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Q3069702 Português
Leia o trecho e analise as afirmativas a seguir.

Ninguém sabia donde viera aquele homem. O agente do Correio pudera apenas informar que acudia ao nome de Raimundo Flamel, pois assim era subscrita a correspondência que recebia. E era grande. Quase diariamente, o carteiro lá ia a um dos extremos da cidade, onde morava o desconhecido, sopesando um maço alentado de cartas vindas do mundo inteiro, grossas revistas em línguas arrevesadas, livros, pacotes...

(BARRETO, Lima. A nova Califórnia. Lima Barreto completo II: Contos completos. Amazon, 2016.)

I. O termo “pois” (L2) indica uma explicação para o agente do Correio informar que o homem se chamava Raimundo Flamel.
II. O pronome “que” (L2) se refere à palavra “correspondência”.
III. A palavra “” (L2) remete a “um dos extremos da cidade”, enquanto “onde” se refere ao local onde morava Raimundo Flamel.

Está correto o que se afirma apenas em
Q3069701 Português
Quando Seixas achava-se ainda sob o império desta nova contrariedade, apareceu na sala a Aurélia Camargo, que chegara naquele instante. Sua entrada foi como sempre um deslumbramento; todos os olhos voltaram-se para ela; pela numerosa e brilhante sociedade ali reunida passou o frêmito das fortes sensações. Parecia que o baile se ajoelhava para recebê-la com o fervor da adoração. Seixas afastou-se. Essa mulher humilhava-o. Desde a noite de sua chegada que sofrera a desagradável impressão. Refugiava-se na indiferença, esforçava-se por combater com o desdém a funesta influência, mas não o conseguia. A presença de Aurélia, sua esplêndida beleza, era uma obsessão que o oprimia. Quando, como agora, a tirava da vista fugindo-lhe, não podia arrancá-la da lembrança, nem escapar à admiração que ela causava e que o perseguia nos elogios proferidos a cada passo em torno de si. No Cassino, Seixas tivera um reduto onde abrigar-se dessa cruel fascinação.

(ALENCAR, José de. Senhora. In: ALENCAR, José de. Obra Completa. Rio de Janeiro: Editora José Aguilar, 1959a, vol. I.)

Considerando o texto apresentado, é possível inferir que Seixas sente-se humilhado por Aurélia Camargo porque:
Q3069700 Português
Haicai tirado de uma falsa lira de Gonzaga
Quis gravar “Amor” No tronco de um velho freixo: “Marília” escrevi.
(BANDEIRA, Manuel. Estrela da vida inteira. 20 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1993.)

Assinale a afirmativa que corretamente explicita o conceito de pastiche, utilizado no “Haicai tirado de uma falsa lira de Gonzaga”.
Q3069699 Português
Quanto à escrita do conto, Machado de Assis observa, no famoso ensaio “Instinto de nacionalidade” (1873), que o gênero oferece problemas para aqueles que o querem produzir: é um gênero difícil, a despeito da sua aparente facilidade, e creio que essa mesma aparência lhe faz mal, afastando-se dele os escritores, e não lhe dando, penso eu, o público toda a atenção de que ele é muitas vezes credor. (Assis, 2006, III, p. 806) Mesmo que não tenha formalmente teorizado sobre o conto, em alguns momentos de sua obra, especialmente nas introduções e advertências de suas coletâneas, o escritor brasileiro tece algumas considerações importantes sobre o gênero. Assim diz Machado na advertência de Várias Histórias, de 1896: o tamanho não é o que faz mal a este gênero de histórias, é naturalmente a qualidade; mas há sempre uma qualidade nos contos que os torna superiores aos grandes romances, se uns e outros são medíocres: é serem curtos.

(Assis, 2006, II, p. 476) (SILVA, Tiago Ferreira. A vida apertada numa hora – Machado de Assis: contista e teórico do conto. O conto: O cânone e as margens. Fragmento.)

Assinale a alternativa que melhor explica a função da linguagem presente no texto e a principal característica do gênero conto, segundo Machado de Assis.
Q3069698 Português
Sou eu que vou seguir você
Do primeiro rabisco até o be-a-bá
Em todos os desenhos coloridos vou estar
A casa, a montanha, duas nuvens no céu
E um sol a sorrir no papel

Sou eu que vou ser seu colega
Seus problemas ajudar a resolver
Te acompanhar nas provas bimestrais, você vai ver
Serei de você confidente fiel
Se seu pranto molhar meu papel

Sou eu que vou ser seu amigo
Vou lhe dar abrigo, se você quiser
Quando surgirem seus primeiros raios de mulher
A vida se abrirá num feroz carrossel
E você vai rasgar meu papel

O que está escrito em mim
Comigo ficará guardado, se lhe dá prazer
A vida segue sempre em frente, o que se há de fazer?
Só peço a você um favor, se puder
Não me esqueça num canto qualquer

