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I. AI’s ability to conduct human-like conversations opens up possibilities for adaptive tutoring; however, AI-based feedback systems cannot help students fine-tune their writing skills.
II. According to some research, certain kinds of prompts can help children generate more fruitful questions about learning.
III. As a teaching assistant, AI can execute many automated routine tasks that keep teachers from investing more time with their students, such as drafting lesson plans and designing worksheets.
Choose the CORRECT answer.
( ) The Department of Education had conducted listening sessions in 2022 with more than 70 educators to gauge their views on AI.
( ) According to studies, AI will serve in only two teaching-andlearning roles in the future: instructional assistant and teaching assistant.
( ) AI models might support customized learning for students with disabilities and provide translation for English language learners.
The statements are, respectively:
Read the following dialogue.
Mr. Humphrey: All right, are you excited for today’s class?
Students: Yeah.
Mr. Humphrey: Okay! Anna, could you read the article on page 271?
Anna: Sure, Mr. Humphrey.
[Anna finishes reading]
Mr. Humphrey: Now, let’s discuss the author’s main point of view, shall we?
Analyze the assertions below based on the dialogue.
I. Mr. Humphrey uses the modal verb “could” to make a polite request.
II. “All right”, “yeah”, “okay”, “sure” and “now” are used as discourse markers.
III. In the last sentence, “shall we” is being incorrectly used as a tag question.
Then choose the CORRECT alternative.
I. Greg goes for a walk six times a week.
II. I’m sure she’s asked you more than third times to stop yelling.
III. I can see there are just two people ahead of Jane in line.
IV. Ana was the first solo artist to win this award.
Choose the CORRECT alternative.
( ) “Least” and “worst” are the irregular superlative forms of “little” and “bad”, respectively.
( ) “Busyer” is the comparative form of the adjective “busy”.
( ) In the sentence “This is the smallest room in the building”, there is a superlative adjective.
The statements are, respectively:
Read Text I and answer question..
Read Text I and answer question..
Read Text I and answer question..
Read Text I and answer question..
Read Text I and answer question..
Read Text I and answer question..
Durante a Revolução Francesa, qual foi a principal contribuição teórica de Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès, expressa em sua obra "O que é o Terceiro Estado?
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Qual tratado de 1648 marcou o fim da Guerra dos Trinta Anos e simbolizou o declínio do poder do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico, um exemplo de absolutismo?
Qual foi o efeito do "Golpe de 18 Brumário" de Napoleão Bonaparte?