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Q2335054 Regimento Interno
As representações dos Partidos Políticos Alfa, Beta e Gama, por deliberação das respectivas bancadas, após amplas tratativas, passaram a constituir um bloco parlamentar no âmbito da Câmara dos Deputados, o que foi comunicado à mesa na forma regimental.

O Presidente do Partido Político Alfa, após ser comunicado do desfecho das tratativas, concluiu corretamente, à luz do Regimento Interno da Câmara dos Deputados, que
Q2335053 Regimento Interno
Maria, recém-empossada Deputada Federal, buscou se inteirar sobre a estruturação da sessão legislativa ordinária, no âmbito de cada legislatura, bem como da influência que a não apreciação de projetos pendentes exerceria sobre essa temática.

Ao fim de suas reflexões, Maria concluiu corretamente, à luz da sistemática estabelecida no Regimento Interno da Câmara dos Deputados, que a referida sessão 
Q2335052 Direito Constitucional
Em razão de um grande movimento da sociedade civil organizada, foi editada, no âmbito do Estado Alfa, a Lei estadual nº X, que limitou a extração de recursos minerais no território de Alfa, com o alegado objetivo de preservar as notórias paisagens naturais ali existentes. Apesar de muito comemorada pela população de Alfa, foi grande a insatisfação das sociedades empresárias que estavam explorando essa atividade econômica.

Sensível aos impactos da Lei estadual nº X no ambiente sociopolítico, o Partido Político Sigma, com legitimidade para deflagrar o controle concentrado de constitucionalidade perante o Supremo Tribunal Federal, solicitou que sua assessoria jurídica analisasse a existência, ou não, de alguma incompatibilidade desse diploma normativo com a Constituição da República de 1988.

Foi corretamente esclarecido ao Partido Político Sigma que
Q2335051 Direito Constitucional
João, servidor público federal lotado em determinado órgão de controle, recebeu a incumbência de verificar a observância do teto remuneratório constitucional no âmbito de três entidades da Administração Pública Federal indireta, que recebiam recursos do orçamento da União.

A sociedade de economia mista Alfa recebe recursos para o pagamento de uma gratificação de desempenho aos empregados, o que se mostrou relevante para o aumento dos índices de produtividade.

A empresa pública Beta recebe recursos para a manutenção dos equipamentos que utilizava no desempenho de sua atividade econômica. Por fim, a empresa pública Gama recebe recursos para a realização de obras.

À luz da sistemática constitucional, João concluiu corretamente, em relação aos empregados das três entidades referidas na narrativa, que
Q2335050 Direito Constitucional
O Presidente da República foi informado por um assessor sobre a conveniência de serem editadas três medidas provisórias, cujos objetos seriam, respectivamente, os de:

I. reforçar dotação orçamentária correspondente a determinado programa social;
II. estabelecer regras para a concessão de garantias pelas entidades públicas; e
III. disciplinar uma cláusula comum aos contratos de franquia.

Considerando os balizamentos a serem observados pelo Presidente da República na edição de medidas provisórias e com abstração dos requisitos de relevância e urgência, é correto afirmar, em relação aos objetos alvitrados para as medidas provisórias, que
Q2335049 Direito Constitucional
Em razão de divergências quanto à alíquota do imposto de importação de determinado produto, o que aumentou a sua oferta no território nacional com preços competitivos, empresários e trabalhadores envolvidos na produção do similar nacional, que teve expressiva redução das vendas, iniciaram uma forte onda de manifestações em determinada região do País. Esse estado de coisas resultou em perturbação da paz social, gerando grande insatisfação junto à população atingida por essas manifestações.

Em razão do ocorrido, diversos partidos políticos solicitaram ao Presidente da República que adotasse as providências cabíveis com o uso dos instrumentos constitucionais disponíveis e, se possível, eventual restrição a algum direito fundamental.

Observados os demais requisitos exigidos, é correto afirmar que o Presidente da República pode
Q2335048 Direito Constitucional
Os partidos políticos Alfa e Beta debateram a possibilidade de conferirem apoio à instalação de Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito (CPI) no âmbito da Câmara dos Deputados. Ao seu ver, a medida seria necessária para apurar os crimes que viessem a ser praticados em detrimento da União, de modo paralelo à sua apuração pelos órgãos competentes, sendo esse o objeto da CPI. Além disso, a Comissão deveria determinar a interceptação telefônica de certas autoridades, as quais, ao ver dos debatedores, seriam as responsáveis pelo incremento da impunidade em relação aos referidos crimes. Por fim, deveria ser determinada a quebra do sigilo fiscal de outras autoridades, considerando que apresentavam um estilo de vida incompatível com a sua renda regular.

