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Q2536238 Geografia
Atualmente, com o avanço tecnológico, o GPS disponibiliza uma orientação com boa precisão. No entanto, para uma alfabetização cartográfica se faz necessário ao estudante realizar reflexões para o entendimento das noções básicas espaciais, tais como localização, orientação, ponto de referência, decodificação de símbolos e interpretação, entre outras operações que são decisivas para uma leitura cartográfica e de mundo eficiente. Nesse sentido, é correto ensinar que
Q2536237 Geografia
De acordo com o Relatório sobre o Estado da População Mundial 2023, o planejamento familiar não deve ser usado como uma ferramenta para atingir as metas de fecundidade, mas, como uma ferramenta para capacitar indivíduos. As mulheres devem poder escolher se, quando e quantos filhos gostariam de ter, livres da coerção de especialistas e autoridades. O relatório recomenda que os governos instituam políticas com igualdade de gênero e com direitos em seu cerne, como programas de licença parental, créditos fiscais para crianças, políticas que promovam a igualdade de gênero no local de trabalho e acesso universal à saúde e aos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. Essa ideia se alinha 
Q2536236 Geografia
A produção do espaço agrário brasileiro e sua respectiva estrutura agrária são entendidas como a forma de acesso à propriedade e à exploração da terra, indicando as relações entre os proprietários e os não proprietários, a morfologia agrária e o habitat rural. Sendo assim, é correto afirmar: 
Q2536235 Inglês

Text 02

British Accents and Dialects: A Rough Guide 

Have you ever tried to put on a British accent? The chances are the accent you’re trying to copy is ‘Received Pronunciation’, or standard English – also known as the Queen’s English. Received Pronunciation, or RP, is what most non-Brits are used to hearing as a British accent, often when you switch on the BBC or World Service.

But it’s called the Queen’s English for a reason – hardly anyone in the UK apart from the Queen speaks this way.

The truth is, although it may be called Standard English, it is anything but standard. The British Isles is made up many, many different accents and dialects – more than 37 dialects at the last count. A dialect is a Variety of a language that differs from the standard language, in this case RP. Dialects can vary regionally – depending on where in the country a person is from, as well as socially.


Types of British Accents – Cockney

This is one of the UK’s most famous dialects, and it goes hand in hand with London. It came about as the dialect of the London working classes, especially in the poorer East End of the city. The Cockney dialect also gave us Rhyming Slang, and you can still hear plenty of market traders round the East End shouting out in Cockney from their stalls. With the Cockney accent, there are lots of ‘glottal stops’, and the ‘th’ sound frequently changes to an ‘f’ sound. There have also been some famously terrible attempts at the Cockney dialect – here’s Dick Van Dyke to show you how not to do it! 

Text adapted from: <>

Still using text 02, the words in bold represent: 
Q2536234 Inglês

Text 02

British Accents and Dialects: A Rough Guide 

Have you ever tried to put on a British accent? The chances are the accent you’re trying to copy is ‘Received Pronunciation’, or standard English – also known as the Queen’s English. Received Pronunciation, or RP, is what most non-Brits are used to hearing as a British accent, often when you switch on the BBC or World Service.

But it’s called the Queen’s English for a reason – hardly anyone in the UK apart from the Queen speaks this way.

The truth is, although it may be called Standard English, it is anything but standard. The British Isles is made up many, many different accents and dialects – more than 37 dialects at the last count. A dialect is a Variety of a language that differs from the standard language, in this case RP. Dialects can vary regionally – depending on where in the country a person is from, as well as socially.


Types of British Accents – Cockney

This is one of the UK’s most famous dialects, and it goes hand in hand with London. It came about as the dialect of the London working classes, especially in the poorer East End of the city. The Cockney dialect also gave us Rhyming Slang, and you can still hear plenty of market traders round the East End shouting out in Cockney from their stalls. With the Cockney accent, there are lots of ‘glottal stops’, and the ‘th’ sound frequently changes to an ‘f’ sound. There have also been some famously terrible attempts at the Cockney dialect – here’s Dick Van Dyke to show you how not to do it! 

Text adapted from: <>

Which sentence demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement? 
476: D
477: B
478: A
479: B
480: A