Só peço a você um favor, se puder
Não me esqueça num canto qualquer

(Disponível em: LyricFind
Compositores: Antonio Pecci Filho / Lupicinio Morais Rodrigues.)
Considerando o texto, analise os recursos estilísticos nele presentes. A frase “um sol a sorrir no papel” (L5) foi construída por meio de:
Q3069697 Português
Sou eu que vou seguir você
Do primeiro rabisco até o be-a-bá
Em todos os desenhos coloridos vou estar
A casa, a montanha, duas nuvens no céu
E um sol a sorrir no papel

Sou eu que vou ser seu colega
Seus problemas ajudar a resolver
Te acompanhar nas provas bimestrais, você vai ver
Serei de você confidente fiel
Se seu pranto molhar meu papel

Sou eu que vou ser seu amigo
Vou lhe dar abrigo, se você quiser
Quando surgirem seus primeiros raios de mulher
A vida se abrirá num feroz carrossel
E você vai rasgar meu papel

O que está escrito em mim
Comigo ficará guardado, se lhe dá prazer
A vida segue sempre em frente, o que se há de fazer?
Só peço a você um favor, se puder
Não me esqueça num canto qualquer

Só peço a você um favor, se puder
Não me esqueça num canto qualquer

(Disponível em: LyricFind
Compositores: Antonio Pecci Filho / Lupicinio Morais Rodrigues.)
Tendo em vista o texto, analise as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas.

I. “No trecho ‘Sou eu que vou ser seu colega / Seus problemas ajudar a resolver’ (L6 e L7), o eu lírico se apresenta como uma presença constante e disponível para auxiliar nas dificuldades, indicando uma relação de apoio e confiança”.


II. “O eu lírico é representado como uma pessoa real, fisicamente presente, que acompanha o destinatário em todas as etapas de sua vida escolar”.

Assinale a alternativa correta.
Q3069694 Português
    Posso pensar que os PCNs não inauguram um novo objeto para o ensino de português, eles mesmos se veem como uma espécie de síntese do que foi possível aprender e avançar nessas três últimas décadas a partir de questões do tipo: para que ensino o que ensino? Para quem se ensina? Em que ordem social isto acontece? A quais exigências da sociedade a escola pretende responder?

   A discussão sobre o ensino de língua portuguesa, nos PCNs, como também nas propostas curriculares estaduais produzidas nos anos 80, é orientada por fatores de caráter social, “externo” à própria disciplina como, por exemplo, a presença na escola de uma clientela diferente daquela que veio frequentando os bancos escolares até a década de 60; a questão da ordem social assumida a partir da década de 80 após anos de ditadura; e, pela constatação mais uma vez do fracasso da escola no enfrentamento de problemas relacionados à evasão, repetência e analfabetismo. No bojo das discussões um discurso voltado para uma “pedagogia sociológica”, cuja vertente dialético-marxista enfoca as contradições da escola democrática, seu desejo de transformação e de superação em busca da emancipação das camadas populares da sociedade.

     Por outro lado, o ensino de língua portuguesa passa a ser repensado por razões internas (inerentes ao desenvolvimento de novos paradigmas no campo das ciências e da linguagem) que orientam a discussão a partir de conhecimentos sobre quem ensina e quem aprende; sobre como se ensina e como se aprende; sobre linguagem e língua. Pesquisas na área interdisciplinar, como psicologia, sociologia, linguística, psicolinguística e sociolinguística, desencadeiam um esforço de revisão das práticas de ensino da língua, na direção de orientá-las para a ressignificação das noções de erro construtivo, de conflito cognitivo, de conhecimento prévio que o aluno traz para a escola, de construção do conhecimento de natureza conceitual através da interação com o objeto etc. Por outro lado, o campo das ciências da linguagem (em substituição ao estruturalismo e teoria da comunicação) aponta para a concepção da linguagem como forma de interação mediadora e constitutiva das relações sociais, para a percepção das diferenças dialetais, para a necessidade de se ensinar a partir da diversidade textual, para adoção das práticas de leitura e produção e de análise linguística em suas condições de uso e de reflexão como conteúdo da disciplina.

    Nesse discurso assumido pelos PCNs pode-se ler uma crítica velada e explícita ao ensino tradicional, entendido como aquele que desconsidera a realidade e os interesses dos alunos, a excessiva escolarização das atividades de leitura e de escrita, artificialidade e fragmentação dos trabalhos, a visão de língua como sistema fixo e imutável de regras, o uso do texto como pretexto para o ensino da gramática e para a inculcação de valores morais, a excessiva valorização da gramática normativa e das regras de exceção, o preconceito contra as formas de oralidade e contra as variedades não padrão, o ensino descontextualizado da metalinguagem apoiado em fragmentos linguísticos e frases soltas. Nessa perspectiva a finalidade do ensino de língua portuguesa, segundo o documento, deixa de ser exclusivamente o desenvolvimento de habilidades de leitura e de produção ou o domínio da língua escrita padrão, para passar a ser o domínio da competência textual além dos limites escolares, na solução dos problemas da vida como no acesso aos bens culturais e à participação plena no mundo letrado.

