Questões de Vestibular Sobre aspectos linguísticos | linguistic aspects em inglês

Foram encontradas 172 questões

Ano: 2019 Banca: FAINOR Órgão: FAINOR Prova: FAINOR - 2019 - FAINOR - Vestibular - 2019.1 |
Q1369463 Inglês
Analise os tempos verbais nas frases seguintes:
( )I. Ann was sat in an armchair watching television. ( )II. The police stops me on my way last night. ( )III. I’m hungry. I’m wanting something to eat. ( )IV. You’re always watched TV. You should do something more active. ( )V. Rice don’t grow in cold climates.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
Q1367098 Inglês


When superyacht chic meets hybrid technology

By Eoghan Macguire, for CNNAutor

(Disponível em: <>. Acessado em: 16/05/2012)

According to the text it is correct to affirm that

the words “emissions” (line 8), “consumption” (line 9), “production” (line 16), “completion” (line 18), and “performance” (line 36) are all nouns which respectively derive from the words “emit”, “consume”, “product”, “complete”, “perform” and “maintain” which are all verbs.

Q1367096 Inglês


When superyacht chic meets hybrid technology

By Eoghan Macguire, for CNNAutor

(Disponível em: <>. Acessado em: 16/05/2012)

According to the text it is correct to affirm that

the words “boating” (line 1), “gas-guzzling” (lines 2 and 3), “generating” (line 24), “entering” (line 28) and “taking” (line 33) are all verbs in the ING form functioning as adjectives.

Ano: 2015 Banca: FAG Órgão: FAG Prova: FAG - 2015 - FAG - Vestibular - Primeiro Semestre - Medicina |
Q1366660 Inglês
Text 2

First and Second Inaugural Addresses

    This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days. day by day.
    I see millions whose daily lives in city and on farm continue under conditions labeled indecent by a so-called polite society half a century ago.
    I see millions denied education, recreation, and the opportunity to better their lot and the lot of their children.
    I see millions lacking the means to buy the products of farm and factory and by their poverty denying work and productiveness to many other millions.
    I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished.
    It is not in despair that I paint you that picture, I paint it for you in hope – because the Nation, seeing and understanding the injustice in it, proposes to paint it out. We are determined to make every American citizen the subject of his country’s interest and concern; and we will never regard any faithful, law-abiding group within our borders as superfluous. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.
(Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
In the sentence “Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today” the verb need preceded the subject we because:
Ano: 2011 Banca: UEFS Órgão: UEFS Prova: UEFS - 2011 - UEFS - Vestibular Segundo Semestre - Dia 1 - Inglês |
Q1365152 Inglês

SCHULZ. Peanuts. Speak up. São Paulo: Peixes, 2006. p. 49.

“If there’s anyone in this world I do trust, it’s my mother!” (6th picture)

The verb do in this sentence is being used 

Ano: 2011 Banca: UEFS Órgão: UEFS Prova: UEFS - 2011 - UEFS - Vestibular Segundo Semestre - Dia 1 - Inglês |
Q1365146 Inglês

EVANS, Stephen. Disponível em:  <>. Acesso em: 2 jun. 2011.

Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:
Ano: 2010 Banca: UEFS Órgão: UEFS Prova: UEFS - 2010 - UEFS - Vestibular Segundo Semestre - Dia 1 - Inglês |
Q1354476 Inglês


BRYANT, Nick. Record blow for teenage sailor. Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 5 jun. 2010.

“We don’t want to take away from what the kid’s done” (l. 20-21). The ’s in this sentence is the
Ano: 2010 Banca: UEFS Órgão: UEFS Prova: UEFS - 2010 - UEFS - Vestibular Segundo Semestre - Dia 1 - Inglês |
Q1354469 Inglês

LONG, Gideon. Earthquake science. Disponível em:  <>. Acesso em: 6 jun. 2010.

“so they did know that they have to evacuate from dangerous structures.” (l. 14-15) The verb form did is being used in this sentence
Ano: 2008 Banca: UNIR Órgão: UNIR Prova: UNIR - 2008 - UNIR - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q1353991 Inglês
Strategic Spending on Organic Foods

Sweet bell peppers are among the vegetables high in pesticides. (Richard Drew/Associated Press)

(Extraído de Acesso em 14/09/2008.)
Sobre a função morfológica dos vocábulos no texto, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Ano: 2008 Banca: UFMT Órgão: UFMT Prova: UFMT - 2008 - UFMT - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q1353497 Inglês

 Leia atentamente o texto abaixo para responder à questão.

Em relação aos recursos lingüísticos utilizados no texto, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Ano: 2006 Banca: UFMT Órgão: UFMT Prova: UFMT - 2006 - UFMT - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q1353382 Inglês
Em relação aos recursos lingüísticos utilizados no texto, assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA.
Ano: 2006 Banca: UFMT Órgão: UFMT Prova: UFMT - 2006 - UFMT - Vestibular - Primeira Fase |
Q1353376 Inglês


Little Boy: What does your Daddy do?

Little Girl: Whatever my Momma tells him.

(JANSSEN, Arlo T. International Stories.

        New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1981.)


George: Which candidate is your wife going to vote for?

