Questões de Concurso Para analista administrativo - área 3

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Q338045 Inglês
Read the sentence below taken from the text and analyze the assertions below.

“Sales of margarine have plummeted in the last year, according to Kantar, with ‘health’ spreads dropping 7.4% in sales. Flora has been particularly badly hit, losing £24m in sales, partly due to reformulating its recipe.”

I. The possessive pronoun “its” refers to Flora’s new recipe.

II. “Due to” establishes a relation of cause to the situation exposed.

III. “Badly” has the same gramar classification as “wooly”.

The correct assertion(s) is(are)

Q338044 Inglês
According to the text, read the following assertions.

I. According to Signe Johansen, nowadays, people are more concerned with what they consume, looking for unprocessed food.

II. Although margarine and butter have a difference in taste, margarine still beats butter when it comes to sales.

III. Marguerite Patten doesn’t stand for margarine.

The correct assertion(s) is(are).

Q338043 Inglês
Read the sentence below taken from the text and choose the alternative that presents a synonym to the underlined word.

“Fast-food chains test their meat five to ten times more often than the USDA for bacteria and would reject meat that the USDA deems safe for consumption.”

Q338042 Inglês
According to the text, analyze the sentences below, write T for true or F for false and choose the alternative that presents the right sequence.

( ) The text reflects the obesity issue due to the careless inspection of school food.
( ) Though the U.S. Department of Agriculture presents deficiencies in the overhaul of meat’s quality, it detected ground beef from a plant with a salmonella outbreak and, in time, it precluded the shipping of the product to schools.
( ) The NEA is one of the institutes in charge to supervise the procedures of food maintenance adopted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Q338041 Português
Levando em consideração o quinto parágrafo do texto e as orientações da prescrição gramatical no que se refere a textos escritos na modalidade padrão da Língua Portuguesa, assinale a alternativa correta.

176: A
177: B
178: A
179: B
180: E