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Para engenheiro de equipamento júnior - terminais e dutos
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Julgue o próximo item, referentes à resistência dos materiais.
Uma barra de aço (Eaço = 200 GPa) de 10 mm de diâmetro e
300 mm de comprimento, quando submetida a uma força de
tração de 500 kN, sofre uma deformação superior a 10 mm.
Julgue o próximo item, referentes à resistência dos materiais.
A deformação é uma grandeza adimensional, com valor
positivo para alongamentos e negativo para contração.
Julgue o próximo item, referentes à resistência dos materiais.
Em geral existem seis componentes independentes da tensão
em cada ponto do corpo, consistindo de três tensões normais
e três tensões cisalhantes.
Julgue o próximo item, referentes à resistência dos materiais.
O diagrama de corpo livre é uma das maneiras mais
utilizadas para representar as forças presentes sobre um
A função do anel de desgaste em bombas centrífugas é de manter o balanceamento do rotor.
A curva característica de uma instalação de bombeamento informa a altura manométrica necessária que a bomba precisa para elevar uma determinada vazão.
As bombas peristálticas, de lóbulos ou de palhetas são classificadas como bombas de deslocamento positivo.
O distribuidor é o mecanismo responsável por controlar a vazão de entrada na turbina, de modo a compatibilizar a potência motriz da turbina com a potência demandada.
Em uma turbina Francis, o tubo de sucção tem a função principal de evitar o efeito de cavitação, recuperando a pressão na saída turbina.
A energia total que um líquido pode conter é divida em energia de posição, energia de pressão e energia cinética.
Judge the following item, based on the previous text.
According to the text, the speculations about extraterrestrial
life started in the late 1800s due to canal-like features
observed on Mars.
Judge the following item, based on the previous text.
The War of the Worlds was a radio drama that told the real
story of an invasion from Mars, panicking countless people.
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
Although there is a movement of people ditching their
smartphones in order to have what they think is a better life
quality, millions believe digital technology is essential to
everyone’s lives.
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
In the sentence ‘They are blunting cognition and impeding
productivity’ (ninth paragraph), the pronoun ‘They’ refers to
the “nine out of 10 people in the UK who own a
smartphone” (seventh paragraph).
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
It was when Dulcie Cowling was in the park with her two
kids that she took her decision to ditch her smartphone and
then she told her family and friends about it after Christmas.
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
People who are giving up on their mobile devices believe
they were spending too much time with being connected and
they were missing their real lives because of that.
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
In the sentence (thirteenth paragraph) “Yet, while some
worry about how much time they spend on their handset, for
millions of others they are a godsend.”, the word “Yet” is
synonymous with However.
Considering the previous text, judge the following item.
According to the text, handsets are essential for people
because sometimes healthcare, education and social services
are offered only through smartphones.
Concerning the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.
According to the text, in Spain there are villages that were
very important cities during the time of the American Wild
Concerning the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.
Rafael Molina owns one of the most famous film sets in the
history of Western movies.