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the text below entitled "The real medicine":
The real medicine
Source: Newsweek (adapted)
Oct 17th 2005
People who survive a heart attack often
describe it as a wake-up call. But for a 61-year old
executive I met recently, it was more than that. This
man was in the midst of a divorce when he was
stricken last spring, and he had fallen out of touch
with friends and family members. The executive´s
doctor, unaware of the strife in his life, counseled him
to change his diet, start exercising and quit smoking.
He also prescribed drugs to lower cholesterol and
blood pressure. It was sound advice, but in combing
the medical literature, the patient discovered that he
needed to do more. Studies suggested that his risk of
dying within six months would be four times greater
if he remained depressed and lonely. So he joined
a support group and reordered his priorities, placing
relationships at the top of the list instead of the bottom.
His health has improved steadily since then, and so
has his outlook on life. In fact he now describes his
heart attack as the best thing that ever happened to
him. "Yes, my arteries are more open," he says. "But
even more important, I´m more open."
the text below entitled "The real medicine":
The real medicine
Source: Newsweek (adapted)
Oct 17th 2005
People who survive a heart attack often
describe it as a wake-up call. But for a 61-year old
executive I met recently, it was more than that. This
man was in the midst of a divorce when he was
stricken last spring, and he had fallen out of touch
with friends and family members. The executive´s
doctor, unaware of the strife in his life, counseled him
to change his diet, start exercising and quit smoking.
He also prescribed drugs to lower cholesterol and
blood pressure. It was sound advice, but in combing
the medical literature, the patient discovered that he
needed to do more. Studies suggested that his risk of
dying within six months would be four times greater
if he remained depressed and lonely. So he joined
a support group and reordered his priorities, placing
relationships at the top of the list instead of the bottom.
His health has improved steadily since then, and so
has his outlook on life. In fact he now describes his
heart attack as the best thing that ever happened to
him. "Yes, my arteries are more open," he says. "But
even more important, I´m more open."
text below entitled "Flight of the French":
Flight of the French
Source: Newsweek (adapted)
Sept 26th/Oct 3rd 2005
The Belgians call them "fiscal refugees", but these
refugees wear Chanel. They are runaways from high
taxes in France. Officially, France has lost, on average,
one millionaire or billionaire tax payer per day for tax
reasons since 1997, when the government started trying
to track capital flight. Privately, economists say the
number is much higher. "The statistic is stupid," holds
French economist Nicolas Baverez. "It's as if, to count
contraband, you only counted what people declared at
the border."
While much of Europe has revised its tax codes, France's
fiscal inertia is virtually begging its rich to leave. Holding dear
its commitment to égalité and fraternité, France has bucked
the trend in the European Union, where most member states
have dropped the wealth tax since the mid-1990s. France
went the opposite way in 1997 by abolishing a cap that limited
the wealth-tax bill, which kicks in at incomes over 720,000
euros to 85% of a taxpayer's income. The result: some pay
more taxes than they earn in income.
text below entitled "Flight of the French":
Flight of the French
Source: Newsweek (adapted)
Sept 26th/Oct 3rd 2005
The Belgians call them "fiscal refugees", but these
refugees wear Chanel. They are runaways from high
taxes in France. Officially, France has lost, on average,
one millionaire or billionaire tax payer per day for tax
reasons since 1997, when the government started trying
to track capital flight. Privately, economists say the
number is much higher. "The statistic is stupid," holds
French economist Nicolas Baverez. "It's as if, to count
contraband, you only counted what people declared at
the border."
While much of Europe has revised its tax codes, France's
fiscal inertia is virtually begging its rich to leave. Holding dear
its commitment to égalité and fraternité, France has bucked
the trend in the European Union, where most member states
have dropped the wealth tax since the mid-1990s. France
went the opposite way in 1997 by abolishing a cap that limited
the wealth-tax bill, which kicks in at incomes over 720,000
euros to 85% of a taxpayer's income. The result: some pay
more taxes than they earn in income.
text below entitled "Flight of the French":
Flight of the French
Source: Newsweek (adapted)
Sept 26th/Oct 3rd 2005
The Belgians call them "fiscal refugees", but these
refugees wear Chanel. They are runaways from high
taxes in France. Officially, France has lost, on average,
one millionaire or billionaire tax payer per day for tax
reasons since 1997, when the government started trying
to track capital flight. Privately, economists say the
number is much higher. "The statistic is stupid," holds
French economist Nicolas Baverez. "It's as if, to count
contraband, you only counted what people declared at
the border."
