Questões de Concurso Para condutor bombeador

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Q2323424 Mecânica
Ao fazer manutenção num MCA, o funcionário responsável pela tarefa deve pegar na oficina uma haste tubular, uma cabeça de medição e hastes apalpadoras que serão utilizadas em medições internas dos cilindros do motor diesel, para procurar ovalização, em conjunto com o
Q2323423 Mecânica de Autos
Ao tentar bombear óleo, ouviu-se um barulho estranho e uma vibração inesperada, indicando cavitação.
A cavitação, numa bomba de óleo de bordo operando, se dá por
Q2323422 Engenharia Naval
Os sistemas hidróforos (líquido + ar) são utilizados a bordo para impulsionar água potável ou salgada ou ainda água quente, por todas as partes do navio que necessitem desse líquido.
Estando o tanque de água abastecido, ou pelo destilador, ou barcaça de água potável ou ainda por tomada de água potável no porto, tem-se que a(o)
Q2323421 Mecânica de Autos
A finalidade principal do sistema de lubrificação do motor diesel é evitar o desgaste das peças. Logo, é necessário reduzir o atrito entre as peças, que trabalham com movimento relativo.
Dentre as funções secundárias desempenhadas pelo lubrificante do motor diesel, tem-se que: 
Q2323420 Engenharia Naval
Na operação com o separador centrífugo, o óleo a ser limpo é alimentado por uma bomba de deslocamento positivo, operando a um fluxo constante. Dependendo do tipo, o óleo pode precisar ser aquecido. A esse respeito, considere o Diagrama abaixo:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

No processo de purificação, verifica-se o seguinte:
Q2323419 Mecânica
Existe um princípio em que a incerteza de um padrão é medida contra um padrão superior, permitindo que a incerteza do instrumento seja certificada. Isso é conseguido por uma auditoria, de padrões mais baixos para padrões superiores e todo sistema válido de padrões, no qual o padrão inferior que é calibrado contra um padrão superior é certificado, e sua incerteza é garantida.
Foi descrito acima o seguinte princípio:
Q2323418 Mecânica
Considere um micrômetro cujo tambor graduado apresenta 50 divisões. Logo, o valor de cada divisão do tambor corresponde ao valor total da volta: 0,5 mm (passo) dividido pelas 50 divisões do tambor, ou seja, 0,01 mm.
A Figura abaixo ilustra essas condições.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

As informações abaixo exemplificam a medição explicitada na Figura, sob as condições acima descritas:

1 -Medida na bainha – 4 mm (4 divisões acima da linha horizontal) + 0,5 mm (uma divisão abaixo, além das 4 somadas acima).
2 -Medida no tambor – O 47º traço do tambor está alinhado com a linha horizontal da bainha.

Ao realizar a leitura nesse micrômetro, sob as condições descritas, constata-se o seguinte:

Q2323417 Engenharia Naval
Durante um turno de trabalho, ao realizar umas soldagens no convés com eletrodo revestido, o funcionário deve saber que o transformador é utilizado para fornecer a correta
Q2323416 Engenharia Naval
Um funcionário trabalha em um dos navios petroleiros que transportam riquezas minerais.
O motor de combustão interna utilizado na propulsão do navio deve ser do tipo
Q2323415 Engenharia Naval
A Convenção Internacional para a Prevenção da Poluição por Navios (Marpol 73/78) prevê, em seu Anexo I, a dotação e o registro de operações com a carga/lastro no Livro Registro de Óleo (Parte 2) para alguns tipos de embarcações. Existe um tipo de embarcação que, segundo esse instrumento legal, deve possuir um Livro Registro de Óleo (Parte II), no qual devem ser apresentadas informações sobre carga/lastro.
Trata-se da seguinte embarcação:
Q2323400 Noções de Primeiros Socorros
Um socorrista, após prestar o atendimento inicial, deverá contatar serviços especializados informando, prioritariamente,
Q2323399 Engenharia Naval
Um funcionário está recebendo óleo para manter as máquinas de bordo e precisa saber quando o tanque está cheio.
Para sondar o tanque de armazenamento de óleo no convés, esse funcionário deve utilizar um(a)
Q2323398 Engenharia Naval
Para variar a velocidade de um rebocador, sem variar a velocidade de sua máquina propulsora, deve ser utilizado(a) o(a) 
Q2323397 Engenharia Naval
Uma rede de água apresentou vazamento, e é preciso fazer o conserto.
Para medir o diâmetro interno do tubo dessa rede, é usual utilizar um(a)
Q2323396 Engenharia Naval
O maior problema que um soldador encontra quando trabalha com solda elétrica em corrente continua surge quando ocorrem forças eletromagnéticas que atuam sobre o arco elétrico, especialmente quando este se encontra sobre bordas extremas ou partes da peça que têm forma aguda, produzindo flutuações no arco, com direções diversas e movimentos violentos.
A Figura abaixo representa essas circunstâncias:

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Nessa situação, para eliminar o problema, o profissional tem várias opções, dentre as quais a seguinte solução: o soldador deve
Q2323395 Engenharia Naval
Considerando-se os diferentes tipos de aberturas no casco de uma embarcação, qual é a função dos embornais?
Q2323334 Inglês
Forthcoming innovation & trends in shipping industry

         The shipping trends play a vital role in global trade, transporting goods worth trillions of dollars yearly. Population growth and continued urbanization will also lead to an increase in demand for maritime shipping services. The maritime shipping industry must continue to innovate and adopt new technologies to meet this increased demand. The following are some of the most promising trends and innovations currently taking place in the maritime shipping industry:

2       1. Green Technology - One of the most critical trends in maritime shipping is the move toward green technology. With increasing public awareness of the need to protect the environment, it is becoming increasingly crucial for maritime companies to adopt green practices. Maritime companies invest in cleaner-burning fuels such as LNG (liquefied natural gas). LNG produces significantly lower emissions than traditional marine fuels such as heavy fuel oil (HFO) and diesel. Some maritime companies are also experimenting with battery-powered ships to reduce emissions further. While battery-powered ships are not yet commercially viable on long voyages, they show great promise for use on shorter routes.

3       2. Electric Ships - Global maritime transport emits around 900 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, accounting for 2-3% of the world’s total emissions. As the push for decarbonization gathers momentum, it is only a matter of time before electric ships become the norm.

4    3. Autonomous Ships - Another exciting trend in maritime shipping is the development of autonomous ships. Autonomous ships have the potential to revolutionize the industry. They offer many advantages over traditional vessels, including reduced operating costs, increased efficiency, and improved safety by reducing the need for manual labor onboard ships. In addition, automated systems are less susceptible to human error than their manual counterparts. While there are many regulatory hurdles to overcome before autonomous vessels can be deployed commercially, they are expected to eventually become a common sight in the world’s oceans.

5      4. Blockchain - Blockchain technology is also beginning to make its way into the maritime shipping industry. Blockchain offers several potential benefits for maritime companies, including improved tracking of shipments and real-time visibility of their location- this would minimize delays caused by lost or misplaced cargo, reduce paperwork, and increase transparency throughout the supply chain. Moreover, blockchain-based smart contracts could automate many administrative tasks related to shipping, such as documentation and billing.

    5. Big data and predictive analytics - Another major trend transforming maritime shipping is the increasing use of big data and predictive analytics. The shipping industry generates vast amounts of data that can be extremely valuable if analyzed correctly. Big data analytics can improve everything from route planning to fuel consumption. By harnessing the power of data, shipping companies can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and enhance safety and security. Predictive analytics is particularly valuable for identifying potential problems before they occur, such as equipment failures or weather hazards.

7      6. Cybersecurity - Cybersecurity is a growing concern for maritime companies due to the increased reliance on digital systems and networks. As the shipping industry becomes increasingly digitized, companies must implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect their vessels and cargo from attack. Ships are now equipped with everything from satellite communications to remote monitoring capabilities, all of which create potential cyber vulnerabilities.

  Conclusion - The maritime shipping news is undergoing a period of significant change, with new technologies and trends emerging that have the potential to revolutionize the way that we ship goods around the world. 

Available at:
-trends-in-the-shipping-industry/ Retrieved on April 22, 2023. Adapted.
The word or expression in parenthesis, adequately related to the highlighted expressions in the excerpts below is:
Q2323333 Inglês
Forthcoming innovation & trends in shipping industry

         The shipping trends play a vital role in global trade, transporting goods worth trillions of dollars yearly. Population growth and continued urbanization will also lead to an increase in demand for maritime shipping services. The maritime shipping industry must continue to innovate and adopt new technologies to meet this increased demand. The following are some of the most promising trends and innovations currently taking place in the maritime shipping industry:

2       1. Green Technology - One of the most critical trends in maritime shipping is the move toward green technology. With increasing public awareness of the need to protect the environment, it is becoming increasingly crucial for maritime companies to adopt green practices. Maritime companies invest in cleaner-burning fuels such as LNG (liquefied natural gas). LNG produces significantly lower emissions than traditional marine fuels such as heavy fuel oil (HFO) and diesel. Some maritime companies are also experimenting with battery-powered ships to reduce emissions further. While battery-powered ships are not yet commercially viable on long voyages, they show great promise for use on shorter routes.

