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Q553480 Governança de TI
O Modelo IDEAL é um modelo de melhoramento organizacional que serve como um guia para iniciar, planejar e implementar ações de melhoria. A palavra IDEAL é um acrônimo em inglês para Iniciar (initiating), Diagnosticar (diagnosing), Estabelecer (establishing), Agir (acting) e Aprender (learning). A principal atividade da fase "Iniciar" é:
Q553478 Engenharia de Software
Esse tipo de teste é aplicado utilizando a perspectiva interna do sistema para modelar os casos de teste, usando assim o ponto de vista do código fonte. Esse tipo de teste é chamado de:
Q553477 Governança de TI
De acordo com a norma ISO/IEC 9126, a qualidade do produto software está relacionada às seguintes características: Funcionalidade, Confiabilidade, Usabilidade, Eficiência, Manutenibilidade e Portabilidade. Sobre o tema, assinale a afirmação correta.
Q553476 Engenharia de Software
Atividades, Decisões, Transições, Ponto de intercalação, Ponto de bifurcação, Ponto de Junção e Partições são os elementos de qual diagrama da UML?
Q553475 Engenharia de Software
Qual diagrama da UML encontra-se na figura abaixo?

Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q553474 Gerência de Projetos
O gerente de projetos reúne a equipe para preparar a documentação de Lições Aprendidas. Qual das seguintes opções descreve melhor a finalidade da documentação?
Q553473 Gerência de Projetos
Que plano de gerenciamento descreve os processos e as atividades que integram os diversos elementos do gerenciamento de projetos, que são identificados, definidos, combinados, unificados e coordenados dentro dos grupos de processos de gerenciamento de projetos?
Q553472 Gerência de Projetos
Você é o gerente de projetos e precisa garantir que o cliente aceitará formalmente os produtos finais de cada fase do projeto. Esse processo é conhecido como:
Q553471 Programação
Orientação a Aspectos e Programação Orientada a Aspectos (AOP - Aspect-Oriented Programming) são abordagens recentes do desenvolvimento de sistemas orientados a objetos. Leia as afirmações a seguir.
I. É uma abordagem que permite a separação das responsabilidades (requisitos) funcionais e não funcionais do sistema de uma forma natural e concisa. II. A AOP complementa a OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) por introduzir uma nova dimensão para a decomposição das responsabilidades transversais: os requisitos funcionais. III. O paradigma da AOP consiste na separação das responsabilidades transversais de um sistema em aspectos (unidades modulares) e a sua posterior composição junto às classes, formando um sistema único.
É correto o que se afirma em:
Q553470 Engenharia de Software
Um dos ciclos de vida da Engenharia de Software bastante utilizado é o Modelo Incremental. Assinale a alternativa correta com relação à característica desse ciclo.
Q553469 Governança de TI
O Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) é um modelo para melhoria da qualidade do processo de desenvolvimento de software. Assinale a alternativa com uma característica associada ao nível inicial (nível 1).
Q553468 Inglês
The expression Piece of cake! means:
Q553467 Inglês
Why were the quotes used in the first scene?
Q553466 Inglês
Robotic surgery linked to 144 deaths in the US Surgical robots allow doctors to improve recovery time and minimise scarring 

    A study into the safety of surgical robots has linked the machines' use to at least 144 deaths and more than 1,000 injuries over a 14-year period in the US. 
    The events included broken instruments falling into patients' bodies, electrical sparks causing tissue burns and system errors making surgery take longer than planned. The report notes that the figures represent a small proportion of the total number of robotic procedures. But it calls for fresh safety measures.
    "Despite widespread adoption of robotic systems for minimally invasive surgery, a non-negligible number of technical difficulties and complications are still being experienced during procedures," the study States.
    "Adoption of advanced techniques in design and operation of robotic surgical systems may reduce these preventable incidents in the future." Robotic surgery can reduce the risk of infections and help patients heal more quickly.
      More accidents
   The work was carried out by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Chicago's Rush University Medicai Center.
    Their paper says 144 deaths, 1,391 injuries and 8,061 device malfunctions were recorded out of a total of more than 1.7 million robotic procedures carried out between January 2000 and December 2013.
    This was based on reports submitted by hospitais, patients, device manufacturers and others to the US Food and Drug Administration, and the study notes that the true number could be higher.
     Surgical robot 
     Surgeons face the risk of broken parts causing injury or lengthening procedures.
    Its authors say the number of injuries and deaths per procedure has remained relatively constant since 2007. But due to the fact that the use of robotic systems is increasing "exponentially", they add, this means that the number of accidents is increasing every year.
    They highlight that when problems do occur, people are several times more likely to die if the surgery involves their heart, lungs, head and/or neck rather than gynaecological and urological procedures.
    They acknowledge that the data does not pinpoint why, but suggest it is because the former are more complex types of operations for which robots are less commonly used, so there is less experience and expertise available.
    The researchers did not, however, compare accident rates with similar operations in which robots were not used. Their study has not been peer reviewed.
In the text the verb do is boldfaced. Choose the alternative which contais the correct explanation of its use.
Q553465 Inglês
Robotic surgery linked to 144 deaths in the US Surgical robots allow doctors to improve recovery time and minimise scarring 