While much of Europe has revised its tax codes, France's
fiscal inertia is virtually begging its rich to leave. Holding dear
its commitment to égalité and fraternité, France has bucked
the trend in the European Union, where most member states
have dropped the wealth tax since the mid-1990s. France
went the opposite way in 1997 by abolishing a cap that limited
the wealth-tax bill, which kicks in at incomes over 720,000
euros to 85% of a taxpayer's income. The result: some pay
more taxes than they earn in income.
text below entitled "A dip in the middle":
A dip in the middle
Source: The Economist (adapted)
Sep 8th 2005
Income tax has been paid in Britain for more
than two centuries. First introduced by William Pitt the
Younger to finance the war against Napoleonic France,
it is the Treasury´s biggest source of revenue, raising
30% of tax receipts. It arouses strong political emotions,
regarded as fair by some because it makes the rich pay a
bigger share of their income than the poor, but unfair by
others because it penalizes enterprise and hard work.
During the past 30 years, income tax has been
subject to sweeping changes, notably the cut in the top
rate from 98% to 40% under Margaret Thatcher between
1979 and 1988. Now another Conservative politician,
George Osborne, is floating a radical reform to match
that earlier exploit. The shadow chancellor announced
on September 7th that he was setting up a commission
to explore the possible introduction of a flat income tax
in Britain.
Introducing a flat income tax into Britain would
involve two main changes. At present, there are three
marginal tax rates. These three rates would be replaced
by a single rate, which would be considerably lower than
the current top rate. At the same time there would be an
increase in the tax-free personal allowance, currently
worth 4,895 pounds.
text below entitled "A dip in the middle":
A dip in the middle
Source: The Economist (adapted)
Sep 8th 2005
Income tax has been paid in Britain for more
than two centuries. First introduced by William Pitt the
Younger to finance the war against Napoleonic France,
it is the Treasury´s biggest source of revenue, raising
30% of tax receipts. It arouses strong political emotions,
regarded as fair by some because it makes the rich pay a
bigger share of their income than the poor, but unfair by
others because it penalizes enterprise and hard work.
During the past 30 years, income tax has been
subject to sweeping changes, notably the cut in the top
rate from 98% to 40% under Margaret Thatcher between
1979 and 1988. Now another Conservative politician,
George Osborne, is floating a radical reform to match
that earlier exploit. The shadow chancellor announced
on September 7th that he was setting up a commission
to explore the possible introduction of a flat income tax
in Britain.
Introducing a flat income tax into Britain would
involve two main changes. At present, there are three
marginal tax rates. These three rates would be replaced
by a single rate, which would be considerably lower than
the current top rate. At the same time there would be an
increase in the tax-free personal allowance, currently
worth 4,895 pounds.
text below entitled "A dip in the middle":
A dip in the middle
Source: The Economist (adapted)
Sep 8th 2005
Income tax has been paid in Britain for more
than two centuries. First introduced by William Pitt the
Younger to finance the war against Napoleonic France,
it is the Treasury´s biggest source of revenue, raising
30% of tax receipts. It arouses strong political emotions,
regarded as fair by some because it makes the rich pay a
bigger share of their income than the poor, but unfair by
others because it penalizes enterprise and hard work.
During the past 30 years, income tax has been
subject to sweeping changes, notably the cut in the top
rate from 98% to 40% under Margaret Thatcher between
1979 and 1988. Now another Conservative politician,
George Osborne, is floating a radical reform to match
that earlier exploit. The shadow chancellor announced
on September 7th that he was setting up a commission
to explore the possible introduction of a flat income tax
in Britain.
Introducing a flat income tax into Britain would
involve two main changes. At present, there are three
marginal tax rates. These three rates would be replaced
by a single rate, which would be considerably lower than
the current top rate. At the same time there would be an
increase in the tax-free personal allowance, currently
worth 4,895 pounds.
text below entitled "A dip in the middle":
A dip in the middle
Source: The Economist (adapted)
Sep 8th 2005
Income tax has been paid in Britain for more
than two centuries. First introduced by William Pitt the
Younger to finance the war against Napoleonic France,
it is the Treasury´s biggest source of revenue, raising
30% of tax receipts. It arouses strong political emotions,
regarded as fair by some because it makes the rich pay a
bigger share of their income than the poor, but unfair by
others because it penalizes enterprise and hard work.
