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Q2411615 Inglês

Prince Andrew hires 'formidable' lawyer amid FBI probe

into Jeffrey Epstein links

By Lee Brown

New York Post - March 8, 2020 | 1:13pm


Prince Andrew has hired Britain's “most formidable”

extradition lawyer to protect him against an FBI inquiry into his

late pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein, according to reports.

The Duke of York was publicly slammed by US

authorities in January for repeatedly failing to cooperate with

the ongoing investigation into Epstein's alleged sex trafficking


He is still so worried about being forced to talk, he is

now hiring an “eminent team of lawyers” to “fend off” the FBI,

according to the Daily Telegraph.

The 60-year-old royal's legal team is led by Clare

Montgomery, one of the UK's leading extradition lawyers who

has represented world leaders, including former dictator

Augusto Pinochet, the Telegraph says.

Montgomery charges $1,300-an-hour and has been

described as “the most formidable member of the bar,” the

Telegraph said, referring to a chamber of the British legal


Andrew also directly hired Gary Bloxsome, a criminal

defense solicitor who works international cases — and is a

crisis-management specialist, the Telegraph says. “He's as

sharp as a blade, he's absolutely brilliant,” one acquaintance

told the paper.

Assembling the team shows just how “hugely

seriously” the duke is taking the threat of legal moves to make

him talk, says the Telegraph, which believes it is the first time

the royal family has needed to use such a powerful team of

criminal lawyers.

Andrew was forced to step down from royal duties last

November over his disastrous attempts to justify his ongoing

friendship with Epstein even after he was convicted of sex


The royal has however always vehemently denied

knowing about Epstein's depraved behavior. He also denies

knowing Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who says she was made to

have sex with the prince three times, starting when she was just


Epstein, 66, hanged himself in a Lower Manhattan

lockup Aug. 10 while awaiting trial on federal! sex trafficking


Buckingham Palace told The Sun it does not represent

Andrew as he is no longer a working royal.

De acordo com o texto:

Q2411614 Inglês

Prince Andrew hires 'formidable' lawyer amid FBI probe

into Jeffrey Epstein links

By Lee Brown

New York Post - March 8, 2020 | 1:13pm


Prince Andrew has hired Britain's “most formidable”

extradition lawyer to protect him against an FBI inquiry into his

late pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein, according to reports.

The Duke of York was publicly slammed by US

authorities in January for repeatedly failing to cooperate with

the ongoing investigation into Epstein's alleged sex trafficking


He is still so worried about being forced to talk, he is

now hiring an “eminent team of lawyers” to “fend off” the FBI,

according to the Daily Telegraph.

The 60-year-old royal's legal team is led by Clare

Montgomery, one of the UK's leading extradition lawyers who

has represented world leaders, including former dictator

Augusto Pinochet, the Telegraph says.

Montgomery charges $1,300-an-hour and has been

described as “the most formidable member of the bar,” the

Telegraph said, referring to a chamber of the British legal


Andrew also directly hired Gary Bloxsome, a criminal

defense solicitor who works international cases — and is a

crisis-management specialist, the Telegraph says. “He's as

sharp as a blade, he's absolutely brilliant,” one acquaintance

told the paper.

Assembling the team shows just how “hugely

seriously” the duke is taking the threat of legal moves to make

him talk, says the Telegraph, which believes it is the first time

the royal family has needed to use such a powerful team of

criminal lawyers.

Andrew was forced to step down from royal duties last

November over his disastrous attempts to justify his ongoing

friendship with Epstein even after he was convicted of sex


The royal has however always vehemently denied

knowing about Epstein's depraved behavior. He also denies

knowing Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who says she was made to

have sex with the prince three times, starting when she was just


Epstein, 66, hanged himself in a Lower Manhattan

lockup Aug. 10 while awaiting trial on federal! sex trafficking


Buckingham Palace told The Sun it does not represent

Andrew as he is no longer a working royal.

Após a teitura do texto, é correto afirmar que:

Q2411613 Inglês

Prince Andrew hires 'formidable' lawyer amid FBI probe

into Jeffrey Epstein links

By Lee Brown

New York Post - March 8, 2020 | 1:13pm


Prince Andrew has hired Britain's “most formidable”

extradition lawyer to protect him against an FBI inquiry into his

late pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein, according to reports.

The Duke of York was publicly slammed by US

authorities in January for repeatedly failing to cooperate with

the ongoing investigation into Epstein's alleged sex trafficking


He is still so worried about being forced to talk, he is

now hiring an “eminent team of lawyers” to “fend off” the FBI,

according to the Daily Telegraph.