(FERREIRA, Norma Sandra de Almeida. Ainda uma Leitura dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Língua Portuguesa. Disponível em: Acesso em: agosto de 2024. Fragmento.)
Considerando o texto, analise as afirmativas a seguir.

I. O uso das aspas em “externo” (2º§) à própria disciplina indica que a palavra é utilizada em sentido figurado ou com uma conotação especial.

II. No trecho “[...] desencadeiam um esforço de revisão das práticas de ensino da língua, [...]” (3º§), a palavra “desencadeiam” poderia ser substituída por “iniciam” sem prejuízo ao sentido original.

III. Em “[...] para adoção das práticas de leitura e produção e de análise linguística em suas condições de uso e de reflexão como conteúdo da disciplina.” (3º§), a expressão “em suas condições de uso” refere-se às práticas de leitura e produção e de análise linguística.

IV. A expressão “[...] uma clientela diferente daquela que veio frequentando os bancos escolares até a década de 60” (2º§) utiliza o pronome relativo “que” para introduzir uma oração explicativa, especificando o tipo de clientela mencionado.

Está correto o que se afirma apenas em
Q3069667 Inglês
Conclusions and Recommendations

    Given the panorama of English instruction in Brazil, particularly in the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, and considering the results of the surveys conducted with universities and teachers in both states, some conclusions and recommendations could be drawn.

    Nationally, English instruction has been gaining importance and visibility through curriculum reform and the new model of upper secondary school. It is an enormously significant achievement that, for the first time, English has become mandatory in all public and private schools from 6th grade onward. The BNCC offers clarity on the competencies and abilities that students should develop at each education level. However, if, on the one hand, making English compulsory was an important step, on the other hand, the implementation of this policy is still incomplete. The main issue is the limited amount of instructional time in English in the national curriculum guidelines. As the cases of Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais illustrate, the result is that students have insufficient exposure to the language, with only two classes per week in secondary schools and one class per week in upper secondary. Under these conditions, it is unlikely that learners will develop full proficiency in the language, and teachers will have the instructional time to focus on all the necessary competencies and abilities required by the BNCC.

    Another important consideration is the link between initial training for English teachers and how it interacts with the routines and challenges of the classroom. There is room for improvement when considering the mismatch between the programs of study at universities and the pedagogical practice required of English teachers and strengthened ties and communication between State Education Departments and the teacher training programs at universities.

    Universities face additional challenges, such as the low English proficiency of students in the initial training courses. Initial training institutions face difficulties in thoroughly preparing future teachers regarding language proficiency and the pedagogical elements related to being an effective teacher. In this sense, the situation can create a vicious cycle; students leave schools with a low proficiency level in English, and those who decide to take the initial training courses to become English teachers and enter universities cannot fully develop proficiency as pedagogical competencies. Therefore, they enter schools not fully prepared to be teachers and face all the challenges of a classroom.

    Another critical challenge is class size and the heterogeneity of students’ ability levels, which could limit teachers’ ability to implement some pedagogical practices, such as working with practicing speaking. This is not only a challenge faced by English teachers, but all teachers and that policymakers need to keep in mind. In addition, teachers commonly work in more than one school at a time and sometimes teach other subjects to meet the required hours of instructional time stipulated in their contracts.

   The surveys with teachers demonstrated that many have never participated in a professional development session specifically designed for English teachers. For those who have, not all considered the helpful training to improve their knowledge and practice. This points to the fact that more attention needs to be paid to the continuous training courses offered to English teachers. These training courses should be frequent and address specific challenges, taking into account the pedagogical issues and areas that English teachers identify as most critical.

    Briefly, it is important to highlight the windows of opportunity that have been opened in Brazil with the BNCC and the new upper secondary model. Through their education ministries, state governments have made significant efforts to adapt their regional curricula to the competencies and abilities listed on the BNCC and implement the first pilots and designed pathways for upper secondary schools. It remains a question of how the rest of those two processes will be implemented, but there are positive signs that English may gain more importance at a national level. At least in Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, there is already a movement to increase the importance of the discipline.

    While Minas Gerais has developed a few specific training courses for English teachers focused on improving their pedagogical knowledge through the program “Pathways for Educators” and intends to create a training pathway for upper secondary students focused in English, Mato Grosso has implemented English in all primary schools in the state and launched the program “More English,” with resources to help teachers and students. Those efforts are aligned with the national reforms and illustrate the political willingness of states to promote more actions to improve teachers’ and students’ proficiency in English.

