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Q2286139 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Com relação à análise, à avaliação e ao gerenciamento de riscos, bem como à identificação de cenários e à avaliação de consequências, julgue o item subsecutivo.

Ao transferir um risco, a organização não será mais afetada pelas consequências desse risco. 

Q2286138 Administração Geral

Com relação à análise, à avaliação e ao gerenciamento de riscos, bem como à identificação de cenários e à avaliação de consequências, julgue o item subsecutivo.

A análise SWOT é uma ferramenta que avalia a situação estratégica de uma organização a partir da análise de suas forças, fraquezas, oportunidades e ameaças; não está diretamente relacionada à avaliação de frequência de riscos. 

Q2286137 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Com relação à análise, à avaliação e ao gerenciamento de riscos, bem como à identificação de cenários e à avaliação de consequências, julgue o item subsecutivo.

A avaliação de consequências avalia a probabilidade de um evento de risco ocorrer e o impacto que ele pode causar.

Q2286136 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

No que se refere a trabalhos em espaços confinados, trabalhos em altura e trabalhos com escavação, julgue o próximo item. 

Em espaços confinados, quando há diferenças positivas nas pressões manométricas à jusante e à montante do ambiente alvo, a ventilação natural é suficiente para garantir a qualidade do ar respirado pelos trabalhadores.  

Q2286135 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

No que se refere a trabalhos em espaços confinados, trabalhos em altura e trabalhos com escavação, julgue o próximo item. 

O cálculo do escoramento é determinado por equação que pondera a profundidade da escavação a céu aberto em 40%, o tipo de solo em 10%, a presença de água em 10%, as condições climáticas em 10% e a carga aplicada nas proximidades da vala a ser aberta em 30%.

Q2286134 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

No que se refere a trabalhos em espaços confinados, trabalhos em altura e trabalhos com escavação, julgue o próximo item. 

Em um espaço confinado, se a concentração de oxigênio estiver abaixo de 19,5%, pode haver risco de asfixia; e, se estiver acima de 23,5%, pode-se aumentar o risco de incêndio ou de explosão.

Q2286133 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

No que se refere a trabalhos em espaços confinados, trabalhos em altura e trabalhos com escavação, julgue o próximo item. 

Em trabalhos em altura, deve-se buscar estabelecer a maior distância possível entre o trabalhador e o ponto de ancoragem, pois, quanto maior for essa distância, menor será a exposição ao risco.

Q2286132 Mecânica

Acerca de trabalhos a quente, julgue o próximo item.

Na soldagem por arco elétrico, a zona termicamente afetada (ZTA) é a região mais crítica da união soldada, pois nela o calor é aplicado ao material base e ao metal de adição, levando à fusão e subsequente solidificação do material, com grandes tensões residuais.

Q2286131 Ciências

Acerca de trabalhos a quente, julgue o próximo item.

O processo de jateamento abrasivo aproveita a energia cinética de partículas abrasivas, que são aceleradas por meio de ar comprimido ou de um sistema mecânico e, em seguida, direcionadas à superfície a ser limpa; essas partículas, ao colidirem com a superfície, removem os materiais indesejados via impacto mecânico, fricção e abrasão.

Q2286130 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Em relação à movimentação de cargas e instalações elétricas, julgue o item subsequente.

O uso de cintas de poliéster é recomendado para a movimentação de cargas sensíveis e frágeis, devido à alta resistência do material e ao baixo risco de danos.

Q2286129 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Em relação à movimentação de cargas e instalações elétricas, julgue o item subsequente.

Dispositivos de proteção diferencial residual (DR) são utilizados para detectar e interromper correntes induzidas em circuitos de alta capacitância, cuja impedância e cujo efeito Joule podem levar a queimaduras, choques elétricos e incêndios.

Q2286128 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Julgue o item que se segue, a respeito da operação e da manutenção de caldeiras e vasos de pressão.

Para evitar catástrofes, a inspeção interna de componentes como tubulações, soldas e revestimentos deve ser realizada a cada doze meses de operação, de imediato em caso de falhas estruturais, ou a cada seis meses quando houver sobrecargas.

Q2286126 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Acerca da utilização de sistemas de segurança e do controle de riscos em máquinas, julgue o item a seguir.