À luz dos balizamentos constitucionais, é correto afirmar, em relação aos três pontos de debate, concebidos em sua individualidade, de modo independente uns dos outros, que
Q2335047 Direito Constitucional
Antony nasceu no território brasileiro quando seus pais, Peter, de nacionalidade inglesa, e Ingrid, de nacionalidade alemã, aqui se encontravam a serviço da embaixada indiana. Poucos dias após o nascimento, a família passou a residir no território russo, ali permanecendo desde então.

À luz da sistemática estabelecida na Constituição da República de 1988, é correto afirmar que Antony

Q2335046 Inglês
The Future Of Accounting:
How Will Digital Transformation Impact Accountants?

     In business, as in life, change is the only true constant. From mitigating unprecedented business disruptors to adapting to new operational paradigms, professionals in all industries find themselves dealing with major changes — many of them driven by emerging technologies.

     Accounting is no exception. The profession has moved far beyond mere bookkeeping and payroll, and like its partner procurement, it’s taking an increasingly strategic role for forward-thinking businesses. While some pundits say accounting has a dim future in the digital world of tomorrow, technologies such as cloud-based data management, process automation and advanced analytics are actually poised to further elevate accountants in new and empowering ways.

     As far back as 2015, industry leaders were sounding the death knell for accountants, convinced emerging technologies — particularly automation — would end in death by digital for accountancy as we know it. And as recently as 2019, accountants surveyed by Robert Half on the impact of automation on their profession expressed concerns about being replaced, having fewer opportunities for creative problem-solving and an overdependence on tech in completing daily tasks.

     Yet, the events between then and now, including the Covid-19 pandemic, have instead shown that accountants, like other professionals, need to worry much more about adaptation than replacement.

     There's no question that digital transformation has radically changed the playing field. Big data has become a rich resource that needs to be tapped to compete effectively. But for businesses ready to leverage the potential of digital tools, this shift is an opportunity, not a threat.


     Both the skill set and the job description for tomorrow's accountant will be greatly expanded, while still hewing to the core competencies of the profession. Supported by technology in a collaborative setting, accounting teams will be populated with both dedicated accounting professionals and subject matter experts from other areas of the business.

     Tomorrow's accountants may play an advisory role, welcoming business intelligence and procurement professionals and working to chart a strategic sourcing plan. They could leverage data management tools, including augmented reality, to humanize and contextualize spend data for the C-suite to make better decisions based on long-term value rather than return on investment alone.

     With more diverse skill sets and greater technical acumen, accountants can bring their own expertise to teams in other business units, providing crucial financial intelligence, refining budgets or ensuring compliance. […]

     As a function, accounting may become less about refining one's skill set through certifications and more about core competencies that grow over time, with a focus on lifelong education and skill development required to take on a complex, ever-changing business environment.

     Automation and other data-driven technologies are poised to free accountants, not constrain them. Organizations that  understand the potential and importance of these technologies — and invest in the tools and training required to help their accountants take full advantage — will be ahead of the curve. Tomorrow's accountants will play a more creative and strategic role in their companies. As a result, their businesses will not only enjoy more efficient workflows and reap more useful insights from their accounting processes, but help strengthen their own resiliency, agility and competitive footing.

Adapted from:
Accountants with “greater technical acumen” (7th paragraph) are considered to be 
Q2335045 Inglês
The Future Of Accounting:
How Will Digital Transformation Impact Accountants?

     In business, as in life, change is the only true constant. From mitigating unprecedented business disruptors to adapting to new operational paradigms, professionals in all industries find themselves dealing with major changes — many of them driven by emerging technologies.

     Accounting is no exception. The profession has moved far beyond mere bookkeeping and payroll, and like its partner procurement, it’s taking an increasingly strategic role for forward-thinking businesses. While some pundits say accounting has a dim future in the digital world of tomorrow, technologies such as cloud-based data management, process automation and advanced analytics are actually poised to further elevate accountants in new and empowering ways.