    In these states and, to some extent, at the national level, the foundations have been set to put English instruction in the spotlight as a crucial discipline to the integral development of students. However, much work and resources are still needed to realize this goal. Therefore, the following recommendations are intended to advise decision-makers at universities and State Education Departments.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
In 5º§, what is the possessive adjective “their” referring to?
Q3069666 Inglês
Conclusions and Recommendations

    Given the panorama of English instruction in Brazil, particularly in the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, and considering the results of the surveys conducted with universities and teachers in both states, some conclusions and recommendations could be drawn.

    Nationally, English instruction has been gaining importance and visibility through curriculum reform and the new model of upper secondary school. It is an enormously significant achievement that, for the first time, English has become mandatory in all public and private schools from 6th grade onward. The BNCC offers clarity on the competencies and abilities that students should develop at each education level. However, if, on the one hand, making English compulsory was an important step, on the other hand, the implementation of this policy is still incomplete. The main issue is the limited amount of instructional time in English in the national curriculum guidelines. As the cases of Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais illustrate, the result is that students have insufficient exposure to the language, with only two classes per week in secondary schools and one class per week in upper secondary. Under these conditions, it is unlikely that learners will develop full proficiency in the language, and teachers will have the instructional time to focus on all the necessary competencies and abilities required by the BNCC.

    Another important consideration is the link between initial training for English teachers and how it interacts with the routines and challenges of the classroom. There is room for improvement when considering the mismatch between the programs of study at universities and the pedagogical practice required of English teachers and strengthened ties and communication between State Education Departments and the teacher training programs at universities.

    Universities face additional challenges, such as the low English proficiency of students in the initial training courses. Initial training institutions face difficulties in thoroughly preparing future teachers regarding language proficiency and the pedagogical elements related to being an effective teacher. In this sense, the situation can create a vicious cycle; students leave schools with a low proficiency level in English, and those who decide to take the initial training courses to become English teachers and enter universities cannot fully develop proficiency as pedagogical competencies. Therefore, they enter schools not fully prepared to be teachers and face all the challenges of a classroom.

    Another critical challenge is class size and the heterogeneity of students’ ability levels, which could limit teachers’ ability to implement some pedagogical practices, such as working with practicing speaking. This is not only a challenge faced by English teachers, but all teachers and that policymakers need to keep in mind. In addition, teachers commonly work in more than one school at a time and sometimes teach other subjects to meet the required hours of instructional time stipulated in their contracts.

   The surveys with teachers demonstrated that many have never participated in a professional development session specifically designed for English teachers. For those who have, not all considered the helpful training to improve their knowledge and practice. This points to the fact that more attention needs to be paid to the continuous training courses offered to English teachers. These training courses should be frequent and address specific challenges, taking into account the pedagogical issues and areas that English teachers identify as most critical.

    Briefly, it is important to highlight the windows of opportunity that have been opened in Brazil with the BNCC and the new upper secondary model. Through their education ministries, state governments have made significant efforts to adapt their regional curricula to the competencies and abilities listed on the BNCC and implement the first pilots and designed pathways for upper secondary schools. It remains a question of how the rest of those two processes will be implemented, but there are positive signs that English may gain more importance at a national level. At least in Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, there is already a movement to increase the importance of the discipline.

    While Minas Gerais has developed a few specific training courses for English teachers focused on improving their pedagogical knowledge through the program “Pathways for Educators” and intends to create a training pathway for upper secondary students focused in English, Mato Grosso has implemented English in all primary schools in the state and launched the program “More English,” with resources to help teachers and students. Those efforts are aligned with the national reforms and illustrate the political willingness of states to promote more actions to improve teachers’ and students’ proficiency in English.

    In these states and, to some extent, at the national level, the foundations have been set to put English instruction in the spotlight as a crucial discipline to the integral development of students. However, much work and resources are still needed to realize this goal. Therefore, the following recommendations are intended to advise decision-makers at universities and State Education Departments.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
What word best substitutes the connector “Therefore” in 4º§? 
Q3069665 Inglês
Conclusions and Recommendations

    Given the panorama of English instruction in Brazil, particularly in the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, and considering the results of the surveys conducted with universities and teachers in both states, some conclusions and recommendations could be drawn.

    Nationally, English instruction has been gaining importance and visibility through curriculum reform and the new model of upper secondary school. It is an enormously significant achievement that, for the first time, English has become mandatory in all public and private schools from 6th grade onward. The BNCC offers clarity on the competencies and abilities that students should develop at each education level. However, if, on the one hand, making English compulsory was an important step, on the other hand, the implementation of this policy is still incomplete. The main issue is the limited amount of instructional time in English in the national curriculum guidelines. As the cases of Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais illustrate, the result is that students have insufficient exposure to the language, with only two classes per week in secondary schools and one class per week in upper secondary. Under these conditions, it is unlikely that learners will develop full proficiency in the language, and teachers will have the instructional time to focus on all the necessary competencies and abilities required by the BNCC.

