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Considere que um cidadão tenha falecido ao colidir seu veículo com uma viatura da polícia militar devidamente estacionada no posto policial, e que exame laboratorial demonstrou que o indivíduo conduzia seu veículo sob o efeito de bebidas alcoólicas. Nessa situação, o poder público será isento de responsabilidade, visto que houve participação total do lesado na ocorrência do dano.
Se uma pessoa tomar posse em cargo público em razão de aprovação em concurso público e, por ser filiado a um partido político, sofrer perseguição pessoal por parte de seu superior hierárquico, poderá representar contra seu chefe por ofensa direta ao princípio da impessoalidade
Os certificados digitais contêm uma chave pública, informações acerca da identidade do remetente de uma mensagem e a assinatura da autoridade certificadora que gerou o certificado
O sistema operacional, além de controlar o armazenamento dos dados, é visível ao usuário por meio das interfaces de gerenciamento de recursos do computador, como memória, periféricos e CPU.
O compartilhamento de uma pasta por meio do Windows Explorer a torna visível para usuários conectados a determinados tipos de rede, quais sejam: grupo doméstico, grupo de trabalho ou domínio.
1 Public health is what we, as a society, do collectively
to assure the conditions for people to be healthy. This requires
that continuing and emerging threats to the health of the public
4 be successfully countered. These threats include immediate
crises, such as the AIDS epidemic; enduring problems, such as
injuries and chronic illnesses; and growing challenges, such as
7 the aging of the populations and the toxic by-products of a
modern economy, transmitted through air, water, soil, or food.
These and many other problems raise in common the need to
10 protect the nation’s health through effective, organized, and
sustained efforts led by the public sector.
Internet: <> (adapted).
It can be inferred from the text that one of the possible measures public health officials could take is the launching of a national obesity awareness campaign.
1 Public health is what we, as a society, do collectively
to assure the conditions for people to be healthy. This requires
that continuing and emerging threats to the health of the public
4 be successfully countered. These threats include immediate
crises, such as the AIDS epidemic; enduring problems, such as
injuries and chronic illnesses; and growing challenges, such as
7 the aging of the populations and the toxic by-products of a
modern economy, transmitted through air, water, soil, or food.
These and many other problems raise in common the need to
10 protect the nation’s health through effective, organized, and
sustained efforts led by the public sector.
Internet: <> (adapted).
In the text, “enduring problems” (l.5) are the sorts of problems that take a very long time to be solved.
1 Public health is what we, as a society, do collectively
to assure the conditions for people to be healthy. This requires
that continuing and emerging threats to the health of the public
4 be successfully countered. These threats include immediate
crises, such as the AIDS epidemic; enduring problems, such as
injuries and chronic illnesses; and growing challenges, such as
7 the aging of the populations and the toxic by-products of a
modern economy, transmitted through air, water, soil, or food.
These and many other problems raise in common the need to
10 protect the nation’s health through effective, organized, and
sustained efforts led by the public sector.
Internet: <> (adapted).
The author suggests that in a modern economy the public and private sectors must work closely together to protect a nation’s health.
this: it is simply not possible to promote healthier lifestyles
through presidential decree or through being overprotective
4 towards people and the way they choose to live. Recent history
has proved that one-size-fits-all solutions are no good when
public health challenges vary from one area of the country to
7 the next. But we cannot sit back while, in spite of all this, so
many people are suffering such severe lifestyle-driven ill health
and such acute health inequalities.
Internet: <> (adapted).
the author suggests that some public health policies that have already been used did not work.
this: it is simply not possible to promote healthier lifestyles
through presidential decree or through being overprotective
4 towards people and the way they choose to live. Recent history
has proved that one-size-fits-all solutions are no good when
public health challenges vary from one area of the country to
7 the next. But we cannot sit back while, in spite of all this, so
many people are suffering such severe lifestyle-driven ill health
and such acute health inequalities.
Internet: <> (adapted).
the expression “the world over” (l.1) is synonymous with in some parts of the world.
this: it is simply not possible to promote healthier lifestyles
through presidential decree or through being overprotective
4 towards people and the way they choose to live. Recent history
has proved that one-size-fits-all solutions are no good when
public health challenges vary from one area of the country to
7 the next. But we cannot sit back while, in spite of all this, so
many people are suffering such severe lifestyle-driven ill health
and such acute health inequalities.
Internet: <> (adapted).
the expression “in spite of all this” (l.7) could be replaced correctly by despite of all this
this: it is simply not possible to promote healthier lifestyles
through presidential decree or through being overprotective
4 towards people and the way they choose to live. Recent history
has proved that one-size-fits-all solutions are no good when
public health challenges vary from one area of the country to
7 the next. But we cannot sit back while, in spite of all this, so
many people are suffering such severe lifestyle-driven ill health
and such acute health inequalities.
Internet: <> (adapted).
the adjective “one-size-fits-all” (l.5) means long-term and drastic
Uma das funções do fecho nas comunicações oficiais é saudar o destinatário.
O tratamento usado em comunicações dirigidas a reitor de universidade é: Vossa excelência reverendíssima.
Os termos “mas” (l.16) e “porém” (l.21) introduzem, nos períodos em que ocorrem, uma ideia de oposição a uma ideia anterior e têm a função de unir orações com o mesmo sujeito em seus respectivos períodos.
As orações iniciadas pelo termo “que”, nas linhas 5 e 15, exercem, nos períodos em que ocorrem, função sintática idêntica.
A forma verbal “possui” (l.8) poderia ser flexionada no plural sem prejuízo para a correção gramatical do período.
Infere-se do texto, predominantemente informativo, que, apesar de haver localidades com sistema eficiente de tratamento de esgoto no Brasil, o saneamento básico ainda é um problema de saúde pública no país.
O emprego do acento em “Uberlândia” e “água” justifica-se com base na mesma regra ortográfica.
“tirou de circulação mais de 1,6 milhão desses animais entre 1903 e 1907” (l.9-10): fez que mais de 1,6 milhões desses animais fossem retirados de circulação entre 1903 e 1907.