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Q2349824 Inglês

Leia o Texto 4 para responder a questão.

Texto 4

Brazil is preparing for the biggest heat wave in history, with temperatures above 45°C

Dacio Augustus
November 9th, 2023

     Tired of the extreme heat in Brazil? So it's good to prepare, since according to the institute MetSul Meteorology, starting in the next few days another heat wave capable of breaking temperature records will hit the country.

      According to information from the MetSouth, the heat wave has already begun, affecting mainly the South and Southeast of Brazil, with atypically high temperatures for the month of November, a period that is already historically hot, but which, in 2023, could see records broken.

     Until Friday (10), the most intense heat should be concentrated in the Central-West and in the interior of São Paulo, but from the weekend onwards the mass of hot air increases and the maximum temperatures begin to reach more areas of Brazil, just as it was in September and October. (...)

Disponível em: <

maior-onda-de-calor-da-historia/>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2023. [Adaptado].

A forma completa da frase “Tired of the extreme heat in Brazil?” é 
Q2349823 Inglês

Leia o Texto 4 para responder a questão.

Texto 4

Brazil is preparing for the biggest heat wave in history, with temperatures above 45°C

Dacio Augustus
November 9th, 2023

     Tired of the extreme heat in Brazil? So it's good to prepare, since according to the institute MetSul Meteorology, starting in the next few days another heat wave capable of breaking temperature records will hit the country.

      According to information from the MetSouth, the heat wave has already begun, affecting mainly the South and Southeast of Brazil, with atypically high temperatures for the month of November, a period that is already historically hot, but which, in 2023, could see records broken.

     Until Friday (10), the most intense heat should be concentrated in the Central-West and in the interior of São Paulo, but from the weekend onwards the mass of hot air increases and the maximum temperatures begin to reach more areas of Brazil, just as it was in September and October. (...)

Disponível em: <

maior-onda-de-calor-da-historia/>. Acesso em: 13 nov. 2023. [Adaptado].

A temática abordada no texto  
Q2349822 Matemática
Um grupo de 10 amigas decide viajar em dois carros. Destas 10 mulheres, 6 podem dirigir e o restante não. Escolhendo duas dessas amigas ao acaso, qual é a probabilidade de que as duas possam dirigir os carros?
Q2349820 Matemática
Uma plantação de soja está infestada de insetos percevejo-marrom. Estimou-se que existiam 500 insetos no primeiro dia da infestação. Sabendo que, a cada dia subsequente, o número de insetos da infestação é o triplo do dia anterior, qual quantidade de insetos haverá na plantação no quinto dia de infestação?
Q2349819 Matemática
Considere a função quadrática (x) = ax2 + bx + c, onde a, b e c são números reais. Sabendo que (0) = (1) = 0 e que (2) = 1, o valor de a. b + c é
496: B
497: C
498: A
499: D
500: B