    Another important consideration is the link between initial training for English teachers and how it interacts with the routines and challenges of the classroom. There is room for improvement when considering the mismatch between the programs of study at universities and the pedagogical practice required of English teachers and strengthened ties and communication between State Education Departments and the teacher training programs at universities.

    Universities face additional challenges, such as the low English proficiency of students in the initial training courses. Initial training institutions face difficulties in thoroughly preparing future teachers regarding language proficiency and the pedagogical elements related to being an effective teacher. In this sense, the situation can create a vicious cycle; students leave schools with a low proficiency level in English, and those who decide to take the initial training courses to become English teachers and enter universities cannot fully develop proficiency as pedagogical competencies. Therefore, they enter schools not fully prepared to be teachers and face all the challenges of a classroom.

    Another critical challenge is class size and the heterogeneity of students’ ability levels, which could limit teachers’ ability to implement some pedagogical practices, such as working with practicing speaking. This is not only a challenge faced by English teachers, but all teachers and that policymakers need to keep in mind. In addition, teachers commonly work in more than one school at a time and sometimes teach other subjects to meet the required hours of instructional time stipulated in their contracts.

   The surveys with teachers demonstrated that many have never participated in a professional development session specifically designed for English teachers. For those who have, not all considered the helpful training to improve their knowledge and practice. This points to the fact that more attention needs to be paid to the continuous training courses offered to English teachers. These training courses should be frequent and address specific challenges, taking into account the pedagogical issues and areas that English teachers identify as most critical.

    Briefly, it is important to highlight the windows of opportunity that have been opened in Brazil with the BNCC and the new upper secondary model. Through their education ministries, state governments have made significant efforts to adapt their regional curricula to the competencies and abilities listed on the BNCC and implement the first pilots and designed pathways for upper secondary schools. It remains a question of how the rest of those two processes will be implemented, but there are positive signs that English may gain more importance at a national level. At least in Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, there is already a movement to increase the importance of the discipline.

    While Minas Gerais has developed a few specific training courses for English teachers focused on improving their pedagogical knowledge through the program “Pathways for Educators” and intends to create a training pathway for upper secondary students focused in English, Mato Grosso has implemented English in all primary schools in the state and launched the program “More English,” with resources to help teachers and students. Those efforts are aligned with the national reforms and illustrate the political willingness of states to promote more actions to improve teachers’ and students’ proficiency in English.

    In these states and, to some extent, at the national level, the foundations have been set to put English instruction in the spotlight as a crucial discipline to the integral development of students. However, much work and resources are still needed to realize this goal. Therefore, the following recommendations are intended to advise decision-makers at universities and State Education Departments.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
In 7º§, what idea does the modal verb “may” express?
Q3069664 Inglês
Conclusions and Recommendations

    Given the panorama of English instruction in Brazil, particularly in the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, and considering the results of the surveys conducted with universities and teachers in both states, some conclusions and recommendations could be drawn.

    Nationally, English instruction has been gaining importance and visibility through curriculum reform and the new model of upper secondary school. It is an enormously significant achievement that, for the first time, English has become mandatory in all public and private schools from 6th grade onward. The BNCC offers clarity on the competencies and abilities that students should develop at each education level. However, if, on the one hand, making English compulsory was an important step, on the other hand, the implementation of this policy is still incomplete. The main issue is the limited amount of instructional time in English in the national curriculum guidelines. As the cases of Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais illustrate, the result is that students have insufficient exposure to the language, with only two classes per week in secondary schools and one class per week in upper secondary. Under these conditions, it is unlikely that learners will develop full proficiency in the language, and teachers will have the instructional time to focus on all the necessary competencies and abilities required by the BNCC.

    Another important consideration is the link between initial training for English teachers and how it interacts with the routines and challenges of the classroom. There is room for improvement when considering the mismatch between the programs of study at universities and the pedagogical practice required of English teachers and strengthened ties and communication between State Education Departments and the teacher training programs at universities.

    Universities face additional challenges, such as the low English proficiency of students in the initial training courses. Initial training institutions face difficulties in thoroughly preparing future teachers regarding language proficiency and the pedagogical elements related to being an effective teacher. In this sense, the situation can create a vicious cycle; students leave schools with a low proficiency level in English, and those who decide to take the initial training courses to become English teachers and enter universities cannot fully develop proficiency as pedagogical competencies. Therefore, they enter schools not fully prepared to be teachers and face all the challenges of a classroom.

    Another critical challenge is class size and the heterogeneity of students’ ability levels, which could limit teachers’ ability to implement some pedagogical practices, such as working with practicing speaking. This is not only a challenge faced by English teachers, but all teachers and that policymakers need to keep in mind. In addition, teachers commonly work in more than one school at a time and sometimes teach other subjects to meet the required hours of instructional time stipulated in their contracts.