     As far back as 2015, industry leaders were sounding the death knell for accountants, convinced emerging technologies — particularly automation — would end in death by digital for accountancy as we know it. And as recently as 2019, accountants surveyed by Robert Half on the impact of automation on their profession expressed concerns about being replaced, having fewer opportunities for creative problem-solving and an overdependence on tech in completing daily tasks.

     Yet, the events between then and now, including the Covid-19 pandemic, have instead shown that accountants, like other professionals, need to worry much more about adaptation than replacement.

     There's no question that digital transformation has radically changed the playing field. Big data has become a rich resource that needs to be tapped to compete effectively. But for businesses ready to leverage the potential of digital tools, this shift is an opportunity, not a threat.


     Both the skill set and the job description for tomorrow's accountant will be greatly expanded, while still hewing to the core competencies of the profession. Supported by technology in a collaborative setting, accounting teams will be populated with both dedicated accounting professionals and subject matter experts from other areas of the business.

     Tomorrow's accountants may play an advisory role, welcoming business intelligence and procurement professionals and working to chart a strategic sourcing plan. They could leverage data management tools, including augmented reality, to humanize and contextualize spend data for the C-suite to make better decisions based on long-term value rather than return on investment alone.

     With more diverse skill sets and greater technical acumen, accountants can bring their own expertise to teams in other business units, providing crucial financial intelligence, refining budgets or ensuring compliance. […]

     As a function, accounting may become less about refining one's skill set through certifications and more about core competencies that grow over time, with a focus on lifelong education and skill development required to take on a complex, ever-changing business environment.

     Automation and other data-driven technologies are poised to free accountants, not constrain them. Organizations that  understand the potential and importance of these technologies — and invest in the tools and training required to help their accountants take full advantage — will be ahead of the curve. Tomorrow's accountants will play a more creative and strategic role in their companies. As a result, their businesses will not only enjoy more efficient workflows and reap more useful insights from their accounting processes, but help strengthen their own resiliency, agility and competitive footing.

Adapted from:
The verb in “were sounding the death knell” can be replaced without change in meaning by
Q2335044 Inglês
The Future Of Accounting:
How Will Digital Transformation Impact Accountants?

     In business, as in life, change is the only true constant. From mitigating unprecedented business disruptors to adapting to new operational paradigms, professionals in all industries find themselves dealing with major changes — many of them driven by emerging technologies.

     Accounting is no exception. The profession has moved far beyond mere bookkeeping and payroll, and like its partner procurement, it’s taking an increasingly strategic role for forward-thinking businesses. While some pundits say accounting has a dim future in the digital world of tomorrow, technologies such as cloud-based data management, process automation and advanced analytics are actually poised to further elevate accountants in new and empowering ways.

     As far back as 2015, industry leaders were sounding the death knell for accountants, convinced emerging technologies — particularly automation — would end in death by digital for accountancy as we know it. And as recently as 2019, accountants surveyed by Robert Half on the impact of automation on their profession expressed concerns about being replaced, having fewer opportunities for creative problem-solving and an overdependence on tech in completing daily tasks.

     Yet, the events between then and now, including the Covid-19 pandemic, have instead shown that accountants, like other professionals, need to worry much more about adaptation than replacement.

     There's no question that digital transformation has radically changed the playing field. Big data has become a rich resource that needs to be tapped to compete effectively. But for businesses ready to leverage the potential of digital tools, this shift is an opportunity, not a threat.


     Both the skill set and the job description for tomorrow's accountant will be greatly expanded, while still hewing to the core competencies of the profession. Supported by technology in a collaborative setting, accounting teams will be populated with both dedicated accounting professionals and subject matter experts from other areas of the business.

     Tomorrow's accountants may play an advisory role, welcoming business intelligence and procurement professionals and working to chart a strategic sourcing plan. They could leverage data management tools, including augmented reality, to humanize and contextualize spend data for the C-suite to make better decisions based on long-term value rather than return on investment alone.

     With more diverse skill sets and greater technical acumen, accountants can bring their own expertise to teams in other business units, providing crucial financial intelligence, refining budgets or ensuring compliance. […]

     As a function, accounting may become less about refining one's skill set through certifications and more about core competencies that grow over time, with a focus on lifelong education and skill development required to take on a complex, ever-changing business environment.

     Automation and other data-driven technologies are poised to free accountants, not constrain them. Organizations that  understand the potential and importance of these technologies — and invest in the tools and training required to help their accountants take full advantage — will be ahead of the curve. Tomorrow's accountants will play a more creative and strategic role in their companies. As a result, their businesses will not only enjoy more efficient workflows and reap more useful insights from their accounting processes, but help strengthen their own resiliency, agility and competitive footing.

Adapted from:
Regarding the effects of technology, the outlook the text provides for accountancy is
Q2335043 Inglês
The Future Of Accounting:
How Will Digital Transformation Impact Accountants?

     In business, as in life, change is the only true constant. From mitigating unprecedented business disruptors to adapting to new operational paradigms, professionals in all industries find themselves dealing with major changes — many of them driven by emerging technologies.

     Accounting is no exception. The profession has moved far beyond mere bookkeeping and payroll, and like its partner procurement, it’s taking an increasingly strategic role for forward-thinking businesses. While some pundits say accounting has a dim future in the digital world of tomorrow, technologies such as cloud-based data management, process automation and advanced analytics are actually poised to further elevate accountants in new and empowering ways.

     As far back as 2015, industry leaders were sounding the death knell for accountants, convinced emerging technologies — particularly automation — would end in death by digital for accountancy as we know it. And as recently as 2019, accountants surveyed by Robert Half on the impact of automation on their profession expressed concerns about being replaced, having fewer opportunities for creative problem-solving and an overdependence on tech in completing daily tasks.

     Yet, the events between then and now, including the Covid-19 pandemic, have instead shown that accountants, like other professionals, need to worry much more about adaptation than replacement.

     There's no question that digital transformation has radically changed the playing field. Big data has become a rich resource that needs to be tapped to compete effectively. But for businesses ready to leverage the potential of digital tools, this shift is an opportunity, not a threat.


     Both the skill set and the job description for tomorrow's accountant will be greatly expanded, while still hewing to the core competencies of the profession. Supported by technology in a collaborative setting, accounting teams will be populated with both dedicated accounting professionals and subject matter experts from other areas of the business.

     Tomorrow's accountants may play an advisory role, welcoming business intelligence and procurement professionals and working to chart a strategic sourcing plan. They could leverage data management tools, including augmented reality, to humanize and contextualize spend data for the C-suite to make better decisions based on long-term value rather than return on investment alone.

     With more diverse skill sets and greater technical acumen, accountants can bring their own expertise to teams in other business units, providing crucial financial intelligence, refining budgets or ensuring compliance. […]

     As a function, accounting may become less about refining one's skill set through certifications and more about core competencies that grow over time, with a focus on lifelong education and skill development required to take on a complex, ever-changing business environment.

     Automation and other data-driven technologies are poised to free accountants, not constrain them. Organizations that  understand the potential and importance of these technologies — and invest in the tools and training required to help their accountants take full advantage — will be ahead of the curve. Tomorrow's accountants will play a more creative and strategic role in their companies. As a result, their businesses will not only enjoy more efficient workflows and reap more useful insights from their accounting processes, but help strengthen their own resiliency, agility and competitive footing.

Adapted from:
The sentence “some pundits say accounting has a dim future in the digital world of tomorrow” (2nd paragraph) implies these experts’ view is
Q2335042 Inglês
The Future Of Accounting:
How Will Digital Transformation Impact Accountants?

     In business, as in life, change is the only true constant. From mitigating unprecedented business disruptors to adapting to new operational paradigms, professionals in all industries find themselves dealing with major changes — many of them driven by emerging technologies.

     Accounting is no exception. The profession has moved far beyond mere bookkeeping and payroll, and like its partner procurement, it’s taking an increasingly strategic role for forward-thinking businesses. While some pundits say accounting has a dim future in the digital world of tomorrow, technologies such as cloud-based data management, process automation and advanced analytics are actually poised to further elevate accountants in new and empowering ways.

     As far back as 2015, industry leaders were sounding the death knell for accountants, convinced emerging technologies — particularly automation — would end in death by digital for accountancy as we know it. And as recently as 2019, accountants surveyed by Robert Half on the impact of automation on their profession expressed concerns about being replaced, having fewer opportunities for creative problem-solving and an overdependence on tech in completing daily tasks.

     Yet, the events between then and now, including the Covid-19 pandemic, have instead shown that accountants, like other professionals, need to worry much more about adaptation than replacement.

     There's no question that digital transformation has radically changed the playing field. Big data has become a rich resource that needs to be tapped to compete effectively. But for businesses ready to leverage the potential of digital tools, this shift is an opportunity, not a threat.


     Both the skill set and the job description for tomorrow's accountant will be greatly expanded, while still hewing to the core competencies of the profession. Supported by technology in a collaborative setting, accounting teams will be populated with both dedicated accounting professionals and subject matter experts from other areas of the business.

     Tomorrow's accountants may play an advisory role, welcoming business intelligence and procurement professionals and working to chart a strategic sourcing plan. They could leverage data management tools, including augmented reality, to humanize and contextualize spend data for the C-suite to make better decisions based on long-term value rather than return on investment alone.

     With more diverse skill sets and greater technical acumen, accountants can bring their own expertise to teams in other business units, providing crucial financial intelligence, refining budgets or ensuring compliance. […]

     As a function, accounting may become less about refining one's skill set through certifications and more about core competencies that grow over time, with a focus on lifelong education and skill development required to take on a complex, ever-changing business environment.

     Automation and other data-driven technologies are poised to free accountants, not constrain them. Organizations that  understand the potential and importance of these technologies — and invest in the tools and training required to help their accountants take full advantage — will be ahead of the curve. Tomorrow's accountants will play a more creative and strategic role in their companies. As a result, their businesses will not only enjoy more efficient workflows and reap more useful insights from their accounting processes, but help strengthen their own resiliency, agility and competitive footing.

Adapted from:
Based on the text, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) It is clear that accountants will need to do away with earlier core competencies.
( ) The impact of technology in accountancy tends to move more sluggishly than in areas like procurement.

( ) There was some fear earlier that accountants’ work would soon be taken over by automation.

The statements are, respectively,
Q2335041 Português
As frases a seguir foram escritas sem qualquer sinal de pontuação. Assinale a frase que deveria incluir duas vírgulas obrigatoriamente.
Q2335040 Português
As opções a seguir apresentam palavras formadas com o auxílio do sufixo “-ADA”. Assinale a opção em que esse sufixo, em uma das palavras formadas, mostra valor semântico diferente das demais.
Q2335039 Português
Um dos problemas mais sérios na correção linguística é o tema da conjugação verbal. Assinale a frase que apresenta um erro de conjugação.
Q2335038 Português
Todos os fragmentos textuais a seguir são do tipo argumentativo. Assinale a opção em que o texto se apoia na construção de um estereótipo.
Q2335037 Português
As frases a seguir mostram ações sem seus agentes correspondentes identificados. Assinale a única frase que tem a estratégia dessa marca corretamente identificada. 
Q2335036 Português
Observemos o texto a seguir, escrito em 1996:

     “O correio eletrônico (e-mail). Podemos enviar mensagens em alguns segundos ao outro extremo da Terra pelo preço de uma comunicação local. O correio eletrônico é o serviço mais utilizado da Internet.

     Todo internauta digno desse nome dispõe de um endereço eletrônico. Ele aparece nos cartões de visita, com a mesma importância do endereço real e do número de telefone. Um endereço eletrônico se apresenta em geral sob a forma: nome@domínio.país. O nome pode ser abreviado sob a forma de um código ou de um número; o domínio é o organismo ao qual está ligado o usuário ou o nome de seu fornecedor de acesso; o país está em forma abreviada. Os endereços eletrônicos são escritos sem espaços ou acentos.”

Sobre a estruturação e a composição desse pequeno texto, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q2335035 Português
Uma notícia de jornal dizia:

    “É legítimo: numerosas pessoas desejam saber como tão numerosos focos de incêndio puderam produzir-se. Os sinistros da Amazônia, assim como outros menos importantes, são talvez de origem criminosa. Mas os incêndios do Pantanal parecem dever-se exclusivamente a condições meteorológicas. De fato, os ventos transportavam as fagulhas às plantações de soja. Verdadeiros palitos de fósforo, essas mechas de fogo desempenharam o papel de detonadores, caindo sobre o mato seco. A psicose do piromaníaco é sem dúvida alguma compreensível, mas ela francamente não é justificável.”

Nesse texto, só não deve ser considerado modalizador o seguinte termo:
201: B
202: C
203: C
204: D
205: C
206: B
207: B
208: E
209: B
210: E
211: A
212: D
213: C
214: E
215: D
216: B
217: E
218: E
219: C
220: C