardot & Christian Laval, 2016, p.234-235)
As constatações feitas por P. Dardot & C. Laval (2016), indicam o contexto:
Q1692323 História
Esta charge histórica, que estampou as páginas da revista O Malho, em 1904, simboliza um evento importante na história do Brasil. Observe:
509868868o.jpg Acesso em 18 set 2020.
Assinale a alternativa que melhor endossa a qual evento a charge se refere, a qual causa ele está relacionado e qual sua principal consequência, respectivamente:
Q1692322 História
No ano de 1921, no auge do Imperialismo estadunidense, quando o país gozava da formação de uma sólida elite nacional e internacional, o país foi protagonista de um dos eventos mais aterrorizantes da história dos afroamericanos, o massacre racial em Tulsa, Oklahoma. Conhecida como a “Wall Street Negra”, cidade na qual se formava um reduto de pretos bem sucedidos, empresários do ramo petrolífero, o município concentrava o distrito de Greenwood, que foi invadido por uma multidão que arrasou o distrito ao longo de 18 horas, ateando fogo em residências e disparando contra casas de pretos americanos, matando mais de 300 pretos e desabrigando pelo menos 10 mil.

Fonte: Tulsa Historical Society Museum. Disponível em:
Acesso em 18 set 2020.
O massacre em Tulsa-OK, reflete:
321: D
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