   The surveys with teachers demonstrated that many have never participated in a professional development session specifically designed for English teachers. For those who have, not all considered the helpful training to improve their knowledge and practice. This points to the fact that more attention needs to be paid to the continuous training courses offered to English teachers. These training courses should be frequent and address specific challenges, taking into account the pedagogical issues and areas that English teachers identify as most critical.

    Briefly, it is important to highlight the windows of opportunity that have been opened in Brazil with the BNCC and the new upper secondary model. Through their education ministries, state governments have made significant efforts to adapt their regional curricula to the competencies and abilities listed on the BNCC and implement the first pilots and designed pathways for upper secondary schools. It remains a question of how the rest of those two processes will be implemented, but there are positive signs that English may gain more importance at a national level. At least in Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, there is already a movement to increase the importance of the discipline.

    While Minas Gerais has developed a few specific training courses for English teachers focused on improving their pedagogical knowledge through the program “Pathways for Educators” and intends to create a training pathway for upper secondary students focused in English, Mato Grosso has implemented English in all primary schools in the state and launched the program “More English,” with resources to help teachers and students. Those efforts are aligned with the national reforms and illustrate the political willingness of states to promote more actions to improve teachers’ and students’ proficiency in English.

    In these states and, to some extent, at the national level, the foundations have been set to put English instruction in the spotlight as a crucial discipline to the integral development of students. However, much work and resources are still needed to realize this goal. Therefore, the following recommendations are intended to advise decision-makers at universities and State Education Departments.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
Read the statements below.

( ) It is possible to say that the lack of continuing educational courses for English teachers influences poor pedagogical practices in school.

( ) The author expresses optimism for new pedagogical practices and teacher training in view of the changings that have taken place in curricula and educational policies.

( ) “Pathwaysfor Education” and “More English” are printed material resources developed for teachers’ pedagogical improvement.

( ) Essential foundations have been laid to position English training as a vital discipline for integral students’ development. Nevertheless, there is still a lot of work and resources needed to achieve this objective.

The sequence is correct only in 
Q3069663 Inglês
Conclusions and Recommendations

    Given the panorama of English instruction in Brazil, particularly in the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, and considering the results of the surveys conducted with universities and teachers in both states, some conclusions and recommendations could be drawn.

    Nationally, English instruction has been gaining importance and visibility through curriculum reform and the new model of upper secondary school. It is an enormously significant achievement that, for the first time, English has become mandatory in all public and private schools from 6th grade onward. The BNCC offers clarity on the competencies and abilities that students should develop at each education level. However, if, on the one hand, making English compulsory was an important step, on the other hand, the implementation of this policy is still incomplete. The main issue is the limited amount of instructional time in English in the national curriculum guidelines. As the cases of Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais illustrate, the result is that students have insufficient exposure to the language, with only two classes per week in secondary schools and one class per week in upper secondary. Under these conditions, it is unlikely that learners will develop full proficiency in the language, and teachers will have the instructional time to focus on all the necessary competencies and abilities required by the BNCC.

    Another important consideration is the link between initial training for English teachers and how it interacts with the routines and challenges of the classroom. There is room for improvement when considering the mismatch between the programs of study at universities and the pedagogical practice required of English teachers and strengthened ties and communication between State Education Departments and the teacher training programs at universities.

    Universities face additional challenges, such as the low English proficiency of students in the initial training courses. Initial training institutions face difficulties in thoroughly preparing future teachers regarding language proficiency and the pedagogical elements related to being an effective teacher. In this sense, the situation can create a vicious cycle; students leave schools with a low proficiency level in English, and those who decide to take the initial training courses to become English teachers and enter universities cannot fully develop proficiency as pedagogical competencies. Therefore, they enter schools not fully prepared to be teachers and face all the challenges of a classroom.

    Another critical challenge is class size and the heterogeneity of students’ ability levels, which could limit teachers’ ability to implement some pedagogical practices, such as working with practicing speaking. This is not only a challenge faced by English teachers, but all teachers and that policymakers need to keep in mind. In addition, teachers commonly work in more than one school at a time and sometimes teach other subjects to meet the required hours of instructional time stipulated in their contracts.

   The surveys with teachers demonstrated that many have never participated in a professional development session specifically designed for English teachers. For those who have, not all considered the helpful training to improve their knowledge and practice. This points to the fact that more attention needs to be paid to the continuous training courses offered to English teachers. These training courses should be frequent and address specific challenges, taking into account the pedagogical issues and areas that English teachers identify as most critical.