Quando sistemas de segurança são utilizados em máquinas e quando há pessoas na zona de perigo, é obrigatório adotar medidas adicionais de proteção coletiva, porém apenas na iminência de risco de acidentes.

Q2286125 Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho

Acerca da utilização de sistemas de segurança e do controle de riscos em máquinas, julgue o item a seguir.

As proteções contra as zonas de perigo podem falhar ou ser ultrapassadas; por isso, a adoção de medidas adicionais de proteção garante segurança extra e evita acidentes graves.

Q2281249 Inglês
Text CB1A2-I

        Oppenheimer’s brief advance into astrophysics began with a 1938 paper about neutron stars, which continued in a 1939 installment that further incorporated the principles of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He then published a third paper on black holes on September 1st, 1939—but at the time, it was scarcely noticed because this was the very day Germany invaded Poland, launching World War II. Oppenheimer never wrote on the topic again.
        Even if it hadn’t been overshadowed by war, Oppenheimer’s work on neutron stars and black holes “was not understood to be terribly significant at the time,” says Cathryn Carson, a historian of science at the University of California, Berkeley.
        Each paper was written with a different member of the swarm of graduate students that Oppenheimer carefully cultivated. These protégés facilitated his ability to jump between research topics—and ultimately, helped him develop some of his most important contributions to physics.
        Oppenheimer’s climactic third paper, written with his student Hartland Snyder, explores the implications of general relativity on the universe’s most massive stars. Although the physicists needed to include some assumptions to simplify the question, they determined that a large enough star would gravitationally collapse indefinitely—and within a finite amount of time, meaning that the objects we now know as black holes could exist.

Internet: <> (adapted)

Based on the vocabulary and linguistic aspects of text CB1A2-I, judge the following item.

Graduate students are people studying for a master’s degree or doctorate.

Q2281248 Inglês
Text CB1A2-I

        Oppenheimer’s brief advance into astrophysics began with a 1938 paper about neutron stars, which continued in a 1939 installment that further incorporated the principles of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He then published a third paper on black holes on September 1st, 1939—but at the time, it was scarcely noticed because this was the very day Germany invaded Poland, launching World War II. Oppenheimer never wrote on the topic again.
        Even if it hadn’t been overshadowed by war, Oppenheimer’s work on neutron stars and black holes “was not understood to be terribly significant at the time,” says Cathryn Carson, a historian of science at the University of California, Berkeley.
        Each paper was written with a different member of the swarm of graduate students that Oppenheimer carefully cultivated. These protégés facilitated his ability to jump between research topics—and ultimately, helped him develop some of his most important contributions to physics.
        Oppenheimer’s climactic third paper, written with his student Hartland Snyder, explores the implications of general relativity on the universe’s most massive stars. Although the physicists needed to include some assumptions to simplify the question, they determined that a large enough star would gravitationally collapse indefinitely—and within a finite amount of time, meaning that the objects we now know as black holes could exist.

Internet: <> (adapted)

Based on the vocabulary and linguistic aspects of text CB1A2-I, judge the following item.

The word “physicists” means “medical doctors”. 

Q2281247 Inglês
Text CB1A2-I

        Oppenheimer’s brief advance into astrophysics began with a 1938 paper about neutron stars, which continued in a 1939 installment that further incorporated the principles of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He then published a third paper on black holes on September 1st, 1939—but at the time, it was scarcely noticed because this was the very day Germany invaded Poland, launching World War II. Oppenheimer never wrote on the topic again.
        Even if it hadn’t been overshadowed by war, Oppenheimer’s work on neutron stars and black holes “was not understood to be terribly significant at the time,” says Cathryn Carson, a historian of science at the University of California, Berkeley.
        Each paper was written with a different member of the swarm of graduate students that Oppenheimer carefully cultivated. These protégés facilitated his ability to jump between research topics—and ultimately, helped him develop some of his most important contributions to physics.
        Oppenheimer’s climactic third paper, written with his student Hartland Snyder, explores the implications of general relativity on the universe’s most massive stars. Although the physicists needed to include some assumptions to simplify the question, they determined that a large enough star would gravitationally collapse indefinitely—and within a finite amount of time, meaning that the objects we now know as black holes could exist.

Internet: <> (adapted)

Based on the vocabulary and linguistic aspects of text CB1A2-I, judge the following item.