Herman: Oh, she’ll vote for the same one I do.

George: Which one is that? Herman: I don’t know yet. She’s going to tell me


(JANSSEN, Arlo T. International Stories.

        New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1981.) 

Em relação aos recursos lingüísticos utilizados no texto II, assinale a afirmativa correta.
Q1352662 Inglês

You Can Blame the Bugs

The West epitomizes individualistic, do-your-own-thing cultures, ones where the rights of the individual equal and often trump those of the group and where differences are valued. East Asian societies exalt the larger society; behavior is constrained by social roles, conformity is prized, outsiders shunned. […] But the reason a society falls where it does on the individualism-collectivism spectrum has been pretty much a mystery. Now a team of researchers has come up with a surprising explanation: disease-causing microbes. Societies that evolved in places with an abundance of pathogens, they argue, had to adopt behaviors that add up to collectivism, for reasons of sheer preservation. Societies that arose in places with fewer pathogens had the luxury of individualism, which is less effective at limiting the spread of disease but brings with it other social benefits, such as innovation. […]

    How might pathogen-fighting customs and attitudes arise, or fail to? Maybe people make conscious efforts to act in ways that inhibit the spread of pathogens, such as by shunning strangers and demanding conformity. Or maybe there are genes for behaviors that, at the level of a whole society, manifest themselves as collectivism or individualism, and genes for individualism get wiped out in diseaseplagued regions. But when East Asians move to the West or Westerners go East, […] they begin to see, think and behave like people in their adopted society. That would be hard to do if they were in the grip of collectivist or individualistic genes. The presence of pathogens also predicts cross-cultural differences in personality traits, not just shared cultural values. […] The physical world has shaped skin color and other superficial features. The next frontier is fathoming how it might have shaped our very thoughts and values. 

Sharon Begley, Newsweek, April 14th, 2008
The roots of the words ‘individualistic’, ‘behavior’ ‘conformity’, ‘collectivism’, and ‘explanation’ in TEXT C are respectively
Q1352655 Inglês

Written in March

The cock is crowing,
The stream is flowing,
The small birds twitter,
The lake doth glitter,
The green field sleeps in the sun;
The oldest and youngest
Are at work with the strongest;
The cattle are grazing,
Their heads never raising;
There are forty feeding like one!

Like an army defeated
The snow hath retreated,
And now doth fare ill
On the top of the bare hill;
The ploughboy is whooping-anon-anon
There’s joy in the mountains;
There’s life in the fountains;
Small clouds are sailing,
Blue sky prevailing;
The rain is over and gone!

By: William Wordsworth

Vocabulary: Hath = has; doth = does; fare ill = to do badly; ploughboy = a country boy; whooping = cry of joy; anon = soon
The words which indicate some form of water in TEXT A are:
Q1351101 Inglês
Down on the Farmville

Adapted from <>. [25/3/2010].
Choose the alternative in which the information about the words and expressions from the text is correct.

The relative pronoun “whom” (line 31) is used instead of “who” because it comes after preposition.
Ano: 2012 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2012 - MACKENZIE - Vestibular 2013 - Primeiro Semestre - Grupos II e III |
Q1350702 Inglês

The following text refers to question:

The verb that properly fills in blank I in the text is
Ano: 2011 Banca: UEM Órgão: UEM Prova: UEM - 2011 - UEM - Vestibular - PAS - Etapa 1 - Inglês |
Q1350278 Inglês


The History of the Motion Picture
Who invented Cinema, the Camera, or Film?

(Adapted from a text available at es.htm. Accessed on 02/6/2011, at 9h15min)

Choose the correct alternative according to the text.

The “ing” in the word “making” (line 10) forms a noun, and the “ing” in the word “paying” (line 27) forms an adjective. 

Ano: 2011 Banca: UEM Órgão: UEM Prova: UEM - 2011 - UEM - Vestibular - PAS - Etapa 2 - Inglês |
Q1350065 Inglês


A brief history of Facebook

(Adapted from a text available at newmedia. Accessed on 02/6/2011, at 9h10min) 

Choose the correct alternative according to the text.

The words “programmer” (line 3), “users” (line 43), and “founder” (line 51) all refer to someone responsible for performing the actions related to these verbs.

Ano: 2017 Banca: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Órgão: MACKENZIE Prova: Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - 2017 - MACKENZIE - vestibular |
Q1349448 Inglês
Which of the alternatives below are acceptable in English?

I. She would like me to speak to her mother.
II. We want he goes to England with us.
III. They asked that she study more.
IV. He would rather to traveling in winter.
V. I think people should avoid speaking too loud in public.
Q1346691 Inglês

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Muitos verbos em inglês consistem em duas partes: um verbo “base” (tais como bring, take, go, come) acompanhados de uma preposição ou de uma partícula adverbial (tais como up, down, out, in, off). No segundo quadro da tirinha, foi retirada a palavra que acompanha o verbo GO. A preposição que completa o sentido do verbo na fala do personagem é

21: E
22: E
23: E
24: C
25: E
26: B
27: B
28: B
29: E
30: A
31: E
32: D
33: D
34: A
35: C
36: E
37: C
38: C
39: E
40: D