    Briefly, it is important to highlight the windows of opportunity that have been opened in Brazil with the BNCC and the new upper secondary model. Through their education ministries, state governments have made significant efforts to adapt their regional curricula to the competencies and abilities listed on the BNCC and implement the first pilots and designed pathways for upper secondary schools. It remains a question of how the rest of those two processes will be implemented, but there are positive signs that English may gain more importance at a national level. At least in Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso, there is already a movement to increase the importance of the discipline.

    While Minas Gerais has developed a few specific training courses for English teachers focused on improving their pedagogical knowledge through the program “Pathways for Educators” and intends to create a training pathway for upper secondary students focused in English, Mato Grosso has implemented English in all primary schools in the state and launched the program “More English,” with resources to help teachers and students. Those efforts are aligned with the national reforms and illustrate the political willingness of states to promote more actions to improve teachers’ and students’ proficiency in English.

    In these states and, to some extent, at the national level, the foundations have been set to put English instruction in the spotlight as a crucial discipline to the integral development of students. However, much work and resources are still needed to realize this goal. Therefore, the following recommendations are intended to advise decision-makers at universities and State Education Departments.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
Read the statements.

I. One of the aspects that impair the implementation of the new educational guidelines mentioned in the text is student’s lack of sufficient language exposure, which may lead to lower English proficiency.

II. The mismatch between the initial training of English teachers in universities and the pedagogical practices required in schools is not considered to be a key factor that jeopardizes students’ English proficiency.

III. It is clear in the text that teachers who have not fully developed English proficiency during their initial training courses may face challenges when it comes to pedagogical practices in the classroom.

IV. Students’ different levels of English proficiency is a crucial factor that could inhibit speaking activities in the classroom.

Which statement is INCORRECT? 
Q3069662 Inglês
    The report presents an overview of English teaching in Brazil, examining the main national policies that regulate and inform English language learning and how they have been implemented. In addition, the study aims to exemplify how English teaching is guided from the national level to the state and municipal level, looking particularly at the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso. The case studies in these two states examine state policies related to English, with a particular focus on teachers and their careers, from training to work routine and 20 classroom pedagogical practices.

    Based on an in-depth analysis of these two Brazilian states and the results of questionnaires conducted with universities and with teachers, this report offers a set of recommendations for improving English teaching in these two states, which can also be applied to other states or federal entities in Brazil. The aim is to consolidate these recommendations into workable and meaningful propositions with the ultimate goal of improving English teaching 25 in Brazil through better quality education led by qualified teachers.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
In line 19, which word could substitute “in-depth” (4º§) without losing meaning?
Q3069661 Inglês
    The report presents an overview of English teaching in Brazil, examining the main national policies that regulate and inform English language learning and how they have been implemented. In addition, the study aims to exemplify how English teaching is guided from the national level to the state and municipal level, looking particularly at the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso. The case studies in these two states examine state policies related to English, with a particular focus on teachers and their careers, from training to work routine and 20 classroom pedagogical practices.

    Based on an in-depth analysis of these two Brazilian states and the results of questionnaires conducted with universities and with teachers, this report offers a set of recommendations for improving English teaching in these two states, which can also be applied to other states or federal entities in Brazil. The aim is to consolidate these recommendations into workable and meaningful propositions with the ultimate goal of improving English teaching 25 in Brazil through better quality education led by qualified teachers.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
Choose the option that is true about the following sentence: “In the case of Brazil, English instruction Has Been Gaining more importance in recent years, especially with the inclusion of the subject as compulsory at the secondary level (beginning in 6th grade) in all public and private schools.” (2º§)
Q3069660 Inglês
    The report presents an overview of English teaching in Brazil, examining the main national policies that regulate and inform English language learning and how they have been implemented. In addition, the study aims to exemplify how English teaching is guided from the national level to the state and municipal level, looking particularly at the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso. The case studies in these two states examine state policies related to English, with a particular focus on teachers and their careers, from training to work routine and 20 classroom pedagogical practices.

    Based on an in-depth analysis of these two Brazilian states and the results of questionnaires conducted with universities and with teachers, this report offers a set of recommendations for improving English teaching in these two states, which can also be applied to other states or federal entities in Brazil. The aim is to consolidate these recommendations into workable and meaningful propositions with the ultimate goal of improving English teaching 25 in Brazil through better quality education led by qualified teachers.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
“There is then, a window of opportunity that is opening to improve English instruction in Brazilian education and a chance to modernize the way school is structured in the country.” (2º§)

( ) The word “opportunity” is cognate, which means it is similar to Portuguese and has the same meaning in English.

( ) The word “improve” is cognate and the word “improbable” is one of its synonyms.

( ) The word “modernize” is a cognate word. It could be substituted by the word “update”.

( ) The word “country” is a false cognate. It seems to be a type of music, but it is actually referring to places far from the city.