During the past 30 years, income tax has been
subject to sweeping changes, notably the cut in the top
rate from 98% to 40% under Margaret Thatcher between
1979 and 1988. Now another Conservative politician,
George Osborne, is floating a radical reform to match
that earlier exploit. The shadow chancellor announced
on September 7th that he was setting up a commission
to explore the possible introduction of a flat income tax
in Britain.
Introducing a flat income tax into Britain would
involve two main changes. At present, there are three
marginal tax rates. These three rates would be replaced
by a single rate, which would be considerably lower than
the current top rate. At the same time there would be an
increase in the tax-free personal allowance, currently
worth 4,895 pounds.
No texto abaixo foram substituídos sinais de pontuação por
números. Assinale a seqüência de sinais de pontuação que
devem ser inseridos nos espaços indicados para que o texto
se torne coerente e gramaticalmente correto.
Desconsidere a necessidade de transformar letras
minúsculas em maiúsculas.
Os seres humanos sofrem sempre confl itos de interesse
com os ressentimentos, facções, coalizões e instáveis
alianças que os acompanham(1) no entanto, o que
mais interessa nesses fenômenos confl ituosos não é
o quanto eles nos separam, mas quão freqüentemente
eles são neutralizados, perdoados e desculpados. Nos
seres humanos(2) com seu extraordinário dom narrativo,
uma das principais formas de manutenção da paz é o
dom humano de apresentar(3) dramatizar e explicar as
circunstâncias atenuantes em torno de violações que
ameaçam introduzir confl ito na habitualidade da vida(4) o
objetivo de tal narrativa não é reconciliar, não é legitimar,
nem mesmo desculpar, mas antes(5) explicar.
(Jerome Bruner. Atos de signifi cação, com adaptações)
de lacunas do texto, mantendo sua coerência textual e sua
correção gramatical.
Tendo _____ unidade de análise o gênero humano no
tempo, Morgan dispõe ______ sociedades humanas
na história segundo graus de complexidade crescente
_________ se aproximam da civilização. Diferentes
organizações sociais sucedem-se porque se superam
______ desenvolvimento de sua capacidade de ______ e
de dominar a natureza, identifi cando vantagens biológicas
e econômicas em certas formas de comportamento que
são, então, instituídas ________ modos de organização
(Sylvia G. Garcia, Antropologia, modernidade, identidade. In:
Tempo Social, vol. 5, no. 1 – 2, com adaptações)
Os fragmentos abaixo foram adaptados do texto O
sentido do som, de Leonardo Sá, para compor três
itens. Julgue-os quanto ao respeito às regras gramaticais
do padrão culto da língua portuguesa para assinalar a
opção correta a seguir.
I. A ausência de discurso é silêncio. O silêncio enquanto
formador do discurso expressivo e entendido em
sua forma dinâmica, em contraposição aquele que
corresponde à ausência de discurso, ganha amplitude a
gravidade quando passa a ser o perfi l de comportamento,
isto é, quando passa a ser uma atitude assumida por (e
imposta a) segmentos sociais que não “discursam”, mas
que apenas silenciam, que exercem a expressão em
dimensão mínima e deixam projetarem-se no discurso
de outrem como sendo o seu discurso.
II. Em um contexto como o do Brasil, no qual há uma
perversa concentração de privilégios, e no qual o acesso
aos meios disponíveis é restrito, outra vez coloca-se a
questão que abordamos ao falar dos silêncios: apenas
alguns segmentos sociais “emitem”, enquanto amplas
maiorias tornam-se “silenciosas”, resultando daí que as
imagens acústicas encontram suporte em meios que,
por razões tecnológicas e culturais, são inacessíveis às
III. Por conseguinte, esse monólogo passa a gerar imagens
sobre si mesmo, imagens de imagens, sem diálogo,
produtos fortuitos que a indústria da cultura massifi ca,
difunde, impõe, substitui, esquece, retoma, redimensiona,
rejeita e reinventa.... As razões do “silêncio”, portanto, são
também razões sociais e econômicas. Neste silêncio, o
que se absorve não são apenas imagens, mas também
o imaginário em seu conjunto pré-delimitado, um
imaginário que não identifi ca as fontes de suas imagens,
que nem sequer se preocupa em identifi cá-las, que aos
poucos as esquece.
Estão respeitadas as regras gramaticais apenas
As opções trazem o diagnóstico e a indicação de correção do que estiver gramatical e lingüisticamente errado no trecho abaixo.