The 60-year-old royal's legal team is led by Clare

Montgomery, one of the UK's leading extradition lawyers who

has represented world leaders, including former dictator

Augusto Pinochet, the Telegraph says.

Montgomery charges $1,300-an-hour and has been

described as “the most formidable member of the bar,” the

Telegraph said, referring to a chamber of the British legal


Andrew also directly hired Gary Bloxsome, a criminal

defense solicitor who works international cases — and is a

crisis-management specialist, the Telegraph says. “He's as

sharp as a blade, he's absolutely brilliant,” one acquaintance

told the paper.

Assembling the team shows just how “hugely

seriously” the duke is taking the threat of legal moves to make

him talk, says the Telegraph, which believes it is the first time

the royal family has needed to use such a powerful team of

criminal lawyers.

Andrew was forced to step down from royal duties last

November over his disastrous attempts to justify his ongoing

friendship with Epstein even after he was convicted of sex


The royal has however always vehemently denied

knowing about Epstein's depraved behavior. He also denies

knowing Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who says she was made to

have sex with the prince three times, starting when she was just


Epstein, 66, hanged himself in a Lower Manhattan

lockup Aug. 10 while awaiting trial on federal! sex trafficking


Buckingham Palace told The Sun it does not represent

Andrew as he is no longer a working royal.

Baseado no texto, pode-se afirmar que:

Q2411612 Inglês

Prince Andrew hires 'formidable' lawyer amid FBI probe

into Jeffrey Epstein links

By Lee Brown

New York Post - March 8, 2020 | 1:13pm


Prince Andrew has hired Britain's “most formidable”

extradition lawyer to protect him against an FBI inquiry into his

late pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein, according to reports.

The Duke of York was publicly slammed by US

authorities in January for repeatedly failing to cooperate with

the ongoing investigation into Epstein's alleged sex trafficking


He is still so worried about being forced to talk, he is

now hiring an “eminent team of lawyers” to “fend off” the FBI,

according to the Daily Telegraph.

The 60-year-old royal's legal team is led by Clare

Montgomery, one of the UK's leading extradition lawyers who

has represented world leaders, including former dictator

Augusto Pinochet, the Telegraph says.

Montgomery charges $1,300-an-hour and has been

described as “the most formidable member of the bar,” the

Telegraph said, referring to a chamber of the British legal


Andrew also directly hired Gary Bloxsome, a criminal

defense solicitor who works international cases — and is a

crisis-management specialist, the Telegraph says. “He's as

sharp as a blade, he's absolutely brilliant,” one acquaintance

told the paper.

Assembling the team shows just how “hugely

seriously” the duke is taking the threat of legal moves to make

him talk, says the Telegraph, which believes it is the first time

the royal family has needed to use such a powerful team of

criminal lawyers.

Andrew was forced to step down from royal duties last

November over his disastrous attempts to justify his ongoing

friendship with Epstein even after he was convicted of sex


The royal has however always vehemently denied

knowing about Epstein's depraved behavior. He also denies

knowing Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who says she was made to

have sex with the prince three times, starting when she was just


Epstein, 66, hanged himself in a Lower Manhattan

lockup Aug. 10 while awaiting trial on federal! sex trafficking


Buckingham Palace told The Sun it does not represent

Andrew as he is no longer a working royal.

Após a leitura do texto, pode-se afirmar que:

Q2411611 Espanhol

Siete muertos en las últimas horas elevan a 17 los

fallecidos en España por el coronavirus

Todos eran personas de avanzada edad con patologias

previas. En total, hay 589 casos, 159 más que el dia

anterior, según el Ministerio de Sanidad

Madrid / Bilbao / Zaragoza - 08 MAR 2020 - 10:41BRT


Siete personas han muerto en las últimas horas por el

coronavirus, lo que eleva a 17 la cifra de víctimas mortales en

España, en el mayor incremento en un solo día desde que el

pasado martes se conociera el primer fallecimiento por esta

causa en el país, aunque este se produjo a mediados de

febrero. De las últimas víctimas mortales, una se ha registrado

en Zaragoza, tres en la Comunidad de Madrid y tres en el País

Vasco. Las siete, al igual que las 10 anteriores, eran personas

de edad elevada, la mayoría de eilas con patologias previas.

Estas dos últimas autonomías concentran, junto con La Rioja,

el 60% de los casos de todo e! país, según ha explicado este

domingo Fernando Simón, director del Centro de

Coordinación de Alertas y Emergencias Sanitarias. En total,

589 personas están afectadas, 159 más que el día anterior.