The sequence is correct only in:
Q3069659 Inglês
    The report presents an overview of English teaching in Brazil, examining the main national policies that regulate and inform English language learning and how they have been implemented. In addition, the study aims to exemplify how English teaching is guided from the national level to the state and municipal level, looking particularly at the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso. The case studies in these two states examine state policies related to English, with a particular focus on teachers and their careers, from training to work routine and 20 classroom pedagogical practices.

    Based on an in-depth analysis of these two Brazilian states and the results of questionnaires conducted with universities and with teachers, this report offers a set of recommendations for improving English teaching in these two states, which can also be applied to other states or federal entities in Brazil. The aim is to consolidate these recommendations into workable and meaningful propositions with the ultimate goal of improving English teaching 25 in Brazil through better quality education led by qualified teachers.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
Read the statements below.

I. A transition movement in the educational system has been happening due to facts like technology in schools, globalization, digitalization and the growing emphasis given to emotional and social abilities.

II. Bridging different people and cultures and being a highly demanded skill in the job market, the proficiency in English has become indispensable and justify the need for an excellent education in the language.

III. English language has become a mandatory subject at the secondary level in public schools and it is optional in private schools.

IV. A positive impact in the efficiency of English instruction in Brazil is believed to happen as a result of the current reforms in the educational system.

The true statements are
Q3069658 Inglês
    The report presents an overview of English teaching in Brazil, examining the main national policies that regulate and inform English language learning and how they have been implemented. In addition, the study aims to exemplify how English teaching is guided from the national level to the state and municipal level, looking particularly at the states of Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso. The case studies in these two states examine state policies related to English, with a particular focus on teachers and their careers, from training to work routine and 20 classroom pedagogical practices.

    Based on an in-depth analysis of these two Brazilian states and the results of questionnaires conducted with universities and with teachers, this report offers a set of recommendations for improving English teaching in these two states, which can also be applied to other states or federal entities in Brazil. The aim is to consolidate these recommendations into workable and meaningful propositions with the ultimate goal of improving English teaching 25 in Brazil through better quality education led by qualified teachers.

(Source: Access: October 2024.)
What is the purpose of the text?
Q3069579 Libras
Segundo Poker (2002), “Ter conhecimento sobre a história, bem como sobre as filosofias e métodos educacionais criados para os alunos com surdez, permite a compreensão da relação existente entre o comprometimento linguístico dessa população, a qualidade das suas interações interpessoais e o seu desenvolvimento cognitivo. A história serve de suporte para que seja feita uma análise crítica das consequências de cada filosofia ou método de ensino no desenvolvimento destas crianças, contextualizando as práticas vigentes”. Sobre o tema, assinale a alternativa que apresenta as abordagens de ensino na educação da pessoa surda ou com deficiência auditiva.
Q3069574 Braille
Sobre os aspectos históricos na educação de pessoas cegas ou com deficiência visual, analise as assertivas abaixo, assinalando V, se verdadeiras, ou F, se falsas.

I. No século XVIII, em Paris, Valentin Haüy fundou o Instituto Nacional dos Jovens Cegos, utilizando letras em relevo no processo de aprendizagem dos jovens internos.
II. Em 1829, o soldado Louis Braille adaptou o código militar de comunicação noturna criado por Charles Michel de L’Epée, recebendo inicialmente o nome de sonografia e, posteriormente, Braille.
III. O sistema de Braille é composto por pontos em relevo que, conforme organizados, representa as letras do alfabeto, as vogais, os numerais, símbolos matemáticos e as notas musicais, porém não é possível utilizar os sinais de pontuação, assim como a acentuação gráfica.

A ordem correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é:
Q3068832 Literatura

Leia o texto e, a seguir, responda à questão.


    A cachorra Baleia estava para morrer. Tinha emagrecido, o pelo caíra-lhe em vários pontos, as costelas avultavam num fundo róseo, onde manchas escuras supuravam e sangravam, cobertas de moscas. As chagas da boca e a inchação dos beiços dificultavam-lhe a comida e a bebida.  

   Por isso Fabiano imaginara que ela estivesse com um princípio de hidrofobia e amarrara-lhe no pescoço um rosário de sabugos de milho queimados. Mas Baleia, sempre de mal a pior, roçava-se nas estacas do curral ou metia-se no mato, impaciente, enxotava os mosquitos sacudindo as orelhas murchas, agitando a cauda pelada e curta, grossa na base, cheia de roscas, semelhante a uma cauda de cascavel.

   Então Fabiano resolveu matá-la. Foi buscar a espingarda de pederneira, lixou-a, limpou-a com o sacatrapo e fez tenção de carregá-la bem para a cachorra não sofrer muito.


RAMOS, Graciliano. Baleia. In: Vidas Secas. 82ªed. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2001. P. 85-91.

O capítulo Baleia faz parte do livro Vidas Secas de Graciliano Ramos. Esse escritor faz parte de qual movimento literário brasileiro?
721: C
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