The word “installment” (first sentence of the first paragraph) means, in the context of text CB1A2-I, “to make it ready to use”.

Q2281246 Inglês
Text CB1A2-I

        Oppenheimer’s brief advance into astrophysics began with a 1938 paper about neutron stars, which continued in a 1939 installment that further incorporated the principles of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He then published a third paper on black holes on September 1st, 1939—but at the time, it was scarcely noticed because this was the very day Germany invaded Poland, launching World War II. Oppenheimer never wrote on the topic again.
        Even if it hadn’t been overshadowed by war, Oppenheimer’s work on neutron stars and black holes “was not understood to be terribly significant at the time,” says Cathryn Carson, a historian of science at the University of California, Berkeley.
        Each paper was written with a different member of the swarm of graduate students that Oppenheimer carefully cultivated. These protégés facilitated his ability to jump between research topics—and ultimately, helped him develop some of his most important contributions to physics.
        Oppenheimer’s climactic third paper, written with his student Hartland Snyder, explores the implications of general relativity on the universe’s most massive stars. Although the physicists needed to include some assumptions to simplify the question, they determined that a large enough star would gravitationally collapse indefinitely—and within a finite amount of time, meaning that the objects we now know as black holes could exist.

Internet: <> (adapted)

Based on the vocabulary and linguistic aspects of text CB1A2-I, judge the following item.

The word “overshadowed” (first sentence of the second paragraph) means, in the context of text CB1A2-I, “made less noticeable”. 

Q2281245 Inglês
Text CB1A2-I

        Oppenheimer’s brief advance into astrophysics began with a 1938 paper about neutron stars, which continued in a 1939 installment that further incorporated the principles of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He then published a third paper on black holes on September 1st, 1939—but at the time, it was scarcely noticed because this was the very day Germany invaded Poland, launching World War II. Oppenheimer never wrote on the topic again.
        Even if it hadn’t been overshadowed by war, Oppenheimer’s work on neutron stars and black holes “was not understood to be terribly significant at the time,” says Cathryn Carson, a historian of science at the University of California, Berkeley.
        Each paper was written with a different member of the swarm of graduate students that Oppenheimer carefully cultivated. These protégés facilitated his ability to jump between research topics—and ultimately, helped him develop some of his most important contributions to physics.
        Oppenheimer’s climactic third paper, written with his student Hartland Snyder, explores the implications of general relativity on the universe’s most massive stars. Although the physicists needed to include some assumptions to simplify the question, they determined that a large enough star would gravitationally collapse indefinitely—and within a finite amount of time, meaning that the objects we now know as black holes could exist.

Internet: <> (adapted)
Based on the vocabulary and linguistic aspects of text CB1A2-I, judge the following item.
The pronoun “they” (last sentence of the last paragraph) refers to the word “assumptions”.
Q2281244 Inglês
Text CB1A2-I

        Oppenheimer’s brief advance into astrophysics began with a 1938 paper about neutron stars, which continued in a 1939 installment that further incorporated the principles of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. He then published a third paper on black holes on September 1st, 1939—but at the time, it was scarcely noticed because this was the very day Germany invaded Poland, launching World War II. Oppenheimer never wrote on the topic again.
        Even if it hadn’t been overshadowed by war, Oppenheimer’s work on neutron stars and black holes “was not understood to be terribly significant at the time,” says Cathryn Carson, a historian of science at the University of California, Berkeley.
        Each paper was written with a different member of the swarm of graduate students that Oppenheimer carefully cultivated. These protégés facilitated his ability to jump between research topics—and ultimately, helped him develop some of his most important contributions to physics.
        Oppenheimer’s climactic third paper, written with his student Hartland Snyder, explores the implications of general relativity on the universe’s most massive stars. Although the physicists needed to include some assumptions to simplify the question, they determined that a large enough star would gravitationally collapse indefinitely—and within a finite amount of time, meaning that the objects we now know as black holes could exist.

Internet: <> (adapted)

Based on text CB1A2-I, judge the following item.

Hartland Snyder helped Oppenheimer write his least relevant paper in physics.

81: E
82: C
83: E
84: E
85: E
86: C
87: E
88: E
89: C
90: C
91: E
92: E
93: E
94: C
95: C
96: E
97: E
98: C
99: E
100: E