Este incremento cercano al 20% entra dentro de “lo

esperable”, según Simón, por lo que Sanidad mantiene el país

en fase de contención de la enfermedad. El ministro de

Sanidad, Salvador Illa, que ha comparecido con Simón ante la

prensa, ha pedido a todas las personas que presenten

síntomas que no acudan a las manifestaciones de este

domingo por el Dia de la Mujer.

La Comunidad de Madrid, la más afectada por la

Covid-19, la enfermedad causada por el coronavirus, con 202

casos, registra casi la mitad de los fallecidos en todo el país,

ocho. Los últimos son tres hombres, uno de 77 años que

permanecia ingresado en la UCI del Hospital de Torrejón; uno

de 88 años que ha fallecido en el Hospital del Sureste; y otro de

73 años que ha falecido en la Fundación Jiménez Diaz. Los

tres presentaban patologias previas, según la Consejería de

Sanidad. La mayoria de los 28 nuevos positivos registrados

desde este sábado están relacionados con el foco del centro

de día para mayores de Valdemoro, según ha explicado


En el País Vasco, la segunda comunidad con más

casos, la muerte de tres mujeres de avanzada edad y con

patologias crónicas previas eleva a cinco el total de fallecidos.

Dos de las muertas, de 92 y 88 años, se encontraban

ingresadas en aislamiento en Álava, y otra de 87 en Bizkaia, y

todas ellas sufrian patologias crónicas previas, según ha

informado el Departamento de Salud del Gobierno Vasco.

Además, se han detectado 32 nuevos casos de infectados, por

lo que ascienden a 102 los casos, 37 de los cuales están

hospitalizados. De ellos, 26 se han localizado en territorio

alavés, cinco en Bizkaia y uno en Gipuzkoa.

El séptimo fallecido en las últimas horas es un

paciente de 85 años que se encontraba ingresado en el

Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa de Zaragoza. Era

uno de los siete contagiados que se han registrado en una

residencia de la capital aragonesa, según el Departamento de

Sanidad del Gobierno de Aragón. La comunidad suma, con

cinco nuevos casos, 19 en total. De ellos, 10 se encuentran

hospitalizados, tres de ellos en la UCI.

“En España hay un incremento de casos, pero

seguimos en una fase de contención”, ha explicado el ministro,

que ha hablado por teléfono con su homólogo italiano, al que

ha mostrado su “reconocimiento y apoyo” por las medidas que

han adoptado, que han dejado en aislamiento a 16 millones de

personas en el norte de Italia. “Estamos concentrando los

esfuerzos en Madrid, La Rioja y País Vasco”, ha explicado. “No

hay ni mucho menos una transmisión de forma generalizada y

descontrolada a nivel del país”, ha afiadido Simón.

Sí que es preocupante La Rioja, con 55 casos, donde

hay “un único foco, que no es fácil de controlar”, ha admitido el

director del Centro de Coordinación de Alertas y Emergencias

Sanitarias, en referencia a los cerca de 30 vecinos de la

localidad de Haro que se contagiaron durante un funeral en

Vitoria, y que están aislados en sus casas con vigilancia de la

Guardia Civil. Estas personas “no están en cuarentena”, ha

insistido por su parte el ministro, sino “en vigilancia activa”, es

decir, “que deben estar en sus domicilios porque así lo

establecen los protocolos médicos para evitar la expansión del

virus”, El ministro ha admitido que “en algunos casos se ha

tenido que reforzar la vigilancia” para que este aislamiento

domiciliario se cumpla.

También están muy pendientes de la Comunidad de

Madrid, pues “en las últimas horas el incremento se ha

centrado en Valdemoro”, y por tanto, a la “población más

frágil”, ha recordado Simón. Mientras, en el País Vasco, la

mayoria de los casos positivos están asociados a

profesionales sanitarios, “lo que supone un estrés añadido al

sistema sanitario”. Simón ha asegurado que el aislamiento de

la región de Lombardia y otras 14 provincias del norte de Italia

“reduce la posibilidad de casos importados de este país”.

“Hasta ahora no tenemos cadenas de transmisión

descontrolada en la mayoría de las situaciones. Solo hay

riesgo en el País Vasco y Madrid, pero las investigaciones

hasta la fecha indican que la transmisión no se ha

incrementado o está relacionada con focos ya detectados”, ha


Para reforzar la coordinación, a partir de la próxima

semana se reunirá una comisión interministerial todos los

miércoles y la comisión interterritorial del Sistema Nacional de

Salud, con todos los consejeros autonómicos, los lunes y

jueves, por videoconferencia.

De acordo com o texto, para reforçar a coordenação, uma comissão interministerial se reunirá:

46: A
47: C
48: A
49: B
50: A