Questões de Concurso Para diplomata

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Q1927853 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary of the text above, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E). 

In lines 2, 11, and 12, the word “breach” could not be replaced by severance in any of the situations without changing the meaning of the sentences.

Q1927852 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary of the text above, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E). 

In lines 10 to 12, in the passage “this is more straightforward when no formal breach of relations has taken place”, “more straightforward” could be replaced by less complex without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Q1927851 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary of the text above, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E). 

In line 7, the expression “there are no constraints in their contacts” means that their contacts remain regular.

Q1927850 Inglês
Considering the ideas and the vocabulary of the text above, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E).

In line 3, the “sending State” is the one capable of expelling foreign diplomats from its territory.
Q1927849 Inglês

Considering the ideas and the vocabulary presented in the text, mark the following items as right (C) or wrong (E).

The word “acute” (line 27) could be replaced with mutual without changing the meaning of the sentence. 

431: E
432: C
433: C
434: E
435: E