Podemos prever o traço fundamental do comércio
colonial: ele deriva imediatamente do próprio caráter
da colonização, organizada como ela está na base
da produção de gêneros tropicais e metais preciosos
para o fornecimento do mercado internacional. É a
exportação desses gêneros, pois, que constituirá
o elemento essencial das atividades comerciais da
O comércio exterior brasileiro é todo ele, pode-se
dizer, marítimo. Nossas fronteiras atravessavam áreas
muito pouco povoadas, quando não inteiramente
indevassadas. A colonização portuguesa vinda do
Atlântico, e a espanhola, quase toda do Pacífi co, mal
tinham ainda engajado suas vanguardas, de sorte
que entre ambas ainda sobravam vastos territórios
Circunstância essa ditada por contingências
geográfi cas e econômicas, e que tem grande
signifi cação política e administrativa, pois facilitou,
pode-se dizer mesmo que tornou possível, o monopólio
do comércio da colônia que a metrópole pretendia para
si. Foi bastante reservar-se a navegação, providência
muito mais simples que uma fi scalização fronteiriça
– difícil, se não impraticável, nos extensos limites do
(Caio Prado Júnior, História econômica do Brasil, com
Os trechos abaixo constituem um texto, mas estão desordenados.
Ordene-os nos parênteses e indique a seqüência correta.
( ) Principalmente porque, com recursos parcos e uma formação basicamente literária, ele anteviu o mundo em que vivemos, no qual as palavras se evaporam e se dispersam em redes virtuais, as idéias circulam em direções caóticas e a noção de sentido, quer dizer, de uma direção e de um futuro, se perde num presente em abismo.
( ) E no qual, enfi m, depois de séculos de hostilidade e de enclausuramento, o homem se veria dissolvido em uma grande colcha democrática, capaz de abrigar a todos, sem lugares fixos e sem destinos rígidos, um mundo, por fi m, em que poderíamos compartilhar uma mesma experiência.
( ) Profeta da morte da imprensa e do fim de um mundo linear e geométrico, ele antecipou, já nos anos 50 e 60, a chegada de um novo mundo unifi cado, na forma de grande teia, e gerido por uma espécie de alma suprapessoal.
( ) Nascido em 1911, em Edmonton, Canadá, Herbert Marshall McLuhan foi, afora erros e acertos de suas hipóteses, um pensador genial.
( ) Previa McLuhan que, nesse novo mundo unifi cado da mídia que estava a se afirmar, os homens se veriam imersos em uma grande malha global, um mundo devassado, sobreposto e instantâneo, no qual as idéias se dissolveriam e as diferenças se anulariam - exatamente como na cultura pop que ele mesmo via nascer.
(Adaptado de José Castello http://nominimo.
Todo homem, como membro da sociedade, tem o direito à segurança social e à realização, pelo esforço nacional, pela cooperação internacional e de acordo com a organização e recursos de cada estado, dos direitos econômicos, sociais e culturais indispensáveis à sua dignidade e ao livre desenvolvimento de sua personalidade.
(Artigo XXII da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos)
O artigo acima está organizado em apenas um período sintático. Assinale a opção que o reescreve em dois períodos sintáticos, preservando as relações semânticas entre as idéias originais.
Enquanto o patrimônio tradicional continua sendo
responsabilidade dos Estados, a promoção da
cultura moderna é cada vez mais tarefa de empresas
e órgãos privados. Dessa diferença derivam dois
estilos de ação cultural. Enquanto os governos
pensam sua política em termos de proteção e
preservação do patrimônio histórico, as iniciativas
inovadoras fi cam nas mãos da sociedade civil,
especialmente daqueles que dispõem de poder
econômico para fi nanciar arriscando. Uns e outros
buscam na arte dois tipos de ganho simbólico: os
Estados, legitimidade e consenso ao aparecer como
representantes da história nacional; as empresas,
obter lucro e construir através da cultura de ponta,
renovadora, uma imagem "não interessada" de sua
expansão econômica.
(Nestor Garcia Canclini, Culturas Híbridas, p. 33, com
Assinale como verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F) as seguintes inferências a respeito do texto.
( ) O Estado e a sociedade civil são co-responsáveis por ações culturais, cada um no seu âmbito. ( ) Não existe preservação do patrimônio histórico sem produção de cultura de ponta.
( ) Ambos os estilos de ação cultural identifi cados no texto produzem ganhos simbólicos.
( ) Financiar iniciativas culturais inovadoras implica incorrer em riscos econômico-fi nanceiros.
( ) A arte pode servir para camufl ar interesses econômicos expansionistas.
( ) Só pela atuação cultural, os Estados podem tornar-se representantes da história nacional.
A seqüência de respostas corretas é