    A study into the safety of surgical robots has linked the machines' use to at least 144 deaths and more than 1,000 injuries over a 14-year period in the US. 
    The events included broken instruments falling into patients' bodies, electrical sparks causing tissue burns and system errors making surgery take longer than planned. The report notes that the figures represent a small proportion of the total number of robotic procedures. But it calls for fresh safety measures.
    "Despite widespread adoption of robotic systems for minimally invasive surgery, a non-negligible number of technical difficulties and complications are still being experienced during procedures," the study States.
    "Adoption of advanced techniques in design and operation of robotic surgical systems may reduce these preventable incidents in the future." Robotic surgery can reduce the risk of infections and help patients heal more quickly.
      More accidents
   The work was carried out by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Chicago's Rush University Medicai Center.
    Their paper says 144 deaths, 1,391 injuries and 8,061 device malfunctions were recorded out of a total of more than 1.7 million robotic procedures carried out between January 2000 and December 2013.
    This was based on reports submitted by hospitais, patients, device manufacturers and others to the US Food and Drug Administration, and the study notes that the true number could be higher.
     Surgical robot 
     Surgeons face the risk of broken parts causing injury or lengthening procedures.
    Its authors say the number of injuries and deaths per procedure has remained relatively constant since 2007. But due to the fact that the use of robotic systems is increasing "exponentially", they add, this means that the number of accidents is increasing every year.
    They highlight that when problems do occur, people are several times more likely to die if the surgery involves their heart, lungs, head and/or neck rather than gynaecological and urological procedures.
    They acknowledge that the data does not pinpoint why, but suggest it is because the former are more complex types of operations for which robots are less commonly used, so there is less experience and expertise available.
    The researchers did not, however, compare accident rates with similar operations in which robots were not used. Their study has not been peer reviewed.
Choose the alternative whith the best synonim of the word widespread, boldfaced in the text.
Q553464 Inglês
Robotic surgery linked to 144 deaths in the US Surgical robots allow doctors to improve recovery time and minimise scarring 

    A study into the safety of surgical robots has linked the machines' use to at least 144 deaths and more than 1,000 injuries over a 14-year period in the US. 
    The events included broken instruments falling into patients' bodies, electrical sparks causing tissue burns and system errors making surgery take longer than planned. The report notes that the figures represent a small proportion of the total number of robotic procedures. But it calls for fresh safety measures.
    "Despite widespread adoption of robotic systems for minimally invasive surgery, a non-negligible number of technical difficulties and complications are still being experienced during procedures," the study States.
    "Adoption of advanced techniques in design and operation of robotic surgical systems may reduce these preventable incidents in the future." Robotic surgery can reduce the risk of infections and help patients heal more quickly.
      More accidents
   The work was carried out by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Chicago's Rush University Medicai Center.
    Their paper says 144 deaths, 1,391 injuries and 8,061 device malfunctions were recorded out of a total of more than 1.7 million robotic procedures carried out between January 2000 and December 2013.
    This was based on reports submitted by hospitais, patients, device manufacturers and others to the US Food and Drug Administration, and the study notes that the true number could be higher.
     Surgical robot 
     Surgeons face the risk of broken parts causing injury or lengthening procedures.
    Its authors say the number of injuries and deaths per procedure has remained relatively constant since 2007. But due to the fact that the use of robotic systems is increasing "exponentially", they add, this means that the number of accidents is increasing every year.
    They highlight that when problems do occur, people are several times more likely to die if the surgery involves their heart, lungs, head and/or neck rather than gynaecological and urological procedures.
    They acknowledge that the data does not pinpoint why, but suggest it is because the former are more complex types of operations for which robots are less commonly used, so there is less experience and expertise available.
    The researchers did not, however, compare accident rates with similar operations in which robots were not used. Their study has not been peer reviewed.
Choose the alternative in which the first paragraph has been rewrited correctly and with the same meaning.
Q553463 Matemática
Em uma operação de desconto de duplicatas, o valor de face é igual a R$ 40.000,00. O prazo da operação é de quatro meses. Sabendo-se que o valor do desconto simples dessa operação é de R$ 2.000,00, qual é o valor da taxa de desconto?
Q553462 Matemática
Uma determinada universidade realizou uma pesquisa para determinar a faixa etária dos alunos que prestam vestibular em seus cursos. Os resultados dessa pesquisa são:
Idade (anos): 16 a 20.
Quantidade de alunos: 20.

Idade (anos): 21 a 25.
Quantidade de alunos: 30.

Idade (anos): 26 a 30.
Quantidade de alunos: 45.

Idade (anos): 31 a 35.
Quantidade de alunos: 30.

Idade (anos): 36 a 40.
Quantidade de alunos: 35.

Idade (anos): 41 a 45.
Quantidade de alunos: 20.

Assinale a alternativa que contém o valor da Média Aritmética dessa distribuição de frequências, considerando os dados agrupados em classes.
Q553461 Matemática
A polia A da figura está conectada à polia B, através da correia C. O raio da polia A é igual a 30 mm e o raio da polia B é igual a 75 mm. Sabendo-se que a polia A está girando com uma velocidade de 200 voltas a cada 1 minuto, qual será a velocidade de rotação da polia B? Imagem associada para resolução da questão
Q553459 Matemática
Em uma sacola de feira, uma dona de casa colocou 22 bananas, 33 laranjas e 14 limões. Chegando a sua casa, essa dona de casa retirou, aleatoriamente, uma fruta da sacola e verificou que se tratava de uma laranja. Em seguida, ela retirou, aleatoriamente, outra fruta da mesma sacola. Qual é a probabilidade de essa outra fruta retirada também ser uma laranja?
61: C
62: B
63: D
64: D
65: C
66: A
67: A
68: A
69: D
70: C
71: B
72: D
73: B
74: A
75: E
76: C
77: C
78: E
79: B
80: D