3       2. Electric Ships - Global maritime transport emits around 900 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, accounting for 2-3% of the world’s total emissions. As the push for decarbonization gathers momentum, it is only a matter of time before electric ships become the norm.

4    3. Autonomous Ships - Another exciting trend in maritime shipping is the development of autonomous ships. Autonomous ships have the potential to revolutionize the industry. They offer many advantages over traditional vessels, including reduced operating costs, increased efficiency, and improved safety by reducing the need for manual labor onboard ships. In addition, automated systems are less susceptible to human error than their manual counterparts. While there are many regulatory hurdles to overcome before autonomous vessels can be deployed commercially, they are expected to eventually become a common sight in the world’s oceans.

5      4. Blockchain - Blockchain technology is also beginning to make its way into the maritime shipping industry. Blockchain offers several potential benefits for maritime companies, including improved tracking of shipments and real-time visibility of their location- this would minimize delays caused by lost or misplaced cargo, reduce paperwork, and increase transparency throughout the supply chain. Moreover, blockchain-based smart contracts could automate many administrative tasks related to shipping, such as documentation and billing.

    5. Big data and predictive analytics - Another major trend transforming maritime shipping is the increasing use of big data and predictive analytics. The shipping industry generates vast amounts of data that can be extremely valuable if analyzed correctly. Big data analytics can improve everything from route planning to fuel consumption. By harnessing the power of data, shipping companies can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and enhance safety and security. Predictive analytics is particularly valuable for identifying potential problems before they occur, such as equipment failures or weather hazards.

7      6. Cybersecurity - Cybersecurity is a growing concern for maritime companies due to the increased reliance on digital systems and networks. As the shipping industry becomes increasingly digitized, companies must implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect their vessels and cargo from attack. Ships are now equipped with everything from satellite communications to remote monitoring capabilities, all of which create potential cyber vulnerabilities.

  Conclusion - The maritime shipping news is undergoing a period of significant change, with new technologies and trends emerging that have the potential to revolutionize the way that we ship goods around the world. 

Available at:
-trends-in-the-shipping-industry/ Retrieved on April 22, 2023. Adapted.
The vessel that is NOT adequate to the mentioned cargo transport is: 
Q2323332 Inglês
Forthcoming innovation & trends in shipping industry

         The shipping trends play a vital role in global trade, transporting goods worth trillions of dollars yearly. Population growth and continued urbanization will also lead to an increase in demand for maritime shipping services. The maritime shipping industry must continue to innovate and adopt new technologies to meet this increased demand. The following are some of the most promising trends and innovations currently taking place in the maritime shipping industry:

2       1. Green Technology - One of the most critical trends in maritime shipping is the move toward green technology. With increasing public awareness of the need to protect the environment, it is becoming increasingly crucial for maritime companies to adopt green practices. Maritime companies invest in cleaner-burning fuels such as LNG (liquefied natural gas). LNG produces significantly lower emissions than traditional marine fuels such as heavy fuel oil (HFO) and diesel. Some maritime companies are also experimenting with battery-powered ships to reduce emissions further. While battery-powered ships are not yet commercially viable on long voyages, they show great promise for use on shorter routes.

3       2. Electric Ships - Global maritime transport emits around 900 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, accounting for 2-3% of the world’s total emissions. As the push for decarbonization gathers momentum, it is only a matter of time before electric ships become the norm.

4    3. Autonomous Ships - Another exciting trend in maritime shipping is the development of autonomous ships. Autonomous ships have the potential to revolutionize the industry. They offer many advantages over traditional vessels, including reduced operating costs, increased efficiency, and improved safety by reducing the need for manual labor onboard ships. In addition, automated systems are less susceptible to human error than their manual counterparts. While there are many regulatory hurdles to overcome before autonomous vessels can be deployed commercially, they are expected to eventually become a common sight in the world’s oceans.

5      4. Blockchain - Blockchain technology is also beginning to make its way into the maritime shipping industry. Blockchain offers several potential benefits for maritime companies, including improved tracking of shipments and real-time visibility of their location- this would minimize delays caused by lost or misplaced cargo, reduce paperwork, and increase transparency throughout the supply chain. Moreover, blockchain-based smart contracts could automate many administrative tasks related to shipping, such as documentation and billing.

    5. Big data and predictive analytics - Another major trend transforming maritime shipping is the increasing use of big data and predictive analytics. The shipping industry generates vast amounts of data that can be extremely valuable if analyzed correctly. Big data analytics can improve everything from route planning to fuel consumption. By harnessing the power of data, shipping companies can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and enhance safety and security. Predictive analytics is particularly valuable for identifying potential problems before they occur, such as equipment failures or weather hazards.

7      6. Cybersecurity - Cybersecurity is a growing concern for maritime companies due to the increased reliance on digital systems and networks. As the shipping industry becomes increasingly digitized, companies must implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect their vessels and cargo from attack. Ships are now equipped with everything from satellite communications to remote monitoring capabilities, all of which create potential cyber vulnerabilities.

  Conclusion - The maritime shipping news is undergoing a period of significant change, with new technologies and trends emerging that have the potential to revolutionize the way that we ship goods around the world. 

Available at:
-trends-in-the-shipping-industry/ Retrieved on April 22, 2023. Adapted.
The words adequately related to vessels and navigation are presented at:
Q2323331 Inglês
Forthcoming innovation & trends in shipping industry

         The shipping trends play a vital role in global trade, transporting goods worth trillions of dollars yearly. Population growth and continued urbanization will also lead to an increase in demand for maritime shipping services. The maritime shipping industry must continue to innovate and adopt new technologies to meet this increased demand. The following are some of the most promising trends and innovations currently taking place in the maritime shipping industry:

2       1. Green Technology - One of the most critical trends in maritime shipping is the move toward green technology. With increasing public awareness of the need to protect the environment, it is becoming increasingly crucial for maritime companies to adopt green practices. Maritime companies invest in cleaner-burning fuels such as LNG (liquefied natural gas). LNG produces significantly lower emissions than traditional marine fuels such as heavy fuel oil (HFO) and diesel. Some maritime companies are also experimenting with battery-powered ships to reduce emissions further. While battery-powered ships are not yet commercially viable on long voyages, they show great promise for use on shorter routes.

3       2. Electric Ships - Global maritime transport emits around 900 million tons of carbon dioxide annually, accounting for 2-3% of the world’s total emissions. As the push for decarbonization gathers momentum, it is only a matter of time before electric ships become the norm.

4    3. Autonomous Ships - Another exciting trend in maritime shipping is the development of autonomous ships. Autonomous ships have the potential to revolutionize the industry. They offer many advantages over traditional vessels, including reduced operating costs, increased efficiency, and improved safety by reducing the need for manual labor onboard ships. In addition, automated systems are less susceptible to human error than their manual counterparts. While there are many regulatory hurdles to overcome before autonomous vessels can be deployed commercially, they are expected to eventually become a common sight in the world’s oceans.

5      4. Blockchain - Blockchain technology is also beginning to make its way into the maritime shipping industry. Blockchain offers several potential benefits for maritime companies, including improved tracking of shipments and real-time visibility of their location- this would minimize delays caused by lost or misplaced cargo, reduce paperwork, and increase transparency throughout the supply chain. Moreover, blockchain-based smart contracts could automate many administrative tasks related to shipping, such as documentation and billing.

    5. Big data and predictive analytics - Another major trend transforming maritime shipping is the increasing use of big data and predictive analytics. The shipping industry generates vast amounts of data that can be extremely valuable if analyzed correctly. Big data analytics can improve everything from route planning to fuel consumption. By harnessing the power of data, shipping companies can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and enhance safety and security. Predictive analytics is particularly valuable for identifying potential problems before they occur, such as equipment failures or weather hazards.

7      6. Cybersecurity - Cybersecurity is a growing concern for maritime companies due to the increased reliance on digital systems and networks. As the shipping industry becomes increasingly digitized, companies must implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect their vessels and cargo from attack. Ships are now equipped with everything from satellite communications to remote monitoring capabilities, all of which create potential cyber vulnerabilities.

  Conclusion - The maritime shipping news is undergoing a period of significant change, with new technologies and trends emerging that have the potential to revolutionize the way that we ship goods around the world. 

Available at:
-trends-in-the-shipping-industry/ Retrieved on April 22, 2023. Adapted.
In the eighth paragraph of the text, the author states that new technology will 
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