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Leia o poema “Prece”, de Rubenio Marcelo, para responder à questão.
“que seja conferido
com fogo sagrado
o ferro que fere o sentido
do verso…
a poesia não malha em ferro morno
– é flama imutável
[somente por meio das suas artérias
emana hálito de jasmim
da garganta da palavra]
Ah, Poesia,
que a tua nudez e o teu espírito
as nossas mãos
MARCELO, Rubenio. Vias do infinito ser (Poemas).
Campo Grande: Editora Letra Livre, 2017. p. 60.
Feita a leitura e a análise do poema, assinale a alternativa que NÃO corresponde aos sentidos produzidos ou aos recursos empregados pelo poeta.
Leia o enunciado a seguir, considerando o modo como está organizado: “Analisando as respostas a uma das questões, verifica-se que apenas 45% dos estudantes acertaram-na, assinalando a alternativa “C”, enquanto 2% marcaram “A” e 2%, “D”. Um dos profissionais que avaliaram esses resultados explicou-os da seguinte maneira: “Estando a palavra ‘atores’ na mesma linha do pronome ‘eles’, justificam-se 51% terem optado pela opção ‘B’” (Enunciado elaborado pela banca especificamente para este processo seletivo).
Esta questão avalia conhecimentos sobre análise linguística e toma como referência a norma culta. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a explicação correta sobre o respectivo fato linguístico comentado.
Com as redes sociais e as constantes inovações tecnológicas, surgem novas exigências de leitura e de escrita no mundo virtual. O texto digital interconecta elementos da oralidade e da escrita, articulando múltiplas habilidades. Os textos digitais possuem características particulares, às vezes, diretos e com diálogos entre os termos verbais e audiovisuais. Dessa forma, há o uso de símbolos nas mensagens curtas enviadas pelo celular ou escritas em diferentes ambientes digitais.
Leia a charge a seguir.
Disponível em:<
U/s1600/chat-8490.gif> . Acesso em: 26 dez. 2020.
No contexto, a charge revela uma:
“Tudo que os livros me ensinassem
os espinheiros já me ensinaram.
Tudo que nos livros
eu aprendesse
nas fontes eu aprendera.
O saber não vem das fontes?”
BARROS, Manoel de. Cantigas por um passarinho à
toa. Rio de janeiro: Record, 2003. Fragmento.
Os modos verbais estão relacionados com as atitudes de quem fala ou escreve, exprimindo a posição do falante diante da posição verbal. A classificação correta da forma verbal em destaque com relação ao tempo e ao modo verbal é:
“(...) since he had to fight hard to be ableto study in a regular public school, from the age of seven. The principal argued that the stateinstitution was not supported to receive a student with a disability. His father, Francisco, was the one who had to build a special desk, without State aid, so that Daniel could write with his feet”.
- You should laugh, my dear. Because immortality is my lot or my dowry, or as best name there is. I will live perpetually in my great book. Those who, however, do not can read, charlatan Quincas Borba to the dog, and ...
- My poor friend! my good friend! my only friend!
- Unique!
Assinale a alternativa que identifique corretamente a quem a frase destacada é dirigida.
“Quincas Borba, touched, looked at Quincas Borba”.
- You should laugh, my dear. Because immortality is my lot or my dowry, or as best name there is. I will live perpetually in my great book. Those who, however, do not can read, charlatan Quincas Borba to the dog, and ...
- My poor friend! my good friend! my only friend!
- Unique!
Disponível em:>
Sobre a contaminação por mercúrio é correto afirmar que:
The history of Brazil's indigenous
peoples has been marked by brutality, slavery,
violence, diseases, and genocide.
When the first European colonists
arrived in 1500, what is now Brazil was
inhabited by an estimated 11 million Indians,
living in about 2,000 tribes. Within the rst
century of contact, 90% were wiped out, mainly
through diseases imported by the colonists,
such as fiu, measles and smallpox. In the
following centuries, thousands more died,
enslaved in the rubber and sugar cane
By the 1950s the population has
dropped to such a low that the eminent senator
and anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro predicted
there would be none left by the year 1980. On
average, it is estimated that one tribe became
extinct every year over the last century.
In 1967, a federal prosecutor named
Jader Figueiredo published a 7,000 page report
cataloguing thousands of atrocities and crimes
committed against the Indians, ranging from
murder to land theft to enslavement.
In one notorious case known as 'The
th massacre of the 11 parallel', a rubber baron
ordered his men to hurl sticks of dynamite into
a Cinta Larga village. Those who survived were
murdered when rubber workers entered the
village on foot and attacked them with
The report made int e rna tiona l headlines and led to the disbanding of the government's Indian Protection Service (SPI) which was replaced by FUNAI. This remains the government' s indigenous a ff a ir s department today.
The size of the indigenous population gradually started to grow once more, although when the Amazon was opened up for development by the military in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, a new wave of hydro-electric dams, cattle ranching, mines and roads meant tens of thousands of Indians lost their lands and lives. Dozens of tribes disappeared forever.
Twenty-two years of military dictatorship ended in 1985, and a new Constitution was drawn up. Indians and their supporters lobbied hard for more rights. Much has been achieved, although Indians do not yet enjoy the collective landownership rights they are entitled to under international law.
The history of Brazil's indigenous
peoples has been marked by brutality, slavery,
violence, diseases, and genocide.
When the first European colonists
arrived in 1500, what is now Brazil was
inhabited by an estimated 11 million Indians,
living in about 2,000 tribes. Within the rst
century of contact, 90% were wiped out, mainly
through diseases imported by the colonists,
such as fiu, measles and smallpox. In the
following centuries, thousands more died,
enslaved in the rubber and sugar cane
By the 1950s the population has
dropped to such a low that the eminent senator
and anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro predicted
there would be none left by the year 1980. On
average, it is estimated that one tribe became
extinct every year over the last century.
In 1967, a federal prosecutor named
Jader Figueiredo published a 7,000 page report
cataloguing thousands of atrocities and crimes
committed against the Indians, ranging from
murder to land theft to enslavement.
In one notorious case known as 'The
th massacre of the 11 parallel', a rubber baron
ordered his men to hurl sticks of dynamite into
a Cinta Larga village. Those who survived were
murdered when rubber workers entered the
village on foot and attacked them with
The report made int e rna tiona l headlines and led to the disbanding of the government's Indian Protection Service (SPI) which was replaced by FUNAI. This remains the government' s indigenous a ff a ir s department today.
The size of the indigenous population gradually started to grow once more, although when the Amazon was opened up for development by the military in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, a new wave of hydro-electric dams, cattle ranching, mines and roads meant tens of thousands of Indians lost their lands and lives. Dozens of tribes disappeared forever.
Twenty-two years of military dictatorship ended in 1985, and a new Constitution was drawn up. Indians and their supporters lobbied hard for more rights. Much has been achieved, although Indians do not yet enjoy the collective landownership rights they are entitled to under international law.
The history of Brazil's indigenous
peoples has been marked by brutality, slavery,
violence, diseases, and genocide.
When the first European colonists
arrived in 1500, what is now Brazil was
inhabited by an estimated 11 million Indians,
living in about 2,000 tribes. Within the rst
century of contact, 90% were wiped out, mainly
through diseases imported by the colonists,
such as fiu, measles and smallpox. In the
following centuries, thousands more died,
enslaved in the rubber and sugar cane
By the 1950s the population has
dropped to such a low that the eminent senator
and anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro predicted
there would be none left by the year 1980. On
average, it is estimated that one tribe became
extinct every year over the last century.
In 1967, a federal prosecutor named
Jader Figueiredo published a 7,000 page report
cataloguing thousands of atrocities and crimes
committed against the Indians, ranging from
murder to land theft to enslavement.
In one notorious case known as 'The
th massacre of the 11 parallel', a rubber baron
ordered his men to hurl sticks of dynamite into
a Cinta Larga village. Those who survived were
murdered when rubber workers entered the
village on foot and attacked them with
The report made int e rna tiona l headlines and led to the disbanding of the government's Indian Protection Service (SPI) which was replaced by FUNAI. This remains the government' s indigenous a ff a ir s department today.
The size of the indigenous population gradually started to grow once more, although when the Amazon was opened up for development by the military in the 1960s, 70s and 80s, a new wave of hydro-electric dams, cattle ranching, mines and roads meant tens of thousands of Indians lost their lands and lives. Dozens of tribes disappeared forever.
Twenty-two years of military dictatorship ended in 1985, and a new Constitution was drawn up. Indians and their supporters lobbied hard for more rights. Much has been achieved, although Indians do not yet enjoy the collective landownership rights they are entitled to under international law.
Com base na estrutura do limoneno